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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 225
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Chapter 75: Theo

‘Get them,’ I commanded as Kieran took off.

Kai and Briggs were right behind us as we darted through the trees. The mind-link was still

open and I saw Jimmy leap into action. His wolf taking Malcolm to the ground in a matter

of seconds. Kieran burst into the clearing minutes later, growling as he advanced on the

traitor. Hawkins was yelling at us as Briggs grabbed hold of him. He hadn’t shifted

whereas the torn seams of Malcolm’s shirt indicated he had tried to.

I shifted back into my human form, forcing Kieran back. Jimmy shifted too, yanking

Malcolm up by his hair to kneel on the ground, holding him firmly in place as three more of

my men joined us.

“I’d like to say I’m surprised to find you here, Malcolm,” I said menacingly, “but I’m not

really. I’d also like to say I’m not pleased about what will happen next” – I knelt down to

look him in the eye- “but I’m not.” I stood and turned away. “Take him to the precinct.”

“Alpha Theo,” Hawkins pled, “wait, it’s not what you think. I was trying to get the evidence

we ta…”

“I know exactly what you were doing, Hawkins,” I spat. “What part of house arrest didn’t

you understand?” I got in his face. “Malcolm was right. You’re a fool if you ever believed I

would betray my mate. You may think you have some kind of da mning evidence against

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her, but I promise you, you’re wrong.” I looked to Briggs. “Take him to the precinct. Arrest

him for treason.”

“But Alpha… wait… I…”

Briggs and Jimmy handed their captives off to the other warriors. I watched as they were

dragged away, Hawkins yelling the whole way. I worked to suppress my anger. It had taken

a lot not to execute them where they stood.

But Malcolm wasn’t my pack member.

‘Mina, tell me you got that recorded.’

‘I think we did,’ she replied. ‘It’s still a new process, but it looks like we got it.

“This is going to require a little diplomacy,” Briggs said. “Charles isn’t just going to sit by

about this. It was one thing to have his niece fired from your project. Executing his

nephew is an entirely different matter

“The Waar P ak will be scrambling now. I have a feeling this will force them to take action

on whatever they had planned,” I said. “I think we can use this to our advantage.”

The three of us shifted back into our wolves and made for the packhouse. I needed to get

dressed and get Harden and Kingston. I

would need them on my side for this. We stopped

side for this. We stopped at one of the sheds at the back of the packhouse and grabbed

some clothes. I was relieved to see Alpha Harden and Alpha Cooper waiting in the lobby.

“We heard everything,” Harden said as we joined them. He touched the back of his neck.

“I will say, these little devices you’ve made are quite impressive. When this is over, I think

we should talk some business.”

The corner of my mouth twitched. “When this is over, I’d be happy to.”

“I sent Randy back out into the field,” Cooper said. “Once word reaches Charles about his

nephew, the Waar P ak lines of communication will be busy. I’m confident we’ll learn



I nodded. “Good. I had them brought to the precinct for questioning. I don’t want either of

them anywhere near the cellar. Besides, there’s no way of keeping this a secret.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ayla, Maggie, and Mina enter the lobby.

“We’ll head over there now,” Harden replied. “You’ll need the witnesses.”

“Thank you,” I said. “I’ll be there shortly. I need to speak with my Luna for a moment.”

They all moved to leave, but I caught Alpha Harden’s arm before he left.

“There’s something else I need from you,” I said once we were alone. “I need some

advice… from an experienced Alpha. And with my dad gone, I was hoping you could help.”

“It would be an honor,” Harden replied kindly.

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“I don’t want my time as the pack Alpha to begin with an execution,” I said quietly. “But I

don’t see any way of avoiding it.”

Harden placed a hand on my shoulder. “Unfortunately, you may be right, son. But this will

ensure your pack’s safety going forward. Any Alpha that hasn’t already chosen a side will

think twice when the time comes.”

“I know,” I said. “I understand what this will do for my reputation. The message it will send

to our enemies. And even to my pack, but…” — I glanced at Ayla, talking quietly with her

cousin – “something doesn’t sit right starting our leadership with violence.”

“Violence was brought upon you, Theo,” Harden insisted. “Whatever actions you take now

were not forced upon you. Show mercy where you can, but the best thing you can do, is

start your rule with a victory.”

I nodded. Harden squeezed my shoulder before heading out of the packhouse. I went to

Ayla and pulled her into my arms.

“This will end soon,” I told her. “I promise.”

“Mina was able to get the recording we needed,” she replied. “I’m going to reach out to a

few of the Luna’s I met at the Gathering. If this conspiracy is going to come out in the

light, it’s time I built my own army. I’ll be personally inviting them to join their mates to

the meetings.”

I smiled. “Brilliant as always.

“Also, I’d like to speak with Hawkins,” she requested. “I think it’s time he heard my side of

whatever stories he’s been fed.”
