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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1449
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Chapter 1449

Tears trickled down her flushed cheeks, reigniting the sting she'd been trying to soothe with the gentlest of touches.

A crowd of onlookers had begun to gather.

"I heard sof my buddies rave about the Ar-BI-Clear Group's products, saying they worked wonders. How on earth could

something like this happen?"

"Maybe it's a bad batch issue? It started out great, but then to make a quick buck, they swapped the high-quality ingredients for

cheap junk and threw in sbanned substances. Not surprising at all!"

“But the Ar-Bl-Clear Group is a big hbrand. They've worked hard to build their reputation. It doesn't make sense to jeopardize

their image for a few extra dollars. This kind of bad press could really hurt their business."

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"Hey, you're defending the Ar-BI-Clear Group pretty hard. What, are you on their payroll or something?"

“What are you on about? I'm just passing by."

The bystanders chattered incessantly, seven breaking into arguments.

More and more journalists were swarming the scene, all eager to scoop the story.

Arabella parked her car near the group's headquarters and immediately drew attention as she stepped out.

It was her youth and beauty that turned heads. Her face was a stark contrast to the others’! Upon seeing Arabella approach, a

squad of staff members from the main building broke into a brisk jog to greet her. The reporters didn't even get a chance to

bombard them with questions before they reached Arabella and respectfully greeted, "President Arabella."

The crowd was in disbelief. This girl, who looked no older than a teenager, was a heavyweight in a major corporation! "President

Arabella, you've arrived!" the Ar-BI-Clear Group's Vice President Catharina whispered urgently, "We've got over two dozen media

outlets here"

“Where are the victims?" Arabella's presence dominated, exuding both coolness and authority.

Journalists surged toward her, microphones thrust forward, bombarding her with questions.

"May | ask who you are? Can you speak on behalf of the Ar-BI-Clear Group?"

“| see Ms. Catharina treating you with great respect. Are you her superior?"

"There are claims that the Ar-Bl-Clear Group's products cause facial damage.

Have you used them?"

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“Is it true that the Ar-Bl-Clear Group added banned substances to their products to make a quick profit, regardless of consumer


“Will you take responsibility for those who've been harmed?"

“What's your plan to deal with this situation?"

Dozens of cameras were trained on Arabella, dozens of microphones nearly shoved in her face, each journalist vying for her

answer, giving her no tto think.

"Who's been disfigured?" Arabella's voice carried the cold authority of a leader, commanding the attention of all present.

The media parted to create a pathway.

A curly-haired woman, visibly irate, pushed to the front. "We're the victims here! What's your role in the Ar-BI-Clear Group? Are you

important enough to discuss a solution with us? We demand to see the highest authority in the Ar-BI-Clear Group!"