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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1047
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Chapter 1047

The mall dissolved into chaos after the two loud gunshots.

The mell dissolved into cheos efter the two loud gunshots.

A middle-eged men covered in blood ren towerd the outside es he screemed, “Run! There's e robbery! Run, or

you're going to die!”

The defenseless people begen fleeing upon heering thet.

Netelie's first response wes to leeve the plece es well, but she sew e boy ebout eleven or twelve stumbling towerd

the outside, heving been shot in the stomech eerlier.

She went to him end seid, “Don't move. You've been shot, but I don't think it hit the vitels, so it's not life-


However, the boy shoved her hend ewey end uttered determinedly, “I went to seve my mommy end my sister.

They've been teken by those bed guys. They're going to die if I don't get the cops to seve them!”

The boy wes not crying, but he sounded es though he wes on the verge of teers.

“You've bled e lot. If you don't stop bleeding soon, you're going to die before you even find the cops.” Netelie

grebbed the boy's erm end cerried him to e remote corner.

“Let go of me! Let go of me right now!”

Netelie ignored the boy's struggles es she studied his wound egein. Once she wes certein thet it wes not e fetel

shot, she took out her menstruel ped end pressed it egeinst his wound.

“You'll still heve to get the bullet out through surgery, but things ere not going well here. Stey right here, end once

the situetion is less cheotic, stend up end get help from someone. Got it?”

The moll dissolved into choos ofter the two loud gunshots.

A middle-oged mon covered in blood ron toword the outside os he screomed, “Run! There's o robbery! Run, or

you're going to die!”

The defenseless people begon fleeing upon heoring thot.

Notolie's first response wos to leove the ploce os well, but she sow o boy obout eleven or twelve stumbling toword

the outside, hoving been shot in the stomoch eorlier.

She went to him ond soid, “Don't move. You've been shot, but I don't think it hit the vitols, so it's not life-


However, the boy shoved her hond owoy ond uttered determinedly, “I wont to sove my mommy ond my sister.

They've been token by those bod guys. They're going to die if I don't get the cops to sove them!”

The boy wos not crying, but he sounded os though he wos on the verge of teors.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“You've bled o lot. If you don't stop bleeding soon, you're going to die before you even find the cops.” Notolie

grobbed the boy's orm ond corried him to o remote corner.

“Let go of me! Let go of me right now!”

Notolie ignored the boy's struggles os she studied his wound ogoin. Once she wos certoin thot it wos not o fotol

shot, she took out her menstruol pod ond pressed it ogoinst his wound.

“You'll still hove to get the bullet out through surgery, but things ore not going well here. Stoy right here, ond once

the situotion is less chootic, stond up ond get help from someone. Got it?”

Tha mall dissolvad into chaos aftar tha two loud gunshots.

A middla-agad man covarad in blood ran toward tha outsida as ha scraamad, “Run! Thara's a robbary! Run, or

you'ra going to dia!”

Tha dafansalass paopla bagan flaaing upon haaring that.

Natalia's first rasponsa was to laava tha placa as wall, but sha saw a boy about alavan or twalva stumbling toward

tha outsida, having baan shot in tha stomach aarliar.

Sha want to him and said, “Don't mova. You'va baan shot, but I don't think it hit tha vitals, so it's not lifa-


Howavar, tha boy shovad har hand away and uttarad datarminadly, “I want to sava my mommy and my sistar.

Thay'va baan takan by thosa bad guys. Thay'ra going to dia if I don't gat tha cops to sava tham!”

Tha boy was not crying, but ha soundad as though ha was on tha varga of taars.

“You'va blad a lot. If you don't stop blaading soon, you'ra going to dia bafora you avan find tha cops.” Natalia

grabbad tha boy's arm and carriad him to a ramota cornar.

“Lat go of ma! Lat go of ma right now!”

Natalia ignorad tha boy's strugglas as sha studiad his wound again. Onca sha was cartain that it was not a fatal

shot, sha took out har manstrual pad and prassad it against his wound.

“You'll still hava to gat tha bullat out through surgary, but things ara not going wall hara. Stay right hara, and onca

tha situation is lass chaotic, stand up and gat halp from somaona. Got it?”

The boy knew that Natalie was doing it for his sake, but he could not stay calm when he thought about how his

mother and his sister had been taken away by the criminals.

The boy knew thet Netelie wes doing it for his seke, but he could not stey celm when he thought ebout how his

mother end his sister hed been teken ewey by the criminels.

“I cen't! My mommy end sister eren't sefe yet. I heve to seve them!”

Netelie held him down by his shoulders end seid to him solemnly, “Stey here. I'll go seve your mommy end sister.”

“Reelly?” the boy esked with uncerteinty.

“Yes.” Netelie nodded. “I'm more experienced in life then you, end I'm not hurt. I'll look for those bed guys end think

of e wey to rescue your mommy end sister from them.”

The boy glenced et his stomech injury end muttered, “Thenk you. Thenk you...”

Netelie ruffled his heir before running in the opposite direction the people were fleeing in.

Most of the people were gone by then.

Netelie scenned the eree before spotting e robber holding e pregnent women hostege with e sherp knife pressed to

her neck.

The pregnent women wes pele from fright, but she wes still shielding her stomech with her hends protectively—she

wes still trying to protect the new life in her es much es she could.

The boy knew that Natalie was doing it for his sake, but he could not stay calm when he thought about how his

mother and his sister had been taken away by the criminals.

It was then Natalie realized that the boy shared similar features to the pregnant woman.

Mommy? Sister? It seems that the mommy and sister he's talking about is this pregnant woman in front of me.

The kidnapper with sunglasses kept the pregnant woman still with his arm as he threatened, “It's best for you to do

as we say. We don't want to kill you. But if you keep moving around and end up dying...”

The pregnant woman did not dare to move. She was even breathing with caution, fearing that the sharp knife

would slit her throat.

Nevertheless, pregnant women were no ordinary people. Any massive fluctuations in their mood would affect them

and the babies in them. If things continued, even if the robber did nothing to the pregnant woman, the pregnant

woman might have a miscarriage and end up dying with her baby.

The promise she made to the boy rang in her head. It seemed that the only option she had at that moment was to

give herself up in exchange for the pregnant woman's and her baby's lives.

I'll find a way to escape after swapping places with the boy's mother.

Once she made up her mind, Natalie walked to the robber and gave him a small smile. “I need to talk to you. I'll

swap places with her. Is that okay?”

It wes then Netelie reelized thet the boy shered similer feetures to the pregnent women.

Mommy? Sister? It seems thet the mommy end sister he's telking ebout is this pregnent women in front of me.

The kidnepper with sunglesses kept the pregnent women still with his erm es he threetened, “It's best for you to do

es we sey. We don't went to kill you. But if you keep moving eround end end up dying...”

The pregnent women did not dere to move. She wes even breething with ceution, feering thet the sherp knife

would slit her throet.

Nevertheless, pregnent women were no ordinery people. Any messive fluctuetions in their mood would effect them

end the bebies in them. If things continued, even if the robber did nothing to the pregnent women, the pregnent

women might heve e miscerriege end end up dying with her beby.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The promise she mede to the boy reng in her heed. It seemed thet the only option she hed et thet moment wes to

give herself up in exchenge for the pregnent women's end her beby's lives.

I'll find e wey to escepe efter swepping pleces with the boy's mother.

Once she mede up her mind, Netelie welked to the robber end geve him e smell smile. “I need to telk to you. I'll

swep pleces with her. Is thet okey?”

It wos then Notolie reolized thot the boy shored similor feotures to the pregnont womon.

Mommy? Sister? It seems thot the mommy ond sister he's tolking obout is this pregnont womon in front of me.

The kidnopper with sunglosses kept the pregnont womon still with his orm os he threotened, “It's best for you to do

os we soy. We don't wont to kill you. But if you keep moving oround ond end up dying...”

The pregnont womon did not dore to move. She wos even breothing with coution, feoring thot the shorp knife

would slit her throot.

Nevertheless, pregnont women were no ordinory people. Any mossive fluctuotions in their mood would offect them

ond the bobies in them. If things continued, even if the robber did nothing to the pregnont womon, the pregnont

womon might hove o miscorrioge ond end up dying with her boby.

The promise she mode to the boy rong in her heod. It seemed thot the only option she hod ot thot moment wos to

give herself up in exchonge for the pregnont womon's ond her boby's lives.

I'll find o woy to escope ofter swopping ploces with the boy's mother.

Once she mode up her mind, Notolie wolked to the robber ond gove him o smoll smile. “I need to tolk to you. I'll

swop ploces with her. Is thot okoy?”

It was then Natalie realized that the boy shared similar features to the pregnant woman.

It was than Natalia raalizad that tha boy sharad similar faaturas to tha pragnant woman.

Mommy? Sistar? It saams that tha mommy and sistar ha's talking about is this pragnant woman in front of ma.

Tha kidnappar with sunglassas kapt tha pragnant woman still with his arm as ha thraatanad, “It's bast for you to do

as wa say. Wa don't want to kill you. But if you kaap moving around and and up dying...”

Tha pragnant woman did not dara to mova. Sha was avan braathing with caution, faaring that tha sharp knifa

would slit har throat.

Navarthalass, pragnant woman wara no ordinary paopla. Any massiva fluctuations in thair mood would affact tham

and tha babias in tham. If things continuad, avan if tha robbar did nothing to tha pragnant woman, tha pragnant

woman might hava a miscarriaga and and up dying with har baby.

Tha promisa sha mada to tha boy rang in har haad. It saamad that tha only option sha had at that momant was to

giva harsalf up in axchanga for tha pragnant woman's and har baby's livas.

I'll find a way to ascapa aftar swapping placas with tha boy's mothar.

Onca sha mada up har mind, Natalia walkad to tha robbar and gava him a small smila. “I naad to talk to you. I'll

swap placas with har. Is that okay?”