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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 203
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Chapter 53: Ayla

It had been three weeks since I had stepped back from the Waar Pak investigation. It had

been hard at first. I kept feeling like I was being left out, which would manifest in mood

swings. Theo would update me on anything I needed to know, which helped some. He still

hadn’t been able to get much out of Lloyd, but we weren’t surprised that the process

would take a while.

Eventually, I settled into a normal routine that kept me busy enough that I could keep my

mind off of the things I wasn’t doing. I was still working on my dad’s research with

Professor Armand, but other than that, I hadn’t touched Harry’s journal or anything else. I

was fi Recharge successful! with school and really starting to enjoy my classes. I was even

making more friends on campus.

However, there was one thing that had been off.

I was still getting sick.

Ever since that night with Lloyd, I had been nauseous frequently. At first, it wasn’t that

bad, and I chalked it up to stress and knowing he was still there. I had started using some

herbal remedies that had helped for the most part, but for the past couple of days, it had

gotten worse.

“Okay, Ayla,” Maggie said from outside the stall door as I hung my head over the toilet.

“It’s time to face it.”

“I know. I know,” I groaned, flushing the contents of my stomach down the drain.

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I left the stall and rinsed my mouth at the sink while Maggie offered me a cool, damp

paper towel for my face.

“We’ll stop by the pharmacy on the way back,” she said. “When is Alpha done today?”

“He said he wouldn’t be back until late,” I said, sounding more bitter than I had meant.

He hadn’t been working late a lot, but he always seemed to have bad timing when he did.

With me being sick, Dasha had been in a weird mood that had us both feeling unusually

clingy. So, when Theo wasn’t close by, I would get annoyed, especially since he had been

evasive about where he had been going. He said he was working on a project with the

company from the office in the city while Harmon was still in town. But whenever I asked, I

could feel something through our bond. It made me feel like he was hiding something.

I didn’t like it.

“Let’s go, Luna,” Maggie said, hooking her arm in mine. “It’s time to get some answers.”

I let Maggie drive because my stomach was still queasy. We had made our pit stop and

were back home in my suite in less than an hour. I immediately flopped down on the

couch, trying to breathe through the nausea.

“Nuh–uh,” Maggie said as she dropped the paper bag on my Jap. “Go. Now.”

Thuffed dramatically. Dragging myself off the couch, I carried the bag to the hall bathroom

with me. I shut the door and pulled out the box with the pregnancy test. I looked at it in

my hands and a wave of emotions flooded through me.

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Chapter 53: Ayla

288 Vouchers

I didn’t know why I had been avoiding this. Maybe because I didn’t know how I would feel

about the results.

No. That’s not true. I knew how I would feel.

I would be ecstatic to be having Theo’s pup. Over the last few weeks especially, he had

shown me just how amazing he would be as a father. He had been taking care of me so

well. And I knew how much having kids meant to him. Not to mention what it would mean

to his parents. I would be over the moon to be able to give Torin his wish.

But there was anxiety there as well.

Despite the break from the Waar Pak investigation, I still knew the threat was still very

real. It felt like I constantly had a target on my back. It felt irresponsible to have a pup

while that kind of danger loomed over our heads.

And what if I wasn’t? Sure, getting pregnant on your first heat after a mating wasn’t

guaranteed, but it was pretty damn common. If I wasn’t, then what if that meant

something was wrong? I had been taking wolfsbane for over a week when I went into heat.

What if that did something to prevent it?

I guess that didn’t matter at this point. All I could do was take the test, get the results, and

go from there.

I tore the box open and grabbed the stick. When I was done, I carried it back out to the

living room without even looking at

1. it.

“We have a few minutes before it’s ready,” I said when Maggie looked at me expectantly.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I set the test stick on the coffee table face down and paced,

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chewing on a fingernail as I did so. Dasha was practically giggling in the back of my mind.

‘Well, you’re not telling me anything,‘ I shot at her.

‘Not sure,‘ she replied.

Although I had a feeling that wasn’t true. Ever since Maggie had suggested I could be

pregnant a week ago, she had been acting smug whenever I asked her what she felt. Even

though she would deny knowing anything. Werewolves had shorter pregnancies than

humans like the way we healed faster, our pups developed faster as well so she should

have been able to tell something by now.

“It’s going to be okay, Luna,” Maggie assured me. “This is a good thing. Great, even.”

I sighed with a light laugh. “I know,” I said.

She came over and grabbed my hands. “Can I tell you a secret?”

I nodded.

“I kind of really hope that you are,‘ she said almost giddily with a broad smile.

My face quickly mirrored hers as I admitted my own feelings to myself. “Me too.”

She glanced at her watch. “It’s time.”

I nodded and took a deep breath. “You do it.”

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Maggie leaned over and picked up the device, turning it over

to read the result.

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