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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 276
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051 Ayla 288 Vouchers This weekend with Griffin has flown by, | needed to tell him about David. | had been trying to find the perfect moment to tell him the entire weekend. All while he had gone overboard to fill our weekend with wonderful stuff to do as a couple. Add in his family wanting sof our time. We would be heading to bed in a few minutes, and I was so exhausted | was sure | could not keep my eyes open. So | decided to not wait for the perfect moment anymore. He was tense there was a tick in his jaw that madewant to reach out and caress his check. | couldn’t though so | just sat down next to him.

“David, textedlast weekend just when | got home, sbullshit about missing me,” Griffin growled, clearly fighting to stay the orie in control.

Since he didn’t say anything | just continued explaining to him how I ignored David at first dismissing it as a drunk text. How over the course of the week he had kept texting me. And that the only reason I did not tell, him about it was that | wanted to tell him in person.

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“That's why you looked guilty a few times when we had plans, you wanted to tellbefore,” He said, like he was just realizing it himself just now.

I nodded not knowing what to say, as it was hard to get a read on him at 0.00% 15:17 051 Ayla 288 Vouchers this moment. In the last two weeks, we've grown so close that | could easily read him. So the fact that he was so closed off now made anxious.

“Don’t be naive, Darling, he wants you back. He must regret that he rejected you, | don’t blhim for missing you but he is overstepping” Griffin still wasn’t facingas he was talking to me.

Even when | placed a hand on his shoulder, he let me. He did not shrug off my hand, but he did not faceeither.

“There would have been an easy solution for this, we could just complete the mating process but of course, you don’t want that” Griffin was right, David would have to be extremely foolish for him to pursuewhen | was the Crown prince’s only mate. That didn’t stop his words from feeling like a slap to the face. | jumped up from the bed whirling around to face him. About to cuss him out for makingfeel bad about this. After he did nothing but promisehe would be patient with me! “Maybe | should have rejected had you back in my place, since yo you are already breaking your promise about being patient with me” Was the only thing | managed to choke out.

Rushing to his closet, the very closet | filled with clothes to keep here. Because | saw a future with him. | honestly don’t want to go, and my heart is breaking thinking about leaving him behind. What other option do | have though if he is going to throw my past, my trauma in my face every tswolf shows interest in me? Like he hasn't noticed the 16.97% 15:180 051 Ayla 288 Vouchers stares he has been getting when we go out anywhere. She-wolves and humans alike. Sguys too, and | get it even for a wolf he is muscular. Combined with his caramel skin, deep brown eyes, and dark curly hair he was extremely handsome. Never have | blamed him for it though, | knew he would never betraylike that. That he is too kind, too genuine and he honors the matebond far too much to cheat. Why isn’t he able to givethat strust in my loyalty? Is it because | still not have accepted him or because | want to take it slow? But if that’s the reason why didn’t het tellthen? Why did he tell me, he would be willing to wait for as long as | needed? Then again, | have seen that jealousy of his before, even when his best friend calledfirecracker. Jealous mates are a thing, jealous Alpha’s even more. To me, it is the most off-putting thing though. There was no way | was going to stand for my partner being overly jealous. | can hardly see what | am doing through the tears in my eyes. Suddenly Griffin is right behind me, his voice strained as he tells me.

“Please don’t leave me, Darling, | love you | just need to go for a run to clear my mind please wait on me” His hand is flexing like he wants to reach out forbut won't allow himself.

I roll my eyes and | don’t want to give in, but | am too far in, | have fallen too deep for this man. So | sigh and tell him I will wait for him, not bothering to unpack what clothes | managed to shove into my bag. Without saying another word | walk into the bathroom to take a shower. Hoping that it will clear my mind. Because why would | not complete the mating process, if | am unable to leave him if he doesn’t treatright? | wish | could just talk to Jessa, but if she knows Gerald knows, 36.99% 15:18 051 Ayla 288 Vouchers and if he knows there is a risk Griffin will know exactly what | am feeling and | can’t deal with that right now.

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About an hour later | was lying in bed, scrolling on my phone because I could not focus on my book. When Griffin walks back in, | can sense he is tired but when he speaks tohis voice isn’t as strained anymore when thanksfor still being there. He did as he said and took a quick shower then he just got into bed with me. Spooningwithout saying a word.

ork When we woke up the next morning he seemed too eager to forget it. Apologizing for his behavior. Something was off, he seemed too quick to bury it. Maybe | should press him more, ask him why he was so chill about everything now. When only yesterday evening he was raging with jealousy blamingfor what happened because | was the one who wasn’t ready to complete the mating process. But when | asked where we would go from here. And he just muttered “Forward” into my car | was eager to let it go two. Maybe it was just a heat-of- the-moment reaction, maybe the run did clear his mind. After today we would need to miss. each other for a whole week again. To spend the weekend with all of my family celebrating Kate's mating. In a pack, both of us were unfamiliar with.

There was no way | would end our almost weekend with another huge fight. | pushed down every doubt, every negative thought and | let the joy of the moments we spent together lullin a sort of happy trance. We're good together, or we can be good together when we focus on us.

60.79% 15:18 051 Ayla 288 Vouchers Focus on the good things, the morals and values we share. | know in my heart that we can be good together with everything. We just need to find a way to communicate better.

Still, when | was about to head out | felt sad. | would have to miss him and as much as | tried to ignore it.

Something was off, Griff was sweet and caring, and he had spent half of the day making ljokes. It all just seemed a little less, genuine than we normally would. | hoped that showing Griffin I had blocked David's number would soothe his mind. So the last thing I did before | got in the car was show him my phone. And when he kissedthankingfor doing so. It felt like it was before our fight on Saturday night.

ork It’s Thursday again and in only twenty-four hours, | get to see Griffin again. Last weekend he explained that he normally had work on the weekends too. Because he wanted to spend our weekends together he worked harder during the weekdays. It was extremely sweet and | could never complain about that. However, it did mean that we had a lot less tto text and FaceTand it madesad. And it madeconsider things, pushingtowards making a decision. When | finished my job | was thinking about what decision to make. | noticed a familiar car in the parking lot and my heart skipped a beat as my stomach dropped to the floor like it was made of concrete.
