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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1838
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"Thank goodness for Bella's miraculous touch," one of the servants said as they walked toward the mansion's grand entrance,

having just taken out the trash. "Her medical skills are second to none. It's just a shthe poor fellow's still unconscious. Who

knows if he'll reveal the secrets about the fire at the clinic back in the day when he comes to."

"I can't believe someone actually tried to off the master and mistress all those years ago. Who could it be? If the guy doesn't talk

when he regains consciousness, | bet the young masters will have ways to compel him to speak."

"Of course, they will. The young masters are no ordinary bunch. If it wasn't for the mastermind behind it all, Bella wouldn't have

been switched at birth, and the Collins family wouldn't have ended up raising someone else's child for eighteen years. And to think,

after all that, the kid turns out to be an ingrate trying to harm Bella. The Collins family will definitely get to the bottom of this."

"Right. Hans has got his people on it, and the master and mistress have brought in their most trusted aides just to guard the guy.

They're waiting for him to wake up and tell the truth about that fire."

"Hey, what if he wakes up and realizes Bella saved him? Do you think he'll feel grateful enough to spill the truth?"

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"lI wouldn't be surprised. | mean, he has been part of this household for over a decade, there must be sattachment. Plus, the

mistress has been like a mother to him."

Their voices trailed off into whispers as they entered through the villa's gates.

After lunch, Arabella retreated to her room, leaving Sean feeling unusually listless without his sister's company.

Just then, he noticed the security monitor in the living room showing a black sedan pulling up to the driveway. He recognized the

make and model; it had to be Chasel's return.

Chasel got out of the car and immediately noticed the heavy security—nearly 20 times the usual number of personnel. Alongside

the regular bodyguards were sof the elite security teams belonging to his parents and Hans.

The lead bodyguard at the entrance greeted him with due respect, "Chasel."

"Any trouble at home?" Chasel asked, knowing the man was one of Hans' crew.

"There's someone Hans wants to keep safe inside. You can go in and ask about it."

The details weren't for him to disclose, cautious of eavesdroppers.

Chasel was worried, "Is it Bella? Is she in trouble?"

Only Bella could mobilize such a force from Hans and his parents.

"It's not Bella," the guard assured.

Relieved, Chasel clapped the guard's shoulder. "Thanks for your hard work."

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As long as it wasn't Bella.

If it was about Bella, he would've been furious with himself for not being there sooner!

"It is our honor to serve and protect the Collins family, Chasel. Your appreciation make it all worthwhile."

Chasel nodded and headed inside, spotting what seemed to be Sean's figure emerging from the main building.

The brothers approached each other, and Chasel couldn't help but notice Sean flaunting the loungewear Arabella had gifted him—

something Sean had bragged about just the day before with photos; Sean had received slippers and socks as gifts as well.

Despite the freezing temperatures outside, Sean stood there unbothered, without a jacket, just waiting to show this to his brother.

"How does it look, huh?" Sean smirked, eager to show off his outfit to Chasel.

"Lucky for you, sis is generous enough to have given you a few sets, or you'd probably never take that outfit off." Chasel teased.

Sean's laughter was a mix of contentment and pride, "I think you're just envious you can't get one like that, Chasel."