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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 921
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Hailey's eyes bulged with fury, her face flushed a deep shade of crimson as Vivienne backed her into a wall, her entire body pressed against the cold surface, lifted off her feet. She was moments away from choking, her breaths short and panicked.

Drake's face was a mask of fear. "Vivienne, have you lost your mind? You're gonna kill your aunt?" he shrieked, rushing to pry Vivienne's hands away. But a glare from Vivienne sent him freezing in place, his legs wobbling like jelly.

His finger trembled as he pointed at Vivienne. "If you kill Aunt Hailey, I swear I'll call the cops on you! You're insane, Vivienne, a complete lunatic!" Seeing Vivienne being bullied by Hailey had secretly thrilled him, a perverse joy he hadn't felt in a long while. But now, with Vivienne on the verge of doing the unthinkable, his courage faltered.

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Hailey, struggling for air, her hands flailing and feet kicking in desperation, couldn't utter a single word.

Vivienne's voice was icy, devoid of emotion. "Hailey, this is the last tyou hurt me. There won't be a next time." With that, she released Hailey, who collapsed to the floor, gasping for air, her face pale.

Hailey, wheezing on the ground, glared up at Vivienne. "I'll have my brother kick you out of the Linklaters!" she rasped.

"And who will you have kicked out?" ca stern voice from behind. Yorick, leaning on his cane, slowly made his way forward. Upon seeing Yorick, Hailey's eyes filled with tears, her voice breaking as she sobbed, "Grandpa, Vivienne nearly strangled me! She's determined to kill me. You mustn't let her stay with the Linklaters!" "It's either her orin the Linklater family!" Yorick's gaze darkened as he looked down at Hailey sprawling on the floor. "What else do you wantto do?" Vivienne stood calm, her demeanor unshaken.

Hailey, wiping her tears, her eyes burning with vengeance, declared, "From now on, the Linklaters will not acknowledge Vivienne as part of this family. Her mother, Sasha, might have married into this family, but she is not welcome. She's banned from stepping foot in this house!" Drake, standing by Yorick, pleaded, "Dad, Aunt Hailey is telling the truth. Vivienne really did try to kill her. She wouldn't listen to me!" "People like her can't stay with the Linklaters. Who knows if she might hurt someone else in the family?" "Dad, I agree with Aunt Hailey. You have to kick Vivienne out!" Drake was visibly agitated, a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through him.

Just then, Arthur stormed in, furious. "Who are you saying we should kick out?!" he roared, grabbing Drake by the neck and lifting him with the sease Vivienne had shown.

Drake, terrified and trembling, begged for help, his fear palpable.

Yorick, with a heavy sigh, commanded, "Arthur, put your brother down. We need to deal with Vivienne first." Arthur, still fuming, dropped Drake to the floor. The impact sent waves of pain through Drake's body, and before he could catch his breath, Yorick's cane cdown hard on his back, drawing a gasp of pain.

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Yorick's disappointment was evident. "Fool, this discussion does not involve you. Back to your room, and stay out of sight!" Drake, humiliated and in pain, struggled to his feet, shooting Vivienne a resentful glance before limping away from the grand hall of the Linklater family home.

Left with Vivienne and Hailey, the latter's eyes filled with desperation. "Brother, won't you stand by me? Do our years of companionship mean less to you than the short tVivienne has been here?" Yorick's tone was firm. "Hailey, though my twith Vivienne has been brief, I know she's not one to act without cause." "Vivienne, what happened to cause these injuries?" Yorick had noticed Vivienne's wounds upon entering, concern etching his features.

Grandpa George had never laid a finger on Vivienne, his beloved granddaughter. So, when he discovered that Aunt Hailey, who wasn't even as close to him as the dirt under his boots, had dared to et harm Vivienne, his blood boiled with Wo a fury hotter than a Texas summer.

Content belongs to en.swArthur, his face flushed with rage, turned Vivienne toward him. The sight of the bruises adorning her skin and the shocking scars marring her beautiful face ignited an uncontrollable fire within him, akin to a lion provoked beyond pot He reached out, attempting to touch her gently, only for Vivienne to turn her head away, evading his touch. Content belongs to en.swArthur's heart clenched painfully, as if a heavyweight boxer had delivered a knockout punch directly to his chest, leaving him overwhelmed with sorrow and helplessness. His eyes turned cold and sharp like the blade of a well-honed knife, and his aura bristled with a tangi and his animosity. Seizing Hailey O the collar, unable to contain his outrage, he demanded, "What gives you the right to harm my daughter? I've never even so much as pulled her hair in anger, and you dare to leave her face in such a state?!" Content belongs to en.swHailey shivered slightly but quickly reverted to her nauseatingly self-righteous demeanor, her tone arrogant and dismissive, "If you, as her father, fail to discipline her properly, then it falls upon me, her aunt, to teach her a lesson!" Arthur's grip on her collar tightened, his anger boiling over as he cursed, "What a load of crap! My daughter is perfect the way she is. What business is it of yours to 'discipline' her? You're nothing but trouble, a curse upon this earth!" Hailey's face turned a shade of purple, her palms slapping against the floor in a futile attempt to free herself as she gasped, "Arthur, you're going too far! Is this how your father taught you to behave? Wishing death upon me?!" Just then, hands gently but firmly stopped Arthur's actions. Sasha, with her tender yet resolute gaze, signaled him to calm down. Her eyes, full of understanding and compassion, reminded him that violence wasn't the answer.

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