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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 146
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146 Ayla

Despite the awkwardness for a few seconds being back in Griffin’s arms felt good. We stayed like that

cuddled up together for about an hour when my stomach grumbled loudly. It was a good sign, that I

was getting my appetite back but I still felt a little ashamed about it.

Especially since it already seemed like Griffin didn’t see me like he used to before.

“Do you want me to cook for you?” Griffin immediately wants to take care of me again.

And I don’t mind as long as he doesn’t feel like he is demoted to some kind of caregiver and nothing

more. I decided to give it some time though. It must have been traumatizing for him too. And I am sure

he is tired too. For now, though I am craving being outside. It’s cruel for a wolf to have to be inside all of

the time. During my time in the dungeon, I hardly saw any sunlight not even through windows since the

sunroof wasn’t enough to light up the entire dungeon.

“Actually Griff, I am dying to go outside is there somewhere we can eat outside? Just go to a restaurant

or something?” I ask hoping he won’t mind being seen outside with me in this state.

When he starts speaking he is a little hesitant not finding the right words. For a moment my heart sinks

and I feel like he is going to tell me that he as a future Prince cannot be seen outside with his mate

looking like this. I know he still loves me, but with being royalty you have a standard to hold on to. Not

to mention the fact that I am very aware of the fact that I do not look like I used to before. Sure I have

always been petite for a werewolf. I was happy with how I looked and all of that changed now.





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146 Ayla

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“There is a food festival close by on human territory, it is supposed to have a lot of Mexican food

stands. My parents wanted to take you there but I was unsure if you would be able to handle it with

how tired- you seem” He tells me.

I cannot help but beam, at him. It’s not about him being ashamed to be seen with me. It’s not about his

status because he is about to take me on a family outing amongst humans. At least our pack members

knew what had happened to me unlike said humans. All this perfect

wonderful man is scared of is my health.

“Well I don’t know how long I can stay, but I haven’t had good Mexican food since the day I went to the

White Oak pack to go pack my stuff” I answered.

There was a flash of guilt visible on Griffin’s face, I know he blames himself for my kidnapping. Even if

there was nothing he could have done to stop it.

“I’ll ask my parents if they made plans or if they still want to go okay?” He suggested but I haven’t

spoken to Isabella or Rodrick for so long, and I have started to love them like I love my own family.

I’ll tell them maybe they would like that?” I ask suddenly feeling a ittle unsure.

“They love it” Griffin’s answer is short and sweet.

He then pecks my lips and wraps his arms around me tighter dispelling more of my fears.

“Isabella, Rodrick it’s me Ayla did you still want to go to the food festival” I text the two of them.

They call back instantly which is a little overwhelming. That doesn’t stop me from smiling at their

genuine happiness to hear from me. Or





146 Ayla

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their genuine worry for me. They are not wanting me to overdo myself.

“I am sure, I am desperate for some fresh air, and some normalcy. So Griff, and I are going out to have

dinner anyway” I try to reassure him.

“Then don’t you dare go without us, we can be ready in thirty minutes” Isabella rushes to say making

me chuckle.

“I take it, my parents still want to go out with us” Griffin chuckles knowing his parents well

I nod and get up to get dressed in my clothes. The good thing about going out for food at a food truck

festival is that it means I do not have to dress up. That way I can wear clothes that do not emphasize

the scars and bruises on my body so much. A pair of skinny jeans, chunky sneakers, and a white T-

shirt, and now the only thing I need is the lilac cardigan I bought with Krystel when I went shopping to

surprise Griff.

But I cannot find it, I am getting more and more frustrated until reality hits me. I’ve worn that cardigan

on one of the times I travel back to the White Oak pack. It’s been washed and folded. Waiting for me in

one of my bags to be brought here for the permanent move. It is a silly little thing to be sad over, but it

is a symptom of so much more. For all the things I lost, for the fact that my life has been put on pause.

By now I should have been Griff’s marked mate, I should have been looking for my Gemma to be.

Getting more lessons with Isabella.

Not sitting here in front of my closet realizing, my stuff isn’t here yet. All of it just causes me to break

down. By the time Griffin comes out of the shower, he finds me on the floor a sobbing mess. Of course,

he immediately worries rushing to me and pulling me against his still-wet body.,

“What is it Darling, did you hurt yourself?” His voice comes out squeaky, panicked and I hate myself

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even more for worrying him like this.





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“No, I am okay it’s just my lilac cardigan is not here yet, I wanted to wear it and now I don’t know what

to wear. It shouldn’t be like this Griff, we should have been so much further along in our future” I cry in

his chest for the second time today.

“Darling, I love you so much, we have the rest of our lives to build our future. I hate that all of this

happened to you, to us. But you are back with me now, and that is all that matters we will get there

TOGETHER” He tells me and then gets up without saying another word.

When he returns he has one of his jeans jackets in hand, his favorite


“Here Darling, wear this, and to be honest I like knowing even the humans can see you are mine” He

smiles so brightly that I instantly feel better.

I slip on the jacket wash my face with cold water and reapply some of my make-up. Just wearing

clothes I feel comfortable in, having done my hair and my make-up worn me out already. Griff seems to

notice it, he is watching me like a hawk. But it hasn’t just worn me out, it also made me feel better.

More like myself so I loop my arm in Griff’s both to be close to him and to have a little support with

walking. Ready to go out and see where the night takes us, as long as I don’t collapse from exhaustion.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!