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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate by Sumi

Chapter 27
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Chapter 0027 ASHANTI'S POV.

"All done!" The make-up artist in charge ofannounces cheerfully. I'm staring at my reflection. in the mirror, unable to recognise myself. The make-up is too much, too wild, too bright. I hate it! But the other girls seem to adore it because of how they are gushing at their reflections in the mirrors in front of them.

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I let out a sigh and stand up from the chair I'm sitting on. My eyes sight another thing forto abhor. My outfit.

It's a very short dress that hugs every inch of my body it covers and ends far above my knees. It's made of a shimmery red fabric. It's strapless, with a sweetheart neckline that shows way too much. cleavage and is matched with a pair of red talons.

I look like a h**r.

The only thing that stopsgauging out my eyes. is the fact that every other girl in here is dressed just like me. "Alright girls, I can see everyone is ready. It's tto show those men what we taught you all today. Con now..." She's clapping her hands as she gestures to us to ccloser to her. The entire room is filled with the sound of clicking heels as the girls scamper towards her. "The men have arrived at the lounge and everything you need to serve them has been set on a central table. You'll see it once you go in. Now, you all remember to be on your best behaviors and give them anything they want, okay?" "Yes Ma'am." A chorus response.

"Now, follow me." She leads the way out of the dressing room. The girls giggle as they follow her out, salready recounting how much fun they are going to have. I'm the last person to leave the room and once I'm in the hallway, I fight my urge to take the other direction and escape from this hell.

The lounge is a long and wide dimly lit room which has got sofas lined up on both ends, occupied by the men we will be serving. The moment we walk in, their faces light up and seven rise to their feet. as they rake their eyes all over our exposed bodies. Music is blasting from the speakers standing at various corners of the room and the entire pace smells like everything bad.

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The girls head to the table the t d talked about and sof them start with serving duties. I stand at a corner of the room and watch in disgust as they effortlessly interact with the men who are grinning like fools. My eyes scan the entire place. and I sigh in relief when I see no sign of Alpha Reagan.

"Hey, Ashanti. Don't just stand there doing nothing. Get to work!" One of the girls hisses atas she picks up a glass of wine from the table and walks over to a man who is smiling at her.

I better get to work. Miss Lisa definitely has eyes on me. Sucking in I a deep breath, I brace myself for the worse and head to the table to grab a E glass of wine. I look around, trying to spot anyone who's not drinking and when I see a man, I head over to him. with the glass in my hand.

"Hi." I greet shyly when I step before him. Luckily for me, he isn't old. He is a strikingly handsyoung man. He looks up atand flashesa smile. "Do you care for a drink?" I ask over the blasting music It's really loud here, but we can communicate without having to shout out our words because of our heightened sense of hearing as Lycans and werewolves.

"I was hoping you'd notice me." He grins as takes. the drink from my hand and takes a big sip. I fura to? leave, but feel his hold on my wrist, stoppingfrom moving. I quickly spin around and look at him with worried filled eyes. X