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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 235
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010 Griffin | wanted to smack Dillion, | wanted to hurt him. It felt like minutes ago that | had to talk Ayla into trustingenough for one dance. | had mindlinked Dillion to alert all the guards who her bullies were. To make sure that they couldn't get to her. | wanted her to trustand throwing them out of the ball on the grounds of them hurting my mate would only cause her to freak out again.

Everyone could see that something had deeply hurt her. She had practically no self-esteem left. She had a bite mark scar on her right shoulder. Something that should have healed on a healthy wolf already. That and all that Dillion toldmadethink she had been receiving beatings for a long time. Causing her body to be unable to heal scars. So. when she visibly relaxed while dancing with| felt like the happiest wolf on earth. It gavehope that | would be able to convince her to givea chance. As soon as she would | would spend all of my time. showing her | would be the best mate she could have wished for.

Now Dillion’s comment aboutnot wanting her made her run away from me. Towards Gerald who no doubt would gush about his mate and her moving to our pack. Moving to the palace, losing control, and using my Alpha voice for the second ttonight | ordered him to not speak about me, her first mate or anything even remotely related to it. His short shy answer after she and her friend walked off showedhe had already said something.

All I wanted was to bask in the fact that I finally found my mate. | wanted to spend the rest of this evening getting to know as much about her as was humanly possible. Not keep putting out.

0.00% 12:05 010 Griffin fires that my friends caused.

1288 Vouchers Not long after Stanley cback, after Dillion made Ayla run away there was a lot of tension. Which Stanley had tried to diffuse by offering to get us drinks. | wasn’t really in the mood to talk to either of them but boy could | use a drink. That was the only reason | accepted his offer and not told Dillion to piss off. Even if | didn't say a word to him as we were waiting for our drinks.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I had the chance to explain to her you never saw her in saying you weren't interested in her. Because you wanted to find your fated mate. It's not much but still” He toldawkwardly givingmy beer.

Mom and Dad were watching me, they sawrun after a she-wolf only forto cback inside to dance with her. Now even as she left my side | did not interact with any of the other's. All | did was stand here.

watching her. Unable to take my eyes off her, and unable to just go and talk with her. As | didn’t want to overwhelm her. | told her | would let her think about it until tomorrow. | had to keep my promise but this was the first t| wanted to break it.

“Nothing is going on she needs sfresh air. She promised Jessa she would be back in fifteen” Gerald's voice rang out through the mindlink.

It partially settled my nerves now all I had to do was convince my parents to be patient. All so | could be patient with her. Walking over to talk to them | was praying to the Moon Goddess they would understand why | needed stime. Surely my parents would be happy that | finally 21.49% 12:05 010 Griffin found my fated mate.

1288 Vouchers “We noticed a lot happening tonight son, and we saw it all had to do with one girl. Want to tell us about her?” Dad says but he is smiling so, so far so good.

“The girl is Ayla, and she is my fated mate,” | tell them and for a second | feel so proud that it is all | say.

“I am so happy for you baby, so where is she? When can | meet her? What pack is she from?” Mom was as excited as | was, askingall kinds of questions.

Sadly | cannot give her answers. And the fact that | do not know the most basic things about my mate will raise more questions. Wanting to rip the bandaid off | just tell them she hasn’t acceptedyet. That she was rejected before, and how Dillion walked in on her being ganged up by five other wolves. It’s obvious that they pity her so this might just work. Taking a deepbreath | ask them to givea few more months. before | announce who my mate, my Luna is.

“No way, | will not allow it. You will need a Luna, a Queen, the Luna of all Luna’s” Dad shouts at me.

Mom crossed her arms disappointment clear on her face. For a moment | consider how far | am willing to go to convince my mate to givea chance. Would | risk the throne for her? Mom wasn’t able to conceive 41.40% 12:05 010 Griffin after me. If | abdicate the royal lineage will cease to exist.

288 Vouchers “It’s a disappointment to know that if | had sstruggles you would have just moved on to a chosen mate Roderick,” Mom says flatly and | need to bite my lip not to grin at her.

Dad is strict, a stickler for the rules but he loves my mother more than anything in the world. He doesn’t even stop to think about what he is saying. He doesn’t realize he is walking right into the trap she set up for him.

“Don’t be silly Isa, | would have moved heaven and earth to be with you. Meeting you truly was a blessing from the MoonGoddess herself. You're worth everything to me” He tells her, all his attention on her.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Okay, so you just don’t care for Griff then?” Damn, she is really going for the jugular here.

Again Dad falls over himself to tell us he loveshe wantsto be happy. Which | know, he is a good father. | got lucky with my parents. The second mom told him she knew he would have left her if she would have had struggles he stopped shouting. Mom is the only person in the world who can make my Dad into a soft-spoken guy. Now allowingsix months to convince my mate. To get her to accepthe is practically whispering.

“You can do everything you need to convince her but if she doesn’t 57.51% 12:05 010 Griffin accept you six months from now” He warns me.

288 Vouchers “Then | will choose a suitable mate and marry her.” | practically shout at him relieved | have the tto prove to my mate that | will be a good and kind mate.

| think | sense her close to the other side of the door so | rush to open it. What if there is anything she wants to talk toabout? When | open the door there isn't anyone, so | must have imagined it. | go back to the party, to see if | can find Ayla. Maybe she is even willing to dance witha second time. Soon Gerald and his mate approach me, and who I still believe her two fathers to be in tow. Of course, | would have always wanted to make a good impression on Gerald's mate. Now it’s even more important after all this girl is my mate’s best friend.

We chat for a little bit, Jessa is a funny girl, and | can see how well she and Gerald fit together. Her dads are kind and they obviously care for Ayla too which makeshappy. They toldshe was tired so she went to bed. With Ayla no longer here, and the need to find a chosen mate | wanted to go to my chambers too. Mom and Dad toldthey would announce we decided to officially announce my choice in six months, to giveand my new mate sprivacy. | see them climb up the stage in the ballroom and after they announce exactly that, telling our guests they are welcto go back or stay and enjoy the party a little longer. Whispered voices are everywhere, everyone is questioning who | chose, and why we decided last minute to have smore privacy.

Unsurprisingly a lot of the guests have picked up on everything happening betweenand Ayla, and | don’t want to any questions | do not have the answers to. Excusing myself with Jessa, and her parents | go hand leave for my chambers, excited for the next morning when 74.23% 12.05 010 Griffin 288 Vouchers | can finally talk to my mate. The last thing | do before going to sleep is praying to the MoonGoddess one last tthanking her for blessingwith such a perfect mate.
