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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 121
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121 Griffin

“You look like you found something?” Jay did not beat around the bush as he led me into

the Alpha’s office.

For a moment, I was taken aback by how much it had changed since the last time I was

here. David had kept the office like his dad had before him. Modern, sleek, and cold. Jay

had made the office his own, it was warm and homely, and I could recognize all the

pictures from their home now adorning the walls in his office. Which included the pictures

of Ayla and seeing her smiling looking in the camera. Happy and carefree, surrounded by

her family, felt like a punch to the gut. Making me wonder if I would ever be able to think

about her without feeling like this. But I shook those thoughts from my mind as soon as

they came. I would, because soon she would be back with me where she belonged.

“Your daughter is a smart woman, she left me a message,” I told Jay and Tessie as I

showed them the picture.

“Oh, that is the one she wanted to print out to hang in your guy’s living room.” Tessie’s

voice trembled.

“And they will my love, we just need the plan to find her right, Griffin?” Jay pleaded with

me, desperate to cheer up his mate.

I couldn’t refuse that, I know I would have said anything even remotely true if it meant

cheering up Ayla. Forcing a smile I hoped seemed real enough, I looked up at the two of


“Yes, I’m here to see if we can come up with a plan together, you know this area so much

better than I do. And Tessie, can you prepare a first aid kit?” I asked Tessie because she

was so much like her daughter.

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121 Grin

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If they were worrying, keeping them active helped. I was the same, I needed to feel like I

was helping. Like I was actually doing something to improve the situation, too. She got up

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right away to make the first aid kit I requested. As soon as the door closed, Jay thanked


“But you’re actually here to come up with a plan to get my baby back, right?” He asked


Since I was, we discussed what the best approach was for hours. In the end, we figured we

would make ten groups. Eight started on the outer edge. In all four cardinal and four

intercardial directions. Two groups would run to the spot where I found the photo. I had 19

wolves with me when I found it, Each group would have two of the wolves that knew to

find the direction of the photo. More so because I claimed a tree near the spot. All

members of my pack should be able to find it now. It was a risk as it was a tree David and

Ayla clearly passed and if he smelled I claimed it. He could be tipped about me being

close, finding Ayla was crucial though. And it was highly unlikely that he would be out a lot

with her. And if he would be, he would probably notice a hundred wolves patrolling

through the forest.

Because that is what we decided to do with the groups patrolling. Each group would

consist out of five wolves from either pack with an appointed Silver Moon and BloodMoon

leader. The leaders would be each other’s equals. This way, everyone could reach each

other using the mindlink. And it would make the BloodMoon wolves who were a bit

hesitant about the Silver Moon pack feel safer. The same would be true for the few Silver

Moon wolves who did not trust BloodMoon pack members, because of what some of them

had done to their Luna and Queen-to-be.

“We should go patrol as soon as it is daylight, there is no time to waste. But we need to be

sure we are able to find things if we are out in the woods.” I suggested, and Jay once again

agreed with me.

Normally when two Alphas get along like we do, when two Alphas are




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family (in-law) the packs would completely trust each other. It was sad the situation with

the BloodMoon pack had gotten so out of hand. When all of this was over. I would have to

talk to my parents about making sure things wouldn’t get out of control for any other pack

like this anymore. I had no idea how we were going to realize that. All I knew was that we

needed to, just because maybe in the future it could save someone for the same faith Ayla


The how and when was a worry for future Griffin. It was two am already, and after being

on the road for ten hours. Spending nine of those hours actually driving. Only to go for a

run, and find something heartbreaking during that run, had worn present-day Griffin out.

I needed to be well rested and sharp early in the morning tomorrow. So, sk ipping dinner, I

just said my goodbyes to Jay and went to the guest room assigned to me.

As I was walking out, I texted my parents with updates. I would mindlink the pack

members with me here about our plans for the morning. Walking and texting was no talent

of mine, I figured there wouldn’t be anyone else in the halls right now anyway. Only I was

mistaken, so I bumped into a middle-aged wolf, causing me to drop my phone.

The middle-aged wolf practically flew to the ground to pick up my phone. Handing me my

phone, baring is neck to me. A sign of submission, every wolf knew what it was, and this

wasn’t the first time someone showed their submission to me.

Normally though there was a reason to do so, either because something else put me on

edge. Showing your neck to an Alpha or Royal wolf when they were pis sed off was a smart

way to defuse any situation, the other situations where when you had done or asked

something offensive or were about to. Not something like this where we both not watching

where we were going.


121 Griffin

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“I am so sorry Crown Prince Griffin, I was just going home I watched

some sports at my best friend’s place. He is the chef so he lives here,

sports at my best friend’s place. He is th normally there isn’t anyone walking down these

halls. I lost track of time, and I was running late and didn’t want to worry or upset my

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mate. She hates it when I am late, but it was no excuse, though I know…” Raising one

hand, I stopped the man’s word vomit.

I wondered what the hell kind of rumors circulated about me for this healthy adult wolf to

fear me like that.

“Calm down man, I figured the hallways were empty too, so we both didn’t pay attention it

sucks, but it happens. We were both at fault” I told him thinking that would be the end of


But it wasn’t because for some reason this man thought an Alpha could never be at fault.

Let alone a royal wolf, after a bit of pressure the man, who I found out was named Rob.

Had been taught by the Birches that the leaders of a pack can do no wrong. And again I

was reminded at how awful those people had been.

“So, what is your role here in the pack” I asked as I got an idea of how to not only reassure

this poor guy.

But to help Jay, show the pack there was another way. Another style of leadership; a better

one. A happier, more stable one.

“Warrior Sir, in fact, I volunteered to be on the team to find your mate. Ayla is such a

sweet girl, you know. I never got why some of the pack members made such an issue

about her height. It’s probably the fact that Alpha Phillip was such a freak about

perfection. I do not agree with what David is doing now, and I never agree with murder…”

My body instantly grew numb and cold at his words, did this man know something I didn’t?

We had figured out most of the pack honestly had no clue about what happened to Ayla

and David. And that if they would, they couldn’t tell us because of a lingering Alpha

121 Griffin

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command. Maybe he knew more, but could only just now speak up. Because the Alpha

command no longer controlled him now the pack had a new Alpha. He might have been a

bit anxious to tell Jay and with me reassuring him it might have just been the push in the

right direction. So I didn’t say anything not wanting to make him feel like he could not tell

me. Because I needed to hear this no matter how much I

feared what I was about to hear.


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