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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1565
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"It was his encouragement that sawthrough the darkest days of my life." The girl in the white coat spoke with a lingering sense

of gratitude.

"He's a good soul, you know," her mother chimed in, her eyes glistening with tears. "We were having a rough tfinancially, and

he went ahead and covered the surgery costs, easing our burdens. | never used to be into celebs, but now I'm all for my daughter

fangirling over him. Heck, I'm on board too."

"Hey, we sure picked the right guy! Things are looking up now, no need for tears, you should be happy!"

"His handwriting is so neat! Can you sendthat quote? | wanna make it my screensaver."


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"David's always been a stand-up guy," a long-haired girl interjected. "Remember last Christmas, when we went back to our

hometown and there was this massive flood? Water filled up the first three floors of our building, and we were stranded on the

rooftop, waiting for help. It was terrifying, and out of nowhere, we saw these volunteers in a lifeboat paddling towards us. My legs

were jelly, | could barely stand, and this volunteer cover to carry me. He's got a hat, a mask on, but | look into his eyes and—

no way—it's David! | was so stunned, | started crying. He didn't know | recognized him, still speaking in the kindest voice, telling

A girl with a ponytail picked up the story, "Yeah, when David got snapped doing relief work, speople accused him of just

showing off. Please, who would wear a hat and mask, blend in with volunteers, and put on a show for three days straight?"

She had a point, having been a volunteer herself. "I didn't follow any stars back then, but seeing him tirelessly rescuing people and

delivering supplies, wading through the water with us, pulling boats, water up to his knees and he didn't care. | thought, 'This guy's

got focus and looks to boot.' Never would have guessed he was famous. That's when | fell for him."

The ponytailed girl seemed lost in the memory, her emotions palpable.

"He's a top-tier celeb, juggling a packed schedule—acting, variety shows, music, dance rehearsals, events. And still, he finds time

for charity. Such a good person, and people doubt his intentions!"

"I was there, you know. Sstars just drop off supplies and pose for the camera. Not David. He genuinely didn't want recognition,

just wanted to help. He's so humble and kindhearted."

Many were moved by his actions, voicing their admiration.

A girl with a short haircut added, "David's truly one of a kind. After my parents died in a car crash, | was ready to leave this world.

The night I made up my mind, | sent David a private message, telling him | was going and wishing him the best. | remember

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clearly, it was 4,14 AM, and David instantly replied."

The fans were stunned—David was up at that hour, responding to a fan's message.

"He must have checked my Twitter, commented on how nice my clothes designs were, and asked why I'd stopped designing. He

said he was looking forward to wearing something | created one day. He asked if | wasn't planning to stick with him through his

career, that he'd be around for many more years, and he wantedaround too."

Tears welled up in the eyes of many fans.

"He said so much to lift my spirits, insisting | had to keep living. He even sang to me, sent voice messages, singing this unreleased

song called 'Courage’, written for his fans. It's his words that night, his song, that pulledthrough."

Arabella, sitting in the front, hadn't realized David was so kind and caring behind the scenes to do so much without ever boasting.

Listening to all this, Arabella felt it incredibly heartwarming.