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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 226
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001 Ayla “Ayla, honey, can you come sit down with us? We want to talk with you.” Dad called out for me. Hopefully, they finally decided | ‘could go and live with Dad's parents at the White Oak pack. | had been begging them to let me go for a year after all. | started asking them the day after David rejected me for being the runt of the pack I remember smelling him and recognizing him as my mate, | was beyond happy. Grandma's words rang in my mind. “The Moon Goddess does not make mistakes in whom she pairs together” me, 53 David is right | have been the runt of the pack. Dads great grandmother is a rare human mate. Grandma is a werewolf as is my dad, his brothers. and sister. She was mated to my Grandpa Alpha Quinn and a very powerful werewolf. Dad is big even for a wolf. Everyone else in my family is either big or average-sized for a wolf. Then there is me, After shifting, | can pass for a regular wolf. always know that some pack members are whispering behind my back. But | get lucky, Mom is the only pack doctor and after refusing to be Uncle Cedric's Beta to move in with the Bloodtail pack, Dad became the pack's lead warrior. They are well- respected. And the Alpha's son and future Alpha is one of my best friends.

It at least stops the other pack members from gossiping too much. So when | found out the morning of his eighteenth Birthday.

that he indeed was my mate, like | had been hoping for most of my life, and even more.

0.00% 1158 001 Ayla 17 288 Vouchers when | didn't find my mate when | tumed eighteen, nine months before he did, | was over the moon. | remember Willow my wolf going crazy when we sensed David walking up to us. And when he spoke the thirteen words no wolf ever wants to hear, | felt my heart shatter as Willow closed herself off from me.

“I, David Birch, reject you, Ayla Hemmig, as my mate and future Luna Rejecting me in the pack kitchen, so that everyone could hear. To make matters worse, he felt the need to explain why he would reject his best. friend “You're a sweet girl. Ayla. You would make an Omega very happy. But how could the runt of the pack ever be the Luna we.


Soon after, he started avoiding me, being short with me like it was my fault that his mate was the runt of the pack as he put it. Of course, this caused the other members of my pack to bully me. They respected my family too much to get physical but their words hurt too. That was why 1-wanted to live with my grandparents. Their pack was different They would all accept me. As a ‘small unmated wolf, because | was sure | would never want a chosen mate. Second-chance mates are for those who lost their mates. Not wolves that got rejected like me.

Deep in thought, | made my way to the kitchen to join my parents at the kitchen table. Mom looked sad and Dad looked conflicted. He held a letter in his hand. Instantly | recognized the royal seal. So the rumors were true Crown Prince Griffin would pick a chosen mate. On his first 2234% 1159 001 Ayla 288 Vouchers Birthday, he got the mark showing his fated mate died before they met. In four years, he was supposed to rule the land and all the werewolf packs taking over from his father and mother. He needed a Queen by his side to do so. Rumors had been spreading he was inviting all unmated she-wolves from eighteen to thirty to come to a ball, where he would choose his chosen mate, “The rumors are true. Prince Griffin is inviting all the unmated she- wolves between eighteen and thirty to the ball. We know you want to live with Grandpa Quinn and Grandma Emmy, Sweetheart” Dad started confirming what | was thinking as soon as | saw the letter “If you go to the ball, we will grant you permission and we will convince Alpha Philip to let you move in with the White Oak pack” This was the best news ever If | was not suitable as a Luna even as a fated mate, there was no way the Crown Prince would select me as his chosen Queen. The royal family lived closer to the White Oak Pack, so | might as well pack all of my belongings. Maybe I could convince Mom and Dad | could stay atthe White Oaks a few days before that. After all, it was only a few hours by airplane to getto SilverCreek where the Royals lived. | had never been there before and | was excited to go. | would be able to taste some new foods, and maybe even get some new recipes.

“You're not saying anything, honey. Do you agree?” Mom's voice pulled me back to the here and now.

“Sorry, Mom, | was daydreaming | just got a little excited. Of course, | agree. | cannot wait to see SilverCreek ” I honestly told her My parents’ wide smiles hurt me a litle. They were excited and happy because | seemed so open to giving this a chance. But all 1 could think of was going over to Jessa, so | could tell her. She was twenty like me and unmated too. My sister Kate named after our human great-great grandmother was nineteen and unmated. We would probably go together, the three of us.

Before | even asked, Dad chuckled telling me | could go and visit Jessa. Jessa and her parents were the only pack members who never treated me differently aside from my family of course. | would miss them when | moved, but they could always come over and see me.

I rushed over to Jessa's house and was welcomed by Jessa and her father Theo “Got the letter too, | see?" Jessa greeted me with a warm smile Unlike me, Jessa hoped to be picked by Crown Prince Grifin. Even when | pointed out that | doubted the future Queen of all the werewolves got to get away with her country-rock aesthetic “So are your parents going to take you? | doubt my parents can travel with us. Would they mind if we traveled together?” | asked her about traveling instead.

“Siveety, your parents, James, and | already discussed it. Of course, we are not letting two young she-wolves travel alone. We will go together, the four of us. And yes. we will stop at the White Oak pack * Theo smiled at us.

“Wait Mr. Silver, you said 2 unmated she-wolves. Do you not mean 3? Isn't Kate traveling with us, t00?" | had not seen Kate in the last 2 days, which was unusual, but if something happened to her, Mom and Dad would have surely told me. All the faces around me fell, and | knew something had happened to my dear sister “Oh sweety, has nobody told you why Kate hasn't been home?” Theo said avoiding making eye contact “No, what are you guys talking about?” All kinds of scenarios flashed. through my mind.

“Ayla, come to the packhouse now. Its urgent” My father mindlinked. me, rousing me from thoughts 87.08% 1159 002 Ayla 002 Ayla 288 Vouchers Saying goodbye to Theo and Jessa, | raced to the packhouse.

“Of course, Kate can move into Cresent Moon pack with her mate Tim * The moment | walked into the packhouse, | heard Alpha Phillip happily. permit Kate to leave with her mate.

Kate rejoiced at the great news, arm in arm with the man standing by.

Knowing my sister was fine, | sighed out of great relief.

“Wait, you've found your mate?” With a questioning gaze, | mindiinked Kate.

Kate turned to me, nodding. Her face blushed with sparkles in her eyes “Thank you, Alpha Philip.” Father bowed. He gestured for me to come over and added. “And Ayla is intended to go to the royal ball. Would you mind she moving to the White Oak pack after that?" Alpha Phillip thought Father's words over and looked at me. My heart skipped a beat under his intimidating gaze.

Finally, he shrugged his shoulder and broke the silence. “Honestly, | have no issues with Ayla going to the royal ball But we all know the likelihood that the Prince will choose her as the Luna of all Luna's is extremely small." Just ike his favor for members of the pack going to live in another pack to form an alliance, Alpha Phillip was very interested in the prospect of ane of the packs unmated she-wolves becoming a chosen mate to the royal family as well. For him, it would be the ideal alliance, though he deemed me unworthy of being the future queen. He didn't even try to hide his disbelief “But tell me how it would benefit our pack if Ayla was not to return to us after the ball?” Alpha Phillip questioned Dad's words bluntly. “There is already an alliance between the BloodMoon and White Oak * That was the problem. Alpha Phillip would never let pack members move to another pack if it didn't benefit him. In most cases, forming or strengthening an alliance would suffice. But | wasn't about to move to my mate's pack. | was about to move to family, 50 n0 new relationships were butt “Alpha Phillip, some pack members were laughing at Ayla after David rejected her” Dad tried to reason with him. “It's hard to see my daughter suffering” “And how would the future Luna feel if she noticed that David's fated mate was stil living in the pack?” Dad added 13.24% 1159 002 Ayla 1288 Vouchers “No worries. My son has already made the greatest sacrifice known to wolves. He has selected Hannah as his chosen mate Hannah is a fine she-wolf, strong, poised, graceful, and kind. She will treat Ayla exactly like she has been doing ever since the rejection.” Alpha Phillip told us like he was reassuring a toddler that there were no monsters under the bed Was he that unaware of what was happening right under his nose or was he that uncaring? Hannah had always been jealous of my friendship with David. She claimed David was her mate and seeing David hanging around me made her crazy. She kept making troubles for me. Hearing. David reject me thrilled her. She rejected her mate, an Omega, a sweet guy, instantly and was determined to be the packs Luna. She started to try and hit it off with David. The fact that | was David's fated mate was enough for her to bully me with her minions.

Not screaming about everything Hannah and her flying monkeys had done to me so far was already taking all of my self-control, Willow was, already itching to take over control. | knew | shouldn't 1 had been enduring the bullying, the beating, and the abuse for two years. Now so close to escaping was not the time to mess it allup Easier said than done when David smirked at me, licking his lips before addressing his father like a good litle Alpha in training

“Can | give my opinion, Father?” He asked politely, and of course, Daddy dearest let him 3467% 15 002 Ayla 288 Vouchers His pride over his son starting to pick up Alpha duties was all over hist face.

With an evil smile, David started talking again “I do think the Hemmings put too much weight on my decision to reject Ayla. Every wolf with a sense of self-preservation would want a more suitable Luna. Pack members applauded me for the sacrifice | made in recognizing the Moon Goddess’ only fault.

Many seemed to thank for the mate bonds between me and Hannah * Right away, the air was thick with tension. Mom and Dad stiflened at the insult His blatant disregard for me, my wishes, and the matebond we once shared set everyone off “I guess she is allowed to stop by the White Ozk before going the to royal ball then...” Dad pled. | knew there was nothing else he could do Alpha Phillip smirked. “Make sure Ayla comes back home after that” Father's silent and quick acceptance of my fate hurt me “What's the point of going to the royal ball if | can't go to White Oak and get away from all these forever?” | murmured to myself in desperation and anger.

57.23% 159m 002 Ayla 288 Vouchers Yet Alpha Phillip sat there with a straight face telling me | was the she- wolf who made troubles to the pack My anger was taking over, and | needed to get these emotions out before they would get the better of me. Willow hadn't stopped fighting to take control and it would be better to shift when | was still in control. My wolf tended to react more primal and | had no ‘doubt she would go over to David and fight him the second | was no longer in control.

Too upset with my parents, | mindiinked Kate where | was going, so that my family would not worry about me. Then, | walked out into the forest, to one of the empty tree trunks where we could keep our clothes after shifting After checking no one was there, | shifted into my wolf form and just took off running. I've always loved running and it was the

one thing | was better in because of my size. Being small made me faster and a lot more agile. | could outrun every wolf in my.

pack and most in the White Oak pack too.

The feeling of the wind rushing through my fair, the whizzing in my cars drowning all the other sounds out always made me feel peaceful. Feeling peaceful, calming down, and collecting myself was exactly what | needed now. The first few minutes it felt like ‘someone was watching me. Once | got deeper into the forest, the feeling faded. It must have been my illusion ‘Sun was already setting. | had ignored every single family member that 7359% 1159 002 Ayla 298 (Vouchers.

reached outto me over the mindlink Now my limbs were aching, | was hungry, thirsty, and honestly exhausted When | finally reached the treetrunk where | stored my clothing, and was about to shift back to my human form, a huge wolf ran into me. throwing me onto the ground 9565% 1159 003 Ayla 288 iVouchers 003 Ayla And of course, itis Hannah and her litle band of bitches.

“What is it this time, Hannah?" | asked.

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Not wanting to shift back to my human form, because | stood a better chance like this.

“I heard you are going to the ball hosted by the royal family. Do you really think you are fit to be the queen, the Luna of all Luna's, if you are unfit to be the Luna of our pack?” Hannah scoffed should have known it was her jealousy again. As | heard that David had told her he wanted to have her as his chosen mate.

However, Hannah did not want to complete the mating process. Because she wanted to be unmated for the prince's ball, hoping she would either be his second chance mate or his chosen mate, fully delusional that she had all it took to be the next Queen While | was not looking forward to this event, and I knew the Prince would never choose me. | did know that the royal family is seen as kind and fair. | imagine the future queen has to possess those same qualities, meaning it could never be Hannah. The ‘smart thing was to keep my mouth shut. Not egg her on more. Shame, that | wasn't wise, | was stubborn and | would never let anyone get away with offending me.

0.00% 1200 003 Ayla 288 Vouchers “You've got a lot of lips for someone who the Moon Goddess herself deemed barely worthy of an Omega. You think the royal family won't see you for the garbage you are?” In an instant, all five of them were on me, head-butting me and biting me. Scratching me with their paws. | tried hitting them back with my paws, but they were all over me and | could not defend myself sufficiently.

My body grew limp, but they didn't stop. Their growls and snaps told me | was about to get more beating “What the hell do you think you are? Doing five against one?" An unfamiliar voice boomed through the forest.

Iooked up to see someone wearing the royal sigil on his jacket.

Everyone shifted back to their human forms. Awkward tension filled the. air. | was the only one who brought my clothes with me.

Sol quickly got dressed again Ignoring the royal sigil either out of pure stupidity Hannah still bucked naked in front of the man.

or pure arrogance, “F ck offl Who do you think you are? Even if you are a servant of the royal family, you have no right to interfere with our pack business." Hannah wamed the man

“No wolf should deem themselves worthy enough to attack a single wolf in a group. Honestly, | don't know if | am praying to the Moon Goddess that you are mated, so you won't come to the royal ball. Or to pray you are unmated to spare other wolves from having a mate as horrendous as you are.” He scoffed The authority in his voice was not that of a low~rank wolf. In fact, it terrified Hannah. She faded away with her minions quickly “Are you okay?" He walked to me and helped me up, his eyes focused on me with kindness.

“Ithink so..." Gasping in pain, | slowly rose to my feet “Are you sure?” He asked, worries visible in his eyes “Yes” The next second, | stumbled and fell back to the ground.

“No, you are not” He chuckled, “Come on, let me walk you home.” “Thank you. Um." | stammered.

“Call me Dillion.” He introduced himself, holding me up and walking me out of the forest 35.48% 1200 003 Ayla 288 Vouchers “Nice to meet you. Dillion. I'm Ayla. Thank you for saving me back there.” | smiled “No a big deal. As a retum, would you please tell me how to get to Alpha Phillip? | am here to hand deliver the invitation for the Prince's ball” He asked “No problem. It's just a few blocks ahead.” | replied.

“And | know this is an offensive question in most cases, but | don't see a mark on you. And you seem to be of age. Are you unmated or have you not completed the mating process yet?" There was no malice in his questions. | could tell that from his gentle. voice “I have been rejected by my mate. So | won't be completing a mating process ever” | answered immediately cursing myself Always speaking my mind had put me in trouble before. That is why some of the pack members believe me to be unfit as a Luna They want someone poised and gentle, and Hannah does a far better job pretending she is than I do.

“Never say never. ‘Dillion winked and handed me the invitation

I accepted it with a bright smile, not for the reason he might think. | was not excited to meet this Prince. But going to a fancy ball where | have to overdress at least present me with a small break from the bullying and pain. It might be a good getaway.

I think | lie Dillon. He seemed to be very down-to-earth. He reminded me of my great-uncle Nicholas. Funny, spontaneous but fair. When he walked me home, we chatted a little about the BloodMoon pack. He asked me how | had been treated here. No wonder he would do that after seeing all the bruises on my body when saving me from the five pack members. He picked up on most of the pack members whispering on our way to the packhouse as well 1 didn't tell him anything. It was still not worth the trouble that would come from revealing this.

“Sis, | am worried. Where are you?" Daniel sounded agitated, so | excused myseffto Dillion and mindlinked my brother back.

“Ran into Hannah but we got interrupted by a messenger of the royal family. I'm walking him over to the packhouse and vill be home soon.” “You're close to your family. | take it Would you ever be able to move to a different pack for a chosen or second chance mate?" Dillion asked me.

Ifit wasn't for the beautiful intricate mark on his neck | would think he was flirting with me. Maybe he was just being nice, making me aware of 6454% 12:00 003 Ayla 288 Vouchers the fact that | can find another mate. Or maybe he wanted to see if | had honest intentions in coming to the ball. Either way. | did not know him well enough to let him in on my plans or feelings.

“Part of being a wolf is the potential of needing to move to a new pack. | always know and | stil do." | gave the most non— ‘committal answer | could think of before telling him the exact location of the packhouse and saying my goodbyes.

Coming home indeed exhausted the last bit of my energy.

My mother gasped the second | opened the front door, Kate and her mate ran to catch me, to stop me from falling over. Dad was ‘growling about to shift when Daniel stopped him “This is what you allow to happen. She tried to protect all of us, but this is what you're letting them get away with?!" Daniel has never screamed at either one of our parents, | was about to tell him not to, but the second | opened my mouth, blackness overtook

When | woke up, I was in my own bed, dressed in a set of PJs.

Mom sat at the end of the bed reading. It was a love we both shared but | could tell from her body language now that she was just skimming over the pages. Not really reading even though it seemed like she was trying 10 As s00n as the sheet rustled as a result of my movement, she looked up with tears in her eyes. By now it was completely dark outside, 50 | must have been out for at least an hour, maybe even longer.

“Baby, are you okay? Why didn't you tell us before?” Mom asked me while hugging me tightly.

I knew Hannah's lashing out at me wasn't their fault | knew that if | had told them about what Hannah was doing, they wouldn't have let her get away with it.

“I am okay, Mom. It's all healing. | could not tell you and Dad because it would get you into trouble with Alpha Phillip. Its not your fault” ‘She hugged me a lite tighter, whispering how sorry she was in my hair.

0.00% 12:00 004 Ayla Burying my head in my arms, | started to cry.

288 Vouchers And then two more strong arms wrapping around me. The two arms | least wanted to comfort me now but sill | could not help but sink into the embrace. Unable to keep on fighting because I had been doing that for too long now.

“Oh, sweetheart, | am so so terribly sorry for not seeing what was happening to you. Please forgive me.” Dad kept apologizing as he hugged me.

I knew | shouldn't be angry with him. It was not his fault after al. It was my own choice to hide the truth from him. However, | was disappointed at the fact that he did not fight harder for me. He just shrugged and gave up when Alpha Phillip told them I could not change packs. That was why | didn't want to talk with him now.

“Is that why you want to move to White Oak to live with your grandparents?" He hugged me tighter.

I nodded and tried to comfort Dad, “I know. Dad. But the least thing | want to see is you arguing with David and Alpha Phillip and leaving the pack Alpha Phillip would never allow that. It will risk a war. Your know Uncle Cedric would go to war over protecting his family." “He would, and you're his favorite niece who would have made it worse. Still we could have talked about it as a family. Do you really think we

wouldn't be able to calm down and think this over before jumping into action?" Dad asked me, the hurt clear in his voice.

Making me feel worse, now | felt like | didn't give my parents enough credit “So what? You would just keep living here with Alpha Philip after you know what he allowed. You would accept Hannah as your Luna when she is the one who keeps beating our beloved daughter up so severely?” Mom's voice got louder.

“No, I will never accept her, nor will | accept David. He isn't going to be a better Alpha.” Dad said with a stem look.

“He is a coward. Without a lead warrior and a pack doctor, a young wolf like him would be very less likely to go to war with an ‘experienced Alpha like your Uncle Cedric. But your cousin Sebastian is only nineteen. Your Uncle Cedric and Aunt Katrina have to wait until we all move into the White Oak pack safely before changing the leadership within the pack” He continued “I have discussed with your mother, Ayla.” Dad looked into my eyes. “We will play the waiting game.” Playing the waiting game? What did that mean? Moving back to the White Oak pack when it would be safer or easier to do 50? But | didn't understand because Alpha Philips had already denied me.

36.11% 12:00 004 Ayla 288 Vouchers “For now, you will go to the royal ball first. After that, you will go. visiting your grandparents and stay with them there. And when the Silver's come back, they will explain you got injured and need to rest at your Grandparent's place. By then, he will know what his son and possible future Luna did and allowed. | will give him the chance to keep it under the rug, as long as he allows you to stay with your Grandparents. for as long as you need.” Dad explained “What if Alpha Phillips doesn't allow me to?" | asked back “He will and he has to, Sweetheart” Dad locked his eyes with me Moving to the White Oak pack seemed to be within reach now, and | hugged Dad happily, grateful for his decision.

“This might not be necessary if the Prince is smart enough to see how amazing you are, sweety.” Mom cut in I rolled my eyes. Deep in my heart. | know this would never happen. Hannah was right. How could | become the Luna of all Luna's after | was rejected to be David's mate? With all those old memories flashing in my mind, | felt my head spinning Mom and Dad had noticed how dizzy | was. They settled me on my bed and forced me to take a good rest. It did my body good but | stil had

bruises and scars that hadn't healed yet because my body was always busy healing fresh injuries. Now that everybody in my family knew | wasn't worried about keeping them hidden anymore.

The last week of staying with the BloodMoon pack has been weird. Even after | was getting much better, they hardly let me go out alone Getting bored, | started to pack my belongings. Sadly, | couldn't pack at lot. Dad told me to pack only the essentials in toiletries and clothing so | could take more small personal things with me. Mom promised me she would at least send all my books out in pairs of two. And she insisted. me taking the ball gown Grandma sent to me.

“Your Grandma said you should not hide yourself in those black things. If not to find a mate, then to show the other she-wolves, especially those of Blood Moon, that you are a queen in your own rights. And she would love to see this dress get used one last time. What do you say, Ayla?” Caressing the beautiful gold dress on the mannequin, | recalled it was the dress my Grandma wore when Grandpa introduced her as his Luna to the pack Thinking of t, | nodded in assent When both my suitcases were packed, | looked around my childhood room in the house where | grew up. It seemed like | was stil living here. because | was running away from home like an over-emotional teenager. To avoid being beaten daily, pretended to be interested in marrying a prince “Ayla, time to go.” Mom's voice came downstairs. “You won't want to 75.42% 1200E miss the Shout 17 20% dari 005 Griffin 288 Vouchers 005 Griffin For the last few days, | had been waking up achy like | have been training too hard: Mom had noticed and she was worried about me. She thought | might have been overdoing myself in preparation for the royal ball. Probably because this was the fist event | had gotten personally involved with

I clung to the hope of finally finding her at this ball. | did more than hoping though. Just as | did the very first night after finding out that | had one final chance of meeting my second chance mate. | had been praying to the Moon Goddess every night, bringing her offerings. And | had sent every staff member available, whom | fully trust to bring the invitations personally. To both get as many she-wolves to come to the ball as possible, and to scope out the packs.

Slowly but surely | was getting sure of the fact that | would find my mate. Everyone around me said | had my head in the cloud That | was a hopeless romantic and that | needed to consider the possibilty of choosing a chosen mate. | had promised my parents and | am not someone that goes back on his word. But | will wait until the clock strikes midnight | do not find my fated mate before that time. Thinking, of it, maybe | should stop thinking about her as my second chance mate. Maybe | should just refer to her as my fated mate. To not make it sound like she was second best, or a second choice I hated how | was reconsidering everything. It was just the pressure of finding her. Normally when you find your mate, you have the time to get to know each other before you complete the mating process. My parents wanted me to complete the mating process within a month. Meaning | 0.00% 12:00 005 Griffin 288 Vouchers.

had to convince a girl to move in with me, leave her own pack behind, and fully accept me as her mate within a month. Come to think of t with all of the stress about this, and all the extra work | was taking on. Maybe Mom was right Maybe | was waking up sore and achy because of all | was doing It didn't stop me from giving my all though. | nervously looked around in my room. | was wondering whether | would just pick a different room. for me and my mate to move into. Or should | move some of my personal belongings, so my mate could have her personal stuff and make it our room “Your room is empty enough as itis, your highness.

1 turned around happy to hear Dillon's voice again. He could read me like an open book. He just got me, just how seeing my back. He knew | was doubting my room being ready enough for my Luna, my mate. He also was the last of my messengers returning from hand delivering the invitations to my ball “So, how was it?" | asked him, sitting down on the bed and signalling for him to sit down next to me “Words had spread quickly. All Alphas confirmed that there were quite a few unmated she-wolves from their packs and they were more than happy to attend the ball” Dillion briefed the situation to me. “The number of guests that we expect will be nerve— wracking” “Itwould be all worth it if | can find my mate.” | scratched my head,

“I know you are praying for a fated mate, and you know | hope you find her, Griff. | want you to have the same happiness as | have.” He stated and | knew what he was going to say.

Dillion recently found his fated mate, a guy. He had confided in being attracted to both male and female wolves before. That never stopped him from being faithful to his mate. To wait until he met them. But it had made them nervous not knowing what he needed to look out for. Until he met Collin he had the moment | was dreaming of where he instantly knew who his mate was.

Luckily Collin didn't have an issue with moving to the castle. They had completed their mating process and were as happy as could be. Now that happily mated wolf siting on my bed. was about to tell me | should not hope to find what he had and choose a random mate.

“Moon Goddess knows that | want you to find her. But if you don't meet a girl and | wouldn't mind her being our queen. She seems right up your alley, too.” He teased me “By the way. | met a small yet brave she-wolf at BloodMoon. She never backed down though being attacked by five other wolves. And the royal emblem on my coat didn't change her attitude towards me at all” He chuckled. “She is a ltl firecracker though. You need someone who helps you get your head out of your own ass sometimes ™ “The girl sounds like a fun person to be around. You know how much | 46.15% 12:00 005 Griffin 1288 Vouchers hate wolves ganging up on others * | commented. “Will she come to the ball?" “Yes, I'd given her the invitation and she seemed to be interested in being part of it Dillion replied “Good. Don't forget to point out who she is at the ball. Id like to meet her” “Okay, but only at the end of the night Dillion continued, "And one. more thing, she has been rejected by her fated mate.” Dillion's words surprised me. | could not help wondering the reason behind her rejection. | could not imagine someone being rejected by the person the Moon Goddess arranged for her. Being rejected by her fated. mate? She might have done something terrible.

“Imagine getting rejected, that must be the worst feeling in the world, even worse than finding out your mate has died before.

you've met them.” | said out loud More to myself than to Dillion. It gave me another thing to worry about “What if | find my fated mate at the ball but she rejects me?" | asked. Dillion, worries all over my face.

Dillion shook his head, chuckling. “Stop panicking, Griff. Everything will be fine. You could not be praying to the Moon Goddess while doubting her picks for you!” “Yes, you're right” | tried to calm myself down. “But what should | do now?" The rest of the day, against Dillon's advice, | cleared out more personal stuff from my room, hoping my mate wil feel welcome ‘enough to put her own stuff in our room. It was the last thing | needed to settle before the ball So now, all that was left to do was ‘count down the last five days until the ball, praying and bringing my offers to the Moon Goddess. Selene Finally, the day arrived. It seemed that | underestimated the number of unmated she-wolves willing to come to the royal ball to be picked by me. Itwas a good thing though. The more she-wolves here, the bigger the chances were that | realized my dream of finding my mate amongst them When | entered the ballroom, | caught a wisp of one scent A scent that was so enticing that it stopped me from thinking of anything else. A scent that woke my wolf up. The smell of a lilac on a summer night My mate was here Tracing the scent, | felt my heart pounding 8231% 1201 006 Ayla 288 Vouchers 006 Ayla James escorted me to the ballroom, as his mate and husband Theo escorted Jessa to the ballroom. There must be over a hundred she-wolves here. How is the Crown Prince supposed to choose between all of us? There is no way he is going to be able to see all of us let alone speak with us. One of the many reasons | do not want a chosen mate. Look at the Prince now. He is supposed to announce his chosen mate today. Out of all the she-wolves here, but as of yet he doesn't know any of us personally. He doesn't even know why we do not have a mate yet. Whatif he steals another wolf's mate? Or what if he likes Hannah. Would he know she has got her first mate killed by rejecting him because she is a power-hungry hussy? Just as | was about to ask Jessa whether we had to disclose why we hadn't had a mate yet, | saw her face twist into something Confusion: followed by happiness. Following her gaze, | saw she was staring at the guy who stopped Hannah and her minions from attacking me. He was standing next to the Prince and seemed to be a high-ranking wolf. At first, that made me chuckle.

Hannah would be so embarrassed knowing she had shown her true colors to someone close to the royal family, someone of high-ranking. Jessa looked smitten, the face of the wolf who found her mate but | remember that wolf Dylan or something told me he was happily mated

‘Suddenly the man on the other side of the prince walked up to us in big strides. | breathed a sigh of relief. This made far more.

sense the mark on Dylan's name was beautiful and intricate indicating it wasn't a chosen 0.00% o o 1201 006 Ayla 285 Vouchers mate but a fated mate. Maybe | was just too worried, now that lost the absolute fate of fated mates instantly loving each other “Hi, my name is Gerald, and you're my mate. Wow, you're breathtaking. | mean. | am sure you are kind too, but uhm..." Theo giggled and it was obvious that this Gerald guy was a nervous wreck Jessa introduced herself. She wasn't nervous but she seemed just as awestruck. It tuned out that Gerald would be the Crown Prince's Gemma. He now works as an assistant to the Crown Prince as he has more work than a regular Alpha to be like David has.

“Does that mean that guy Dylan is working directly for the Prince, too?" | asked, hoping to find out just how bad Hannah messed up “Dylan? You mean Dillion, the one next to Prince Griffin?" Gerald @ asked me without taking his eyes off Jessa And when | looked up to see if | indeed meant Dillion, it happened. I. was hit by a smell that was even better than the smell when found out David was my mate.

I smelt cedarwood, cinnamon, and citrus. To my absolute horror, it was the Crown Prince himself who smelt like that. Willow was going crazy, howling out for our mate. But it could not be. We found our mate he rejected us, humiliated us. My fated mate didn't pass away, so it was not ike | was geting a second chance mate. Everything that happened next [x]

The Prince pointed to me with an unreadable expression, Dillion whispered in his cars, motioning in the general direction where Hannah was standing. He recognized me, and he must have told him that | was rejected My heart was pounding, blood rushing so hard that | could not hear what the others were talking. Only one thing was going through my mind right now. | was going to be rejected for a second time The Moon Goddess did make mistakes and with me, she kept messing up. | wondered if it hurt just as bad when you got rejected a second time. Even if it was not truly my fated mate, because that couldn't be. | had one but he gave up on me. He gave up on the girl unworthy to be a Luna let alone the Luna of all Luna's.

Attracting everyone's attention the Prince strode over to me. With event more purpose in his steps than Gerald had in his. Even the King and Queen were looking up to see what was happening. From a distance, | heard Jessa say something about our wish ‘coming through. Her voice was far away and | didn't really understand what she was talking about now. | just didn't want the humiliation of being rejected out in public again With nothing else to do, | started running. Running like my life depends. on it. Running as fast as these idiotic heels could carry.

me. Guards were about to close in on me, to stop me from running away. Panic settled 4828% o o 1201 006 Ayla 1288 (Vouchers into my chest. There was no way | could outrun the entire royal army. There were even some attendants that started to make their way to me. No doubt trying to get into the Prince’s good book “Let her go. Nobody stop her! Nobody touch her!” A deep voice boomed. through the ballroom The voice itself was soothing, but the words that were signalling he didn't mind me running. The words proving that he didn't want to meet me as his mate. Hurt me, like a stab to the heart but even with this pain | could not stop running. There was no way 1 could keep outrunning him, | knew that. My plan was to run to the beautiful fountain | saw on the royal grounds. At least this would give us some privacy. That way | wouldn't get rejected in public again. Even if it will be big news amongst werewolves.

Poor Crown Prince Griffin, first his fated mate died when he was only one year old. And then he mistakenly got bound to a useless she-wolf. Making him believe he had to reject his second chance mate who was the runt of the pack. This time itisn't real, because | won't have a second chance mate not as long as David is stil live “Please stop. | just want to talk ” The same booming voice called after

“Please stop. | just want to talk." The same booming voice called after 1. me “I just want to talk” were the exact same words David used to reject me. We were stil far too close to the castle with everyone walking outside to get a good view of what was happening. Jessa tried to calm me down and tried to get me to stop throughout ‘our mindiink. If | wasn't this 7162% 1201 006 Ayla #288 Vouchers.

winded from being panicked and running around in high heels, | would have reassured her about where | was going. Now all | ‘could do was focus on the fountain that was getting closer and closer with every step | took 96.26% o 1201 007 Grifin 1288 (Vouchers 007 Grifin “You're my second-chance mate. Dillion recognized you, so | know who you are. Why did you run away? Did you not realize what | am to you?” Terryfiying my mate was the least thing | wanted, but | had to raise my voice to attract her attention and stop her. Keeping up with her was a litte bit hard. She's such a good runner.

When | finally caught up to her, the scent of lac overwhelmed me. | had caught a wisp of it the second | entered the ballroom. | tried to trace it, but unfortunately, | lost it soon since it wasn't strong enough.

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Then my Gemma and one of my best friends Gerald sniffed the air. When looked at him the look on his face said it all. He had found his mate, and | wanted to be happy for them. | wanted my best friends to be happy. Still, | couldn't help but feel a bit sad that he is the one to find his fated mate at an event hosted for me to find mine. He walked over to her not really saying much to us. If were to find my mate | was not so sure | would be able to calmly explain to the others what was happening. Now that it was happening to Gerald | had to look away if only for a moment Only for one second, | need that second to compose myself. To plaster another fake smile on my face. In a minute or so | would walk up to the girl and greet her. | would tell her she was most welcome in our pack. | would pretend like it was lovely meeting her even if my mind, heart, and soul were all just focused on my last desperate attempt to find HER.

“Poor Gerald, by the look of what | suspect s her father poor Gerald is messing shit up already.” Dillion chuckled eaming him a chuckle from his mate. In tur, forcing me to look up and see what they were talking 0.00% 12:02 007 Grifin 288 Vouchers about And when | did, it was here. The moment I'd dreamed of since | was fourteen. Lilac flooded all my senses. | heared a giggle and it sounded like summer raining “Dillion, her friend, the short one. She is my mate.” | whispered more to myself than to Dillion even if just addressed him.


Finally having my dreams come true felt unreal Moon Goddes, she worth the wait though. Even if she wasn't my mate she stood out amongst the sea of almost desperate she-wolves. She was wearing a gold dress, not as cheap-looking or revealing as most ofthe others are wearing. It was alluring hugging all her curves, her fit body. She was on the short side which | never knew was so beautiful | am a good eleven or twelve inches longer than she is. She wil fit right into my arms, and | am already imagining falling asleep with her small frame all snuggled up.


“Ill be damned that's firecracker Dillon muttered, successfully drawing my attention away from my stunning mate.

“Do you know her?" | asked him, forcing myself to look at him for a second “Yes. She is the she-wolf attacked by five other wolves. Some of them were over there.” He said, pointing to a group of she~ wolves that oozed desperation from their very pores.

twas all | needed to know to look back at her. At the exact same moment, she looked at me. Eye contact like | had always dreamed of, but what | never dreamed about was my mate taking off running. It was almost as if she was scared of me. | didn't know what had happened to her before. Quite frankly, | did not care either. | didn't care about the 2268% A 12020 007 Grifin 1208 Vouchers

guests, my parents, or the gossiping that happens. All that mattered to me now was stopping her, begging her to talk to me and to explain why she was running away from me.

My guards were closing in on her, and even some bystanders were about to intervene and stop her from running away. Panic took hold of me, ast much as | wanted to get to here. Imaging other wolves touching her was pissing me off. Imaging her getting ‘ever more upset because she was. caught like a common criminal made me feel even more unsettled. It's that same fear-that panic-that made me use my Alpha voice without even thinking about it. Ordering everyone in the room to let her go, to not stop her or touch her in any way. Perfect! This meant my parents. knew it all now. | never used my Alpha's voice before. As far as | was concerned, an Alpha should only use that as a last resort.

Damn, my mate was fast. Up until now, | figured | was in good shape with how much | train but keeping up is hard. Let alone gain on her | called after her, she faltered for a second, so | knew she heard me. Stil, she kept up raining, going even faster before she came to a full stop in front of the founad had custom-made for my mother: Oh the irony in that, maybe | will tell her later.

There were other things more important things for me to focus on. Talk to her, show her that she did. not have to fear me. | slowed down, attempting to walk up to her casually. Before | could even reach her she spoke to me. Her voice was a sweet melody but her words were like an ice pick stabbing my heart “I am done running. | just didn't want to be rejected in public again * Dilion mentioned something about her telling him she was rejected Wav But it was the sadness in her voice that seemed about to break. The w her eyes were downcast, she was not even willing to make eye contact.

44.09% 12:02 007 Grifin 1288 Vouchers And my heart ached for my poor mate. The wolf rejecting her did me the biggest favor of my life. To do so, he clearly hurt my poor mate immensely and for that, | wanted to punish him, “Why in the hell would | reject you when the Moon Goddess herself blessed me with you? Not to mention the fact that you are stunning, and an amazing runner. | come up to you because | am dying to learn every litle detail about you.” ‘She looked up at me, tears filing her eyes. If it weren't for her pretending to not be bothered, they would have streamed over her beautiful face already. Her face was littered with the most beautiful freckles | had ever seen. To just lay under the moon, ‘counting her freckles and kissing every single one as | imprinted them on my brain to never forget them. It sounded like a dream ‘come true. All had to do firstis show her how serious | was about not rejecting her. Only a fool would receive such a blessing from the Moon Goddess herself and reject t. Reject her. | gotlost in my own thoughts making my way to her slowly. Unsure of what to tell her, of where to start. She took a tentative @ step back and answered the question | didn't need to answer.

“Because you are a Prince, the Crown Prince to be exact. Your mate will eventually be the Queen. The Luna of all Luna's. I've been told once before that | am unfit to be someones mate because one day he will be an Alpha. So | know | am even more uni to be your mate. Besides, | don't think itis possible for me to have a second-chance mate. My mate is not dead. He is very much alive planning to choose my tormentor as his Luna. This is all just a mistake because the MoonGoddes does make mistakes and she keeps on making them with me” She told me, looking deflated All needed to do was show her | was not going to reject her. The 68.81% 12:02 007 Grifin problem was that it just became painfull civious that this wouldn't be an easy task “He was a fool. Just don't make any declaims vet, okay? Give me a chance to get to know you. And let you get to know me, I'l make it work with my parents. Your friends, the girl you came here with, she is my Gemma’s mate. You can stay here for a few days or weeks, as long as you want to give me a chance. Give us a chance, please I almost whined as Conan wanted to take over, before holding my breath and waiting for her answer.

93.08% 008 Ayla 288 Vouchers 008 Ayla Shit Jessa, her father's | just walked out on her. She has just found her mate, and now I-am ruining it for her by running away.

Not to mention that | made myself look like a fool infront of her mate. Before | can decide anything | need to talk to her. Or well before | decide how to let this man down easily. | wonder ifit is even legal to refuse a member of the Royal family. Judging by how everyone tried to stop me from running away from him. It would be just my luck “Why did you stop the guards from capturing me?" | asked because it was the only question | felt 11 could safely ask Without revealing all the things running through my mind right now.

“You seemed scared, | didn't want to scare you more. Besides, | didn't love the idea of others getting their paws all over my mate” He rubs the back of his neck as he is saying the last part Its the kind of statement a possessive Alpha Mate would make. Something | always figured | would hate. Now my heart was betraying me as it fluttered at this comment. As | was stil cursing my heart for betraying my mind he spoke again “If you do not believe you are my mate, then why did my Alpha voice not work on you?" He looks so sincere when he asks me.

But it cannot be, it would mean | truly am his fated mate. A second chance mate but that doesn't matter it would mean he is my second chance mate too. Another Alpha and not just anyone, not the King the Alpha of all Alpha’s to be. Not wanting to believe any of it shrug and mubble a vague reply.

1 saw he was clenching his fists already, geting frustrated at me. The bright glowing rings around his eyes telling me that his wolf was begging to take over. This was normal after finding your mate your wolf was always extra excited, wanting to be in charge.

Another bit of proof to a fact | cannot believe. For | know what will happen when | do. Even if he is as willing to accept me as his mate as he says he is. | highly doubt his parents are. For now standing outside in this ridiculous dress is making me feel cold. | need to go back to Jessa, beg her to forgive me. Make a better impression on her mate then the one | just made.

“Okay, listen | get this is a lot, with your history and all. Let's go inside please grant me one dance. After | will leave you alone if you want me to. Just enjoy the ball, get to no Gerald what ever you decide your friend seemed happy to have met her mate.

Since everyone is staying for the lunch tomorrow | will come back you up after breakfast we can talk then and see how things will go from there?” He was pleading with me again In response Willow cried out to atleast give him that chance. Feeling comered and tired of fighting with Willow, | just nodded Trying to ignore the pit of warmth forming in my heart at the bright smile he gave 1. me 16.03% 12:02 008 Ayla 288 Vouchers “First of let me introduce myself then, I'm Griffin and my wolfs name is Conan. He is dying to meet your wolf by the way” He smiled at me, extending his hand Its weird he is introducing himself like | do not know who he is. Even if itis nice to know his wolfs name now. But his smile could getme into a lot of trouble. Shaking my head to rid myself of these thoughts | take his out stretched hand and introduce myself.

“I'm Ayla, my wolfs name is Willow nice to meet you" | said, purposely not telling him Willow was chomping at the seems to meet Conan too.

Giving him more hope when | am still not sure about us being mates would be unfair. Its not like | didn't notice how elated he looked when

the sparks of our supposed matebound crawled over our arms the moment we touched. He doesn't let go of my hand though.

Instead placing it on his arm as he guides me back inside. All eyes are on us, Jessa shoots me a thumbs up vith a questioning look so I nod at her. Reassuring her, so she can focus back on her mate. Which she instantly does, | couldn't focus on Griffin even if | wanted too, because | hear all the whispering. | see all their nasty, judgemental looks. Hannah stands out the most she is glaring at me and | will no doubt be getting another beating for this before the night is over.

Griffin mindiinked someone so maybe he was noticing the looks we were getting too. He didn't address them though and he.

didn't Say anything about it to me. Instead he looked at Jessa and her mate smiling 008 Ayla 288 Vouchers “Gerald looks happy, you know at first | was a litte jealous of him." he said stil starring at the pair of them.

There itis, he will tell me Jessa would be a far better candidate to be his queen. And the only way he backed of is because he is loyal to his friend “Ever since | found out about second chance mates when | was fourteen | was dying to meet mine. This ball was my last attempt to find her. So when it seemed like only Gerald would find his | couldn't help feel jealous. | know itis a bad trait but | never said | was perfect” He joked trying to ease the tension He took the hand that was stil resting on his arm in his hand and placed the other hand on my waist | appreciated he wasn't trying to hold me as low as possible just to cop a feel. And then he continued talking “I am happy for him, | was from the start but finally looking at his mate was the reason why | recognized you. So actually Gerald finding his mate was the second best thing to happen to me" He said, swaying me around the dancefloor 1 hardly notice he is saying that finding me was the second best thing to ever happen to him. Maybe | should pry him for more.

information. Ask him what the best thing to ever happen to him was. | am to busy to stop. my body, my heart from giving in to how amazing his touch feels. How much dancing here with him feels lie an absolute dream 008 Ayla 288 Vouchers Dillion and what must be his mate were walking over to us. Causing us to stop dancing, to tone down the physical touch a bit.

And it suited me, its a nice breather from the feelings that were gotten way to overwhelming “Spitfire itis so nice to meet you again. After meeting you | told Griff here he should pick you as his chosen mate but he refused” Dillion. blabbers, ignoring the angry glare Griffin was shooting him

He kept talking and talking but al | could hear was the pounding of my own heart. And the meaning of his words rang through my mind. He didn't want me as his mate only now that the MoonGoddess has forced him too he is about to accept me. Oris he? He.

is so very willing to suggest we wait, see how things go between us. Maybe he is trying to find out if there is another she-wolf here he likes that would be more suited to be his queen. Or maybe he just wants to reject me in privacy so that it doesn't reflect on him poorly.

“Prince Griffin, | have promised you one dance. | think | fulfilled my promise, Dillion it was nice meeting you again but | have to 90 to my friend now” | told them curtl, trying to hide that | was already getting hurt because of this man's decisions Why can't the Moon Goddess bless me with a simple mate, an omega for al | care. Just one that would love me unconditionally not judged on the fact if | am fit to be a Luna or not, based on nothing but my size “Itis nice to meet you | am Gerald. do you want me to address you as 74.41% 12:04 008 Ayla 1288 Vouchers Princess now or can | stil use your first name? | know Griffin is very laidback, but | have already made a lasting impression on my fathers in law. | hope to make a better one on my mate's best friend and my future Queen * In my misery, | hardly noticed | had already walked up to the Silvers until Gerald spoke to me “Just Ayla is fine” | managed to croak out and when Theo put his hand. on my shoulder all my emotions threaten to spill out of me here on the dancefloor