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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 311
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086 Ayla

Today was the day, my goodbye party would be tonight. After that, | would sleep one more night in my now-

empty room. Tomorrow morning, Mom, Dad, and the rest of the family will helpload all the boxes in our

trucks. Then we would drive to the Silver Moon pack where my new life would start. | was a little bummed Griffin

and the others could not helpout like they said they would. That was the one big downside of surprising Griff

with all of this.

Of course, the fact that nobody heard anything from the Blood Moon pack anymore didn’t help. At this rate,

there was no telling if we would be able to make it to our mate-moon. Or if we need to stay behind to help our

pack in a war. Mom had texted one of her friends from the Blood Moon pack. Just a casual text, inquiring how her

friend had been.” How things at the pack were with all the changes. Casual enough for: that friend to answer.

But it had been three days and she still hadn't heard back from her friend. Even if she could see, said friend had


online several times.

There was a slight chance the friend was angry and felt betrayed by my parents leaving the pack. But she didn’t

seem like the type, she would at the very least told my mother to never text her again. So it seemed more likely

that David had told the pack not to contact either us or just wolves. outside the pack in general. Either way that

all proved to the fact that David was planning something as revenge to what Griffin had done. Something I tried

to prevent for a year something | couldn’t have prevented if David wanted to go to war. That much was clear

now, so all



288 Voucht:

| did was suffer and be miserable for an entire year. Knowing all of that | could no longer blGriffin for what

he has done.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

It was the only thing | would change about the past. Not being rejected by him, not even being bullied that

gradually turned into abuse. Because it all ledto Griffin. But | would want to change how much | tried to keep

a peace that wasn’t real in the first place. Because that was the hurt that madeclose myself off, that was the

hurt that almost stoppedfrom giving Griffin a chance just because he seemed too good to be true.

Sometimes | still feel he is, but he lovesand he proves it toevery day.

As an answer tosending a picture of every coffee I drank to tell him we were one coffee closer to living

together. He had started to take pictures of the empty bed, the empty nightstand, and one night even a clean

and empty cup. Counting down the days we would have coffee together. He was good at these big gestures,

even if | failed to see them in the beginning. But he was even better at these small gestures or maybe that was

just because | loved them so much more.


“I'll never get why you and your mother cannot just read e-books. That would have been so much easier you

know. All of this” he gestured towards his truck which was about halfway full with boxes and boxes of my books.

“In one small device that would fit in your bag” He huffed, he always muttered or complained about our hobby.



086 Ayla

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But at the stime, he would always get us books on our birthdays or special days or just to surprise us. Back

when | still was a pup he would. taketo the bookstores on the days the bullying was really bad. Those would

be the days he would bicker with Mom about moving back to the White Oak pack and the day after he would

always get her a book to apologize for being mean.

“Well if | would do that, what would I use to fill up the custom bookshelves my mate had installed for me? Since

he you know actually supports my hobbies” | teased him back.

Maybe it was wrong of me, especially with the ramifications that were about to happen. But | was just happy that

my parents could giveaway to the Silver Moon pack on my special day. | knew that was only possible

because my former Alpha and Luna had died. To most that probably would be really hard. Then again most

Alpha’s and Luna's cared for their pack, so most of the tpacks were heartbroken if they were to lose both

their leaders like that in a tragic accident.

Uncle Nic, askingwhere | should put the framed picture | had wrapped pulledfrom my thoughts. This was

a day of celebrating, a day of saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new. Not a day to think about people

who letget hurt under their watch. Not a day to think about what my ex-mate would do next. All | needed to

focus on was a proper goodbye. | hadn't lived in the White Oak pack that long, but ever since | was a kid | had

been coming here. | spent endless summers here when Mom and Dad were still working. So | had grown very

close to the pack, not to mention the fact that a lot of them were my family. Or friends | had grown up

considering them a part of my family.



086 Ayla


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When | arrived at the pack house where my farewell party was hosted | put the phone bag in my purse. | needed

it to send Griff and Dan a voice message. Telling Griffin | wouldn't be able to text much tonight, but that | would

let him know when | got home. Just so he would feel better, and | sent Dan a text to wish him and Krystel an

awesweekend trip, telling him | would see him on Monday when they got home. | was


almost giddy about the fact that Daniél would live withat the Silver Moon pack. Now after putting my phone

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

away | made my way into the ballroom in the pack house.

Or that’s what it was called but all of our parties were usually way more laidback and casual. | don’t think we

ever hosted a ball ever since | was born. Tonight tables were put on the sides, all of them overflowing with the

food and drinks to feed the entire pack. In the middle tables and chairs were set up. And finally, about half of the

ballroom floor was reserved for dancing but nobody was slowdancing. The rest of the night | had a ton of fun. |

chatted with everyone, danced with my friends and family, had delicious food and last but not least so many

people gavegifts.

The party was still going strong but without the guest of honor. | had let everyone know | was tired and needed

to go home. Everyone knew but none of them seemed to have issues about partying without me. And neither did

I, there was no reason to just break up the party because | was tired. So | hugged everyone as | said my

goodbyes. Not farewells because | would be back here often, so | would see all of them from time

to time.


006 Ayla

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Then | made my way outside grabbing my phone to send Griffin a short text | was heading home. He had been a

bit on edge lately, but knowing when | was walking hand when | arrived hwould help him feel. less

worried. But when | grabbed my phone | noticed | had never sent the voice message to Griff it had been

recording for hours as | was a the party and as a result, the battery was drained. Just as | was about to delete the

voice message and shoot him a quick text my phone died. Poor Griffin, by now he would be getting worried for a

moment | contemplated going back to the packhouse and asking a relative to text him. But | was so tired |

decided against it | would be hin ten more. minutes and | would just ask if he was up for FaceTimingfor

a bit. Maybe it would be kind of cute to FaceTwhen in bed, wishing each other a good night over the phone

for one last time. Because from tomorrow on out | would always get to say goodnight lying in the sbed as

Griff, and | couldn’t be happier.