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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 307
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082 Ayla

As | scrambled up, Roderick’s Alpha’s voice booms through the pack kitchen.

“Cynthia Wilson and Anna Black, you are dismissed from pack breakfast. You will meetin the meeting room

in an hour"

He doesn’t address any other wolf, everyone including Griffin freezes to the spot. The girls scramble away from

the pack kitchen, and Sam and what | can only guess are Anna’s parents and brother. All looking regretful and a

little scared.

“Griffin, and Ayla | request both of your presence too” He sounds casual

and unbothered,

still, | feel a little on edge, judging from Griff’s face and the tic in his jaw. He is just as happy about it as | am. For

now, | try to just enjoy my favorite breakfast talking to my family.


Exactly an hour, after Rodrick requested us to meet him in the meeting room. Cynthia and Anna, are already

there. They remindof schoolgirls in the principal’s office. Staring at their feet with a mixture of fear and guilt

written all over their faces.



082 Ayla

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for joining us, Prince Griffin, Princess Ayla please have a seat?” Roderick smiles at us.

I'm a little unsure about if the fact, that he uses our titles is a good or bad sign. Griffin doesn’t seem to know

either he hasn't let go of my hand since we entered this meeting room. Not even when we took a seat.


“Princess Ayla, | saw stension between you and the ladies to your left last night. At the tit seemed to be

resolved fairly quickly so I let

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

1. go. | am sorry it seems that my faith in my pack members was unjustified. Can you tellwhat happened?”

Rodrick askedmakingfeel more and more that it was not us he was upset with.

Still, it felt a bit awkward and he would probably not be so pleased with my reaction yesterday. Maybe he would

believeover them because Griffin would have my back no matter what happened. But | respected and liked

him far too much to lie to him. So after stealing myself, I looked him straight in the eyes as | recounted what

happened. How the two of them had sauntered up to us, ignoringhow Cynthia had flirted how | staked my

claim on Griffin, how he in term had scolded” both Cynthia and Anna.

“So what you're tellingis these two she-wolves committed treason. And instead of putting them to trial you

told them you were secure in your mateship with my son. Albeit it somewhat rough around the edges?” He asked

one eyebrow quirked up.



082 Ayla

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To me, it sounded like an oversimplification of what had happened, done to paintin a better light. But | was

not about to argue with him over this. Cynthia and Anna had both turned white as | sheet. All | could get out

while awkwardly shrugging was:

“Yes, | guess so if you want to see it like that”

“Please, King Roderick, we didn’t know she was part of the royal family yet. She isn’t even marked by him”

Cynthia pleaded, Griffin closed his eyes in what | could only describe as pity for her foolishness.

Confirmed by the fact that Rodrick rose from his chair as he growled.

“Do you mean to tellyou get to have a say in who | consider my family and when? Because letbe very

clear Cynthia the woman to your right is my daughter-in-law, your future Luna, and your future Queen, and from

now on out you will respect her as such. Or | will put you to trial, and believewhen | tell you no one not even

your father, will speak on your behalf if | do so”

When | saw her after Rodrick had first mentioned treason | suspected the two couldn't get more pale. But | just

found out that | was very wrong

about that.

“Enough with this nonsense, | have tried to give the two of you a fair chance to explain your side of the story but

| have heard enough. | hereby rule that you both will be punished for your misdoings against a member of the

royal family and for not showing pack spirit. Princess



082 Ayla

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Ayla is the one to determine the punishment, as she is the one you have wronged the most” He had sat down

but he still had a light snarl to his words, and he was still almost frighteningly intimidating.

Even tohis daughter-in-law whose side he was on. | cannot imagine how scared Cynthia and Anna were now.

To me, that was punishment enough. | knew Rodrick would not agree withso | quickly cup. with a plan.

“I would like an honest apology, and | think they should not have meals at the pack house until I move in next

week. And letbe clear it is not because | do not trust Griffin, because | do. But I do think neither of us

deserves the disrespect they have been giving us and there is no way forto be certain they will actually

stop” | said trying to sound calm and confident.

“Permission to speak father?“Griffin spoke up much more formally than | ever heard him talk to his father.

Who just nodded at him to continue.

Griffin did not face Rodrick though he faced Cynthia and Anna.

“I would like for the two of you to think of the punishment you would have no doubt eagerly administered. What

you have done would have warranted for your Princess to put you on trial twice. Yet all she asks for is an apology

and a guarantee that you will not have a chance to disrespect us in her absence” He told them


082 Ayla

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While his words seemed to have struck a chord with Anna who was now silent crying. | could tell Cynthia still was

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

more annoyed than anything else. She feared King Rodrick and Griffin but she would only apologize to get them

off their backs. And it showed her half-hearted apology was nothing compared to Anna’s heartfelt apology even

if it was hard to hear between her sobs. | could make out her thankingfor being so gracious. At Rodrick’s

command, they scurried off, knowing that he would alert the rest of the pack of their punishment and the reason

behind it.

“Can the two of you stay behind for a bit?” Rodrick asked us.

And there was nothing we could do but sit back down to see what he was going to tell us.

“First of all, thank you for provingright Ayla, even if it is grand to put them to trial | would not have wanted

that for two young wolves for something relatively minor. As leaders of the pack you are like parents to them,

parents raise their pups with, patience love, and understanding. And good rulers lead the pack like that. You

have shownthat you are the Luna and Queen | expected you to be. And just saying it also shows you will be

a great mother, just like how | will be an amazing, gramps” He told us.

With that last remark, all the tension left the room. | could finally breathe without being scared of what the

consequences would be forand Griffin. There were no consequences for us because we handled it as well as

we could all things considered.



209 Visschers

Turns on the reason he asked we to stay belund was that we had to officially ask puckmembers to be our Beta

and Gemma and let them Know: Everyone including Redrick knew who Griffin was going to pick. But | didn’t even

know who | was going to pick myself Which could be a bit of a problem in the future Now | had even more to

think about when | went hm a few hours. The obvious choice would be Jessa, she is my best friend and |

have known her for years so | was sure could trust her She would never refuse me, but | knew what she really

wanted was to be a stay-at-hmom to her pups And there was no way | was thanking that dream away from


My second choice would be Krystel and it was very likely that she and Dan would stay here, but | had no idea if

she would want to be my Beta. and if so how pack members would feel aboutchoosing my sister and cousin-

in-law as my beta. | needed a bit of fresh air, maybe Griff and | can po on a hike and talk about it, he knows his

pack members better than I do, and | trust him enough to let him helpmake a decision
