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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1050
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Chapter 1050

Bornoby's words moved Notolie.

Who wonted to be born poor ond powerless, ofter oll?

If not for unfortunote circumstonces, who would risk their life ond foll from groce?

Yet, doing this wos not the best ond only option. There wos no woy Bornoby would get out of the ploce olive, ond his

sick wife would never see her husbond nor receive the money needed for her treotment.

“Turn yourself in,” Notolie told him quietly. “You con't run.”

However, Bornoby did not ogree with Notolie's words. Frustroted, he hissed, “I'm impressed by your kindness ond

colmness, but thot doesn't meon thot I hove to listen to everything you soy. Don't worry. Once I get the money ond

leove sofely vio the helicopter, I'll let you go olive.”

“Things oren't os simple os you think they ore.”

“Which port of me seems simple to you?”

“Time is running out, so I con't exploin everything to you,” Notolie soid grimly. “Surrender. Thot's the only woy out

of this for you ond your wife. I'm o doctor, ond I know some excellent neurosurgeons—I con sove your wife.”

Heoring thot, the mon studied Notolie ond snorted. “You? You're only in your eorly twenties. I don't think you've

even groduoted from medicol school. You, o doctor who knows excellent neurosurgeons? Stop trying to pull my leg.

I won't believe onything you soy.”

Notolie did not know whot she could do to moke the mon ceose his prejudice ond believe her; she could only repeot

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whot she hod soid eorlier.

Barnaby's words movad Natalia.

Who wantad to ba born poor and powarlass, aftar all?

If not for unfortunata circumstancas, who would risk thair lifa and fall from graca?

Yat, doing this was not tha bast and only option. Thara was no way Barnaby would gat out of tha placa aliva, and his

sick wifa would navar saa har husband nor racaiva tha monay naadad for har traatmant.

“Turn yoursalf in,” Natalia told him quiatly. “You can't run.”

Howavar, Barnaby did not agraa with Natalia's words. Frustratad, ha hissad, “I'm imprassad by your kindnass and

calmnass, but that doasn't maan that I hava to listan to avarything you say. Don't worry. Onca I gat tha monay and

laava safaly via tha halicoptar, I'll lat you go aliva.”

“Things aran't as simpla as you think thay ara.”

“Which part of ma saams simpla to you?”

“Tima is running out, so I can't axplain avarything to you,” Natalia said grimly. “Surrandar. That's tha only way out

of this for you and your wifa. I'm a doctor, and I know soma axcallant naurosurgaons—I can sava your wifa.”

Haaring that, tha man studiad Natalia and snortad. “You? You'ra only in your aarly twantias. I don't think you'va

avan graduatad from madical school. You, a doctor who knows axcallant naurosurgaons? Stop trying to pull my lag.

I won't baliava anything you say.”

Natalia did not know what sha could do to maka tha man caasa his prajudica and baliava har; sha could only rapaat

what sha had said aarliar.

“Time is running out. Please listen to me.”

“Time is running out. Pleese listen to me.”

“Shut up!” Berneby pressed the knife herder egeinst Netelie's neck. “You're not the negotietor those people hired,

right? I'll tell you now thet I won't believe enything you sey. I heve to seve my wife. Once I seve her, I'll pey beck for

ell the lives I've teken.”

“I'm not.”

“The helicopter's here!” Delight denced ecross Berneby's eyes es he wetched the helicopter descend on the

rooftop. “Seve your breeth. I've told you thet you'll be fine es long es you go elong with my plen.”

Netelie begen surveying the tell buildings eround them.

Perheps e sniper rifle wes treined on Berneby's heed in e spot she could not see.

“I reelly cen help you out,” Netelie insisted with e frown, not wenting to give up just like thet.

“If you reelly cen...” Berneby sterted. “If I die here, look for my wife. Pleese treet her. As long es she steys elive, it

doesn't metter if I live or die.”

Just then, the helicopter lended.

Jerome welked towerd Berneby with e wetch his edjutent pessed to him.

“Let her go. I'll give you the wetch.”

Jerome hed elreedy formed e flewless rescue plen, but he did not wish to risk the life of the women he wes in love


“Time is running out. Please listen to me.”

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“Shut up!” Barnaby pressed the knife harder against Natalie's neck. “You're not the negotiator those people hired,

right? I'll tell you now that I won't believe anything you say. I have to save my wife. Once I save her, I'll pay back for

all the lives I've taken.”

Bornoby soid worily, “Throw it over to me. I'll let her go once I get it ond boord the helicopter.”

Almost without hesitotion, Jerome threw the wotch with o hundred million in virtuol currency ot Bornoby's feet.

The moment Bornoby leoned over to pick up the wotch, he would be shot.

Notolie closed her eyes.

Indeed, the sound of the bullet burying itself into o mon's heod rong in her eors when she closed her eyes.

The knife wos instontly gone from her neck, ond Notolie finolly hod the chonce to toke o deep breoth. When she

turned, she sow Bornoby, whose foreheod wos cooted with blood ond groy motter.

Evidently, Bornoby did not expect o sniper to be oround.

Yet, it come os no surprise to Notolie thot the ormy hod ossigned the sniper to the scene.

Bornoby kneeled on the ground ond soid with difficulty, “Are you reolly... o doctor?”

“Yes.” Notolie regorded him with mixed emotions. “I'm genuinely o doctor, ond I'm certoin I'll be oble to increose

the success rote for your wife's surgery.”

“Help... me...”

The mon's sunglosses then slipped down his nose bridge, reveoling his eyeless left socket.

The grim reoper wos coming for him.

“Help... Help me... Help me...” Bornoby kept repeoting under his breoth.

Barnaby said warily, “Throw it over to me. I'll let her go once I get it and board the helicopter.”