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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1453
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Chapter 1453

A few disfigured folks never expected the stir they caused to blow up like this. Not only did Romeo show up, but Bard's wife made

an appearance too.

Their eyes began to dart about, avoiding direct contact.

“Let's all head over to the the Ar-Bl-Clear Group's staff cafeteria, shall we?"

Arabella suggested.

The place was spacious and had an artsy vibe, capable of accommodating a large crowd at once.

All the journalists, cameraman Hans, and the onlookers were invited over to sample the delicious fare on the house.

People were surprised at how well a skincare company treated its employees. A different main course every day for half a month,

and an endless array of tasty snacks, afternoon pastries, and fancy coffees.

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This wasn't a cafeteria. It was a foodie's paradise! The police had already started their investigations in shifts. The few remaining

officers stayed because Arabella had squestions for the disfigured individuals.

“Try sof our group's coffee and pastries, they're just as good as anything you'll find out there.” Catharina, personally brought

refreshments to the disfigured group, naturally taking a seat next to thern. "In the Ar-Bl-Clear Group, we wear our hearts on our

sleeves for both our employees and our customers. | don't know why you smeared our company, but now that the police are

involved, I'd advise you to cclean. Don't ruin your futures or worry your families."

The disfigured individuals stared at the pastries in front of them, silent.

Arabella cut right to the chase, "Is it because of the Ar-BI-Clear Group that your faces look like this?"

All the disfigured people remained silent, avoiding Arabella’s gaze.

Had they known her backing was so strong, no amount of money would have enticed them.

Crossing Eunice in Dawnstas was tantamount to crossing Bard. There would be severe consequences.

But crossing Romeo meant they could kiss their chances goodbye outside of Dawnstar as well.

And now, both bigwigs were present.

“Even though I'm not sure who's pulling your strings to throw mud at the Ar-BI-Clear Group, 1 can restore your looks. In fact, | can

guarantee that your skin will be in better condition than before,” Arabella offered.

At Arabella's words, the disfigured group lifted their heads in surprise.

"Can you do that?"

“Even the dermatologists at the hospital couldn't help us, and you think you can fix it? With what? How many years will it take?"

"We beclike this because of using your products. Do you really think we'd trust you again?"

"If it weren't for your products, our faces wouldn't be in such a state"

As they all chimed in with their opinions, Arabella waited before responding calmly, “If you had really used products from the Ar-BI-

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Clear Group, you wouldn't be saying they're ineffective. Our products improve skin condition for any skin type. Such a drastic

negative reaction is impossible, unless you didn't use our products."

The guilty looks that flashed through the disfigured individuals’ eyes didn't go unnoticed.

Arabella bluntly stated, "I can tell you're lying."

Now, the disfigured were even more uneasy, unable to meet Arabella's eyes, let alone look in her direction.

"I'm confident that no one in the world, except for me, can restore your skin, and even if there were one or two renowned doctors

who could, their services wouldn't ccheap,” Arabella said coolly. "You might want to think about it because once this

opportunity passes, there won't be another."

The disfigured folks remained silent, but Arabella noticed a young college girl in her early twenties nervously fiddling with her nails,

seemingly weighing something in her mind.

Arabella continued, "Even if you say nothing, the police will find out the truth.

Whether the receipts you have are genuine, whether the products you used are indeed from the Ar-Bl-Clear Group, whether the

test results are real or fake, it will all cto light. And if it turns out you've been chasing shadows, you'll be the ones left empty-
