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The More the Merrier

Chapter 1020
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Chapter 1020

“Is your father awake yet, Benjamin?” Mary asked worriedly as she was concerned about


Benjamin looked at her and said, “Not yet. He won't be waking up so soon.”

Mary nodded in response.

“Come over here and have lunch,” Arissa called out to them while serving the food.

All six of the kids were seated together and quietly eating their food.

“You should eat a little more,” Arissa reminded Benjamin while topping up his plate.

Benjamin nodded and did the same for her. “You need to eat more as well.”

Arissa's lips curled into a smile. For some reason, the food seemed to taste better after he

did that.

Mary and the six kids were grinning at each other after seeing the couple's lovey-dovey


Arissa was flustered when she saw their reaction and hung her head to continue eating.

Benjamin was under a lot of stress at first, but he felt a lot better when he saw her

blushing slightly.

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Arissa turned to look at him when she felt his scorching gaze, only to see him smiling at

her while staring affectionately into her eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat as she quickly blinked and averted her gaze.

The smile on Benjamin's lips grew even wider when he saw that.

Nobody said a word as they continued having lunch, and yet, there was an unmistakable

warm feeling in the air around them.

Shaun was making his rounds when he saw them having lunch. “What's this? Are you guys

having lunch without me?”

Arissa turned around and motioned for him to come over. “Come join us, Mr. Bailey! We've

only just started eating a while ago!”

Shaun glanced at Benjamin and replied with a chuckle, “I was just kidding! You guys carry

on. I'll go take a look at Old Mr. Graham and have lunch with Kingsley later.”

“Mr. Watts is still here?”

Arissa was surprised to hear that Kingsley was still at the hospital.

“Yup! He's taking a nap in my office right now!” Shaun replied while walking off.

“Aren't you going to join us for lunch, Mr. Bailey?” Gavin asked, prompting the other kids

to look at him curiously as well.

“No, I still have work to do.”

Shaun winked at them as he turned around and left.

“We have a lot of food, though. Mr. Bailey could've joined us for lunch!” Jesse exclaimed

with a pout.

Benjamin shot her a glance and topped up her plate with a slice of meat. “Mr. Bailey is a

busy man. Now, hurry up and eat your food.”

“Okay!” Jesse grinned as she carried on eating.

Benjamin felt a warm sensation in his heart as he watched her happily munch away. He

then topped up the plates of his five other kids with some salad.

As for himself, Benjamin was full after having a plate of pasta and a bowl of soup.

“You guys carry on. I'll go check on Dad,” Benjamin told Arissa and the others as he wiped

his mouth and stood up.

Arissa looked up at him in surprise. “You're full already?”

Benjamin nodded. “Yeah.”

He then gave her a gentle flick on the forehead before walking off.

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Arissa was staring blankly at him as he slowly disappeared from sight. It wasn't until the

kids teased her that she snapped out of her dazed state and retracted her gaze.

“Mr. Graham isn't there anymore, Mommy. What are you still staring at?” Oliver asked with

a snicker.

“Mommy's eyes were totally glued to Mr. Graham!” Jasper chimed in as well.

Arissa couldn't help but let out a helpless sigh when she heard them teasing her.

She then put on a stern expression to hide her embarrassment as she asked, “How dare

you kids laugh at me, huh? You want me to give you all a spanking?”

The two boys giggled and kept quiet after that.

Gavin, Zachary, and Tim were grinning from ear to ear when they saw how shy Arissa was


“You've got stars in your eyes, Mommy!” Jesse mumbled with food in her mouth.

Arissa grabbed a paper towel and wiped the corner of her mouth. “Don't talk while

chewing your food. You're lucky your daddy isn't here to catch you doing that!”

Jesse stuck her tongue out and flashed her a smug grin. “Mr. Graham wouldn't mind!”

Arissa's eyelids twitched when she heard that. “Hmph...”

Benjamin stopped being strict toward Jesse ever since he found out that she's a girl. He

used to reprimand me for being too lenient with Jesse, but now, he is being even more

lenient toward her!