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The Mech Touch (Web Novel)

Chapter 1582: Owing A Deb
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Ever since Ves received the Mech Designer System, he became astounded by how much it was capable of. It could materialize objects out of nothing, integrate a lot of knowledge in his mind, transport his consciousness back into the past and more.

Yet one question always haunted him in the back of his mind.

Where did the System obtain all of the resources and energy to accomplish these reality-bending feats?

Someone as paranoid as Ves never took the System for granted. The more wonders it showed off, the more suspicious he became at the price he needed to pay.

"Nothing comes for free. Not even the System is exempt from this rule."

Now, the truth came out.

Whether the System had always intended to end its so-called 'introductory period' once one of his designs earned him 1,000,000 DP or not, Ves would have exhausted its generosity at some point or another.

The System finally had enough of his easy earnings and his lavish spending. It turned out that the bills he racked up in using the System had never been forgiven. The System only deferred his debt to the future.

Once Ves finished venting his latest bout of anger, he stopped bashing his System comm against the toilet bowl and began to process what he learned.

"Earning a lot of DP won't be as easy as before. Many offerings have also become more expensive."

It was impossible for him to retain the same level of benefits at his current stage. Only when he advanced to Senior or Master and became incredibly good at designing mechs would he be able to reach the same level of prosperity as before.

Ves always considered Design Points to be a fantasy currency. The System never explained what it represented and why it rose in response to his achievements. It turned out that the sales volume of his products wasn't as important as he thought.

At the very least, the System cared much more about creating new mech designs than profiting off existing ones.

The result was that Ves could no longer rely on designing a single extremely successful mech like the Desolate Soldier and sit back for a decade while the DP kept rolling in as more and more copies got sold.

"This also puts an end to profiting from selling virtual mechs." He muttered.

Selling virtual mechs had always been a source of great DP income to Ves. Even though the System capped its income to 250,000 DP for up-to-date mech designs, that was still a hefty bonus!

The drastic changes in the System's remuneration schemes essentially meant that Ves would have to keep designing mechs regardless of the commercial success he enjoyed.

Such an abrupt transition did not seem entirely unfounded.

Low-ranking mech designers predominantly obsessed over earning money to fund their careers. Regardless of their abilities, as long as they weren't able to earn any money, they could forget about progressing further!

High-ranking mech designers no longer shared those concerns. Any casual mech they designed was bound to sell. While Journeymen and Seniors still cared about their earnings, they cared even more about their progression.

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The System's changes directly reflected this change in priorities. Incentivizing Ves to keep designing mechs was an indirect way of encouraging him to remain on the correct path.

"This also means that I shouldn't waste too much time on designing variants."

Designing variants may enhance his sales and business success, but did not yield that much design experience and DP to him. Only when he designed original mechs did he feel as if he gained the most in terms of progressing his design philosophy.

Now, it had also turned into his primary source of DP income if he interpreted the System correctly.

"Designing lots of mechs has been my intention anyway." He grumbled. "Were you worried that I would stop being so diligent just because I wanted to wait until the next mech generation has commenced?"

Ves could have designed more original mechs in the same amount of time if he focused his full efforts in doing so. However, he did not regret the way he spent his time in the past few years.

He experienced so much and learned a lot from his various adventures and experiences.

For example, Ves would have never developed such an enormous repertoire of spiritual techniques if he didn't get inspired by various circumstances.

"Well, whatever. What's done is done. I can only accept this new reality."

The main problem that underpinned his relationship with the System was that he held no leverage at all. He was completely at the mercy of the whims of the System.

Perhaps the only reason the System hadn't taken complete advantage of him was because of the deterrent of his mother.

"She definitely holds some leverage over it or tampered with it somehow." He guessed.

Aside from this, what stood out to him was that the System kept reminding him of his long-stalled Supply Missions.

To be honest, Ves had nearly forgotten about them entirely. For the System to remind him of their existence meant that it really wanted to absorb those exceptionally rare exotics!

"It seems like I can't derive too much benefit from you unless I sate your hunger, is that what you're trying to tell me, System?"

Ves owed a debt to the System, simple as that. As a fair, honest and principled mech designer, he did not entirely object to the notion of paying back what he owed.

"It's just that you're demanding a lot. I still haven't heard anything about the materials you've mentioned in your Supply Missions, let alone get anywhere close to getting them into my possession!"

To be honest, he hadn't tried very hard in searching for them. He hadn't even approached Gloriana to help him in tracking down the required materials.

He was deeply afraid that if the Five Scrolls Compact got a hold of this list, they would instantly figure out that he held their long-lost Metal Scroll or something!

"Maybe too much caution is not a good thing." He crossed his arms and adjusted his posture on his toilet. "I don't know what other surprises the System will spring on me if I keep stalling those Supply Missions."

One final detail about the changes came to mind. Perhaps it had listened to his thoughts and ramblings, because his approved user status had given him the right to allow others to access the System.

How exactly, he didn't know. Would they have to approach Ves every time they wanted to access its interface? Would they receive their own System comms?

Whatever the case, the introduction of Access Management meant that the System tacitly approved of his intention of allowing others to benefit from the System. The only caveat was that he would have to pay for all of their DP spending.

"Everything depends on earning DP! Without DP, this function is useless!"

He couldn't help but notice that Ves currently accumulated a bit over 1,000,000 DP. This was just enough to exchange for the right to extend access to a single person.

"What a coincidence." Ves harrumphed.

How much energy and resources did it cost for the System to extend access to another user? Probably not that much. This meant that the System profited immensely every time Ves introduced another guest user!

Paying such a high price was especially grievous to Ves because the guest users benefited from the System at his expense!

The more people he introduced, the higher his total spending burden.

Fortunately, Ves never intended to extend the System to too many people. At most, he only considered turning Gloriana and possibly their heirs into guest users. That would not amount to too many people.

As for extending guest access to people outside of his immediate family?

"Hahaha!" He laughed. "I would never do such a stupid thing!"

Once he went over the implications, Ves reflected over what they all meant to him. How should he use the System in the future?

"I'll just continue to use it in moderation like I always have."

He eventually realized that even if the System curtailed his spending, it did not impact his current trajectory very much. All the regular Skills and Items no longer held that much attraction to him at his current level, though they might still be useful to any potential guest users.

What Ves truly valued from the System at this point was that it granted him the opportunity to obtain rare and valuable things.

The copy of the Amastendira was one of the amazing items he obtained from the System. The Grand Dynamo Elixir he obtained after redeeming a radiant lottery ticket was another life-changing prize!

The System also continued to offer him access to lots of smaller valuables such as Attribute Candies which he could redeem in order to empower the people around him. Their ease of use and lack of side effects made them far more preferable to any genetic modification treatments!

Such fantastic benefits that far exceeded anything he could obtain by himself. For this reason, Ves still had a need for it despite his ambivalence over its origin and its motives.

"I don't really need anything from the System at this moment. I should just let it be. I'm not in a hurry to grant Gloriana guest usage rights either."

He still wasn't sure whether his relationship with Gloriana would work out. Even though she seemed more than willing to commit herself to him, her family might not agree.

Only until he earned the Wodin Dynasty's approval would he be willing to rethink his choice.

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"I have enough of sitting here. I should get ready for work."

After Ves freshened himself up, he met with Gloriana downstairs for breakfast.

As they enjoyed their sumptuous meals, Gloriana quickly noticed something different about her boyfriend.

"What's wrong, Ves? You look kind of weary today. Did you have a good rest?"

Ves sipped his coffee and sighed. "It's nothing."

"Your current condition doesn't look like nothing."

"To be honest, a change took place that I'm not entirely pleased with. I can't really describe it to you at this moment."

She quickly grew more concerned. "Is it related to your design philosophy?"

"You don't have to worry about that." Ves smiled to reassure her. "I'm still as capable in designing mechs as before. It's just that some of my future plans require some adjustments."


As they continued to eat breakfast, an idea suddenly came to mind.

One of the limitations the System imposed on him was a cap on the amount of Skills he could redeem from the Skill Tree.

Right now, he simply acquired too many Skills. The System outright blocked him from acquiring more.

Fortunately, it also gave him two potential ways to raise this cap.

One method was to complete a Supply Mission.

Another method was to increase his Intelligence.

Recalling the reason for Gloriana's insane 2.4 Intelligence score, Ves began to take an entirely new interest in cranial implants.

As long as he could bump his Intelligence at her level, he would probably be able to compensate for his overdraft in Skills! He might even be able to open up some breathing room to acquire additional Skills!

This was very important to Ves as many of the Skills and Sub-Skills offered by the System were extremely rare and difficult to obtain through conventional channels.

In addition, some knowledge could only be obtained through practice and experience. It was very difficult for Ves to learn them from a textbook.

As long as Ves could find a way to safely and securely install an implant into his head, his capacity to absorb knowledge from the System would probably receive an enormous boost!

The Archimedes Rubal he obtained from the Starlight Megalodon seemed exceptionally suitable for this purpose! Though it wasn't very versatile, it excelled in storing lots of data!


"Yes, honey?"

"Do you happen to know a trustworthy biotech expert who is good at installing cranial implants?"