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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 314
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089 Ayla

| must be a bit paranoid because suddenly | feel uneasy about walking halone without my phone with me.

It’s not like | cannot ask for help if | were to need it. | don’t why I have this ball of nerves in the pit of my stomach

when | can just mindlike for help if something were to happen. to me. While | am walking hfrom my own

party. On the grounds of the pack, | wanted to live on for my entire adult life. | try to calm myself down but

Willow insists on being careful and on high alert, so when something pricks in the back of my neck | immediately

freak out.

| turn around to try and see what happened but | suddenly feel very dizzy, and then everything goes black.


When | wake up | am in my wolf form in skind of carrier crate. My ears feel clogged up and | am still dizzy.

It's the feeling | always get when | fly. What the hell is happening | was in my human form and then something

pricked me. There is nothing else | remember. Panicking | try to mindlink anyone but all I can hear is a deafening

silence. | am too far away from anyone | could reach throughout the mindlink.


The smell of dogs is almost overwhelming almost drowning out the smell of fear. My legs don’t have the strength

to carryyet. But when | look around as much as | can | see that | really am in an airplane. With



089 Ayla

288 Vouchers

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several other carrier crates with dogs in it next to me. Most of them are scared to death. So now | know where |

am, but | am still confused as hell.

What did they prick my neck with? Who did all of this toand why? The only one | can think of wanting to

harmis David. | don’t think he would have the brains to pull this off. And even if he why would he wantin

my wolf form? Flying what seems to be a commercial airplane. I’m unsure if it would be wise to shift into my

human form or not. There is not much choice though, because this crate is so small that | do not have room to

shift back. If that is done on purpose, whoever is doing this knows their shifters. A scary thought as they

kidnapped me. on purpose. | need a way to regain my strength, so | will just lie down and listen for now. Trying to

find sclues about who kidnapped me.


| must have fallen back asleep seconds after trying to find out who kidnapped me. Now the pressure in my ear

from the plane descending. again wakesup. | still feel weaker than | ever have before. Tears cloud my vision

when | realize | might never be able to tell Griff | want him to mark me. We both had to fight the shadows of my

past so much to finally be happy. Just when | was on the verge of finally having my happy ever after someone

tranquilizesand shovesinto a plane like | am a damn Golden Retriever. My body collapses and swings

back and forth in the carrier crate, from what | can only presis the landing. | hit my head and before | can

even register the pain, | am swallowed by the darkness again.



089 Ayla


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Oh my god | am about to throw up, it is as if every t| wake up | feel worse. Now | seem to be in a driving van

or truck. It is pitch black in here, but with my hearing, | can hear the sounds of the traffic around us. The hum of

this vehicle's heavy engine. But | smell nothing, | am not surrounded by dogs anymore. All | can smell is a faint

smell of iron and sgrease. It remindsof Dad's tool shed. Thinking about Dad, about my family is like

another stab to the heart. They had to have chby now. Would they cup to my bedroom and find it

empty? Or would they just go to their bedrooms thinking they will seein the morning?

Will they know something is wrong when they cannot find me? Or will they think | ran away again like | did the

first t| met Griff?. And my poor Griff, he must be going up the walls with worry right now. He must know

better right, he must know something is wrong. He knows now that | would never run away again. He knows now

how excited | was about living with him. He will think it was David but | am still not really sure if it was him.


Fuck, | passed out again, | need to snap out of it. | am a werewolf, | should be able to heal myself. Instead, | just

keep getting weaker and weaker. | just need to stop falling asleep and heal myself. As soon as | heal | should be

able to break open this carrier case. Whoever has kidnappedmust know what | am. And the element of

surprise frombeing my human form could helpto win the inevitable fight when



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they finally are lettingout. But at this moment | can’t even lift up my paw. Let alone tear through this carrier


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It's no use, they must have used something like Wolvesbane or silver, or maybe both. What | am feeling now

remindsof what Grandma used to tellabout the medicine her Grandparents would give her. But they did

it to keep her in her human form. Suppressing and almost killing her wolf Sage. But whatever they injected me

with it forcedto shift into my wolf form. It could have just been a side effect. Where Willow used her last

strength to shift to protect me. However, if that were the case | doubt they would have a pet crate, an airplane,

and a van ready to transportlike this. We are driving over spretty bumpy terrain. now, and it's making

matter. Perks of being a werewolf is not getting sick so often.

Now. it feels like my body wouldn't even be able to vomit if | needed to | feel so tired and achy that | fear my ribs

will break the moment | throw up. Desperate to get srelief from this car sickness on steroids | close my eyes

pressing my paws against my ears trying to shut out the outside. noises. Something | don’t manage to do but

soon enough | succumb to the darkness again. At least now | don’t feel nauseous anymore. With how terrible |

am feeling now I'm not even bothered by what is happening toanymore all | want to do is sleep now.




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My prayers are answered, and when | slowly wake up again | can feel | am lying in a soft bed. | wiggle my fingers,

so | must have returned to my human form again. | can’t seem to open my eyes. This room smells vaguely

familiar so | can only hope that Griffin foundin tand that | am resting in our bed. That's what | need to

believe to be able to fall asleep again And | need the rest, if it is not Griffin who putin this bed, | will be in a

world of trouble. If that is the case | am going to need to find a way to get out of this trouble and to be able to do

that | need sstrength. | need to rest a bit now that | am a bit more

comfortable for the first tin hours..