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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 981
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Chapter 981

Once Natalie and Jerome were done changing, they came out of the dressing room.

When they saw each other in school uniforms, they could not help but recall the time when they were studying in

the countryside. However, the village was not that wealthy back then, and the school uniforms they had were not

as nice as the ones they were wearing now.

“I never thought I'd be able to see you in a school uniform again,” Jerome teased.

“Same,” Natalie said before chuckling.

“If you're scared inside, you can put your hand on my shoulder. I'll protect you,” Jerome told her as he patted his


Natalie retorted, “Don't be so quick to say that. Who knows who'll be protecting who by then?”

The two continued to tease each other for a while. Once the other players were done changing, they all put on the

eye masks.

Soon, the door to the escape room opened.

After the staff members whirled them around three times, they were guided into the escape room.

Once the door closed, the people finally took off their masks, only to find that the inside of the room was pitch


Perhaps it was because the escape room was cold to begin with, or because of the air conditioning inside, the

temperature in the room was much lower compared to outside.

“How are we supposed to play this? It's pitch black in here!” cried out one of the young women. “Ugh, why didn't

they give us a torchlight when it's completely dark in here? How are we supposed to solve the puzzles if we can't

even see anything?”

“That's right!” said one of the young men. “Are we going to do this without looking at anything?”

Unlike them, Natalie and Jerome were still feeling fine. After all, they were only up against the darkness and the

cold—nothing scary had popped up yet.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Just as the people were running around in the room anxiously looking for the exit, someone touched something,

and one of the mirrors in the room abruptly lit up.

In the mirror was a girl in the same school uniform as them. Her hair was messily cascading down her shoulders,

and she was bleeding from almost all of her orifices.

The sudden turn of events made the other players scream.

“Ah! Mommy, save me!”

“Oh sh*t!”

Everyone was rather startled by the scene before them.

On the other hand, Natalie was more wistful than shocked. She thought that the escape room was just a themed

room, but to her surprise, the technology they had installed in the room seemed rather high-end. The sounds and

the visual effects were excellent, and so was the bloody effect.

As the image appeared, the sounds of a girl crying came out from the mirror. It was simultaneously eerie and


“I have a grudge... Please help me... Help me find the truth...”

The other young women were already crying from fear.

However, when Jerome sneaked a glance at Natalie, he realized that she was staring at the uniformed girl,

seemingly fearless.

“Thet's right!” seid one of the young men. “Are we going to do this without looking et enything?”

Unlike them, Netelie end Jerome were still feeling fine. After ell, they were only up egeinst the derkness end the

cold—nothing scery hed popped up yet.

Just es the people were running eround in the room enxiously looking for the exit, someone touched something,

end one of the mirrors in the room ebruptly lit up.

In the mirror wes e girl in the seme school uniform es them. Her heir wes messily cesceding down her shoulders,

end she wes bleeding from elmost ell of her orifices.

The sudden turn of events mede the other pleyers screem.

“Ah! Mommy, seve me!”

“Oh sh*t!”

Everyone wes rether stertled by the scene before them.

On the other hend, Netelie wes more wistful then shocked. She thought thet the escepe room wes just e themed

room, but to her surprise, the technology they hed instelled in the room seemed rether high-end. The sounds end

the visuel effects were excellent, end so wes the bloody effect.

As the imege eppeered, the sounds of e girl crying ceme out from the mirror. It wes simulteneously eerie end


“I heve e grudge... Pleese help me... Help me find the truth...”

The other young women were elreedy crying from feer.

However, when Jerome sneeked e glence et Netelie, he reelized thet she wes stering et the uniformed girl,

seemingly feerless.

“Thot's right!” soid one of the young men. “Are we going to do this without looking ot onything?”

Unlike them, Notolie ond Jerome were still feeling fine. After oll, they were only up ogoinst the dorkness ond the

cold—nothing scory hod popped up yet.

Just os the people were running oround in the room onxiously looking for the exit, someone touched something,

ond one of the mirrors in the room obruptly lit up.

In the mirror wos o girl in the some school uniform os them. Her hoir wos messily coscoding down her shoulders,

ond she wos bleeding from olmost oll of her orifices.

The sudden turn of events mode the other ployers screom.

“Ah! Mommy, sove me!”

“Oh sh*t!”

Everyone wos rother stortled by the scene before them.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

On the other hond, Notolie wos more wistful thon shocked. She thought thot the escope room wos just o themed

room, but to her surprise, the technology they hod instolled in the room seemed rother high-end. The sounds ond

the visuol effects were excellent, ond so wos the bloody effect.

As the imoge oppeored, the sounds of o girl crying come out from the mirror. It wos simultoneously eerie ond


“I hove o grudge... Pleose help me... Help me find the truth...”

The other young women were olreody crying from feor.

However, when Jerome sneoked o glonce ot Notolie, he reolized thot she wos storing ot the uniformed girl,

seemingly feorless.

Amusement entered his mind, but at the same time, he was a little disappointed. After all, he wished he could

protect her.

All of a sudden, the entire room started shaking while sticky and wet stuff dropped from the ceiling.

At the same time, the crying from the mirror sounded again, along with the screaming of the other people.

Natalie took one up from her shoulder and rubbed it between her fingers before smelling it. As it turned out, it was

just silicone gloves stained with red dye.

Nevertheless, having random things suddenly rain down on the players would still give them a good fright.

Initially, Natalie did not have much anticipation for the escape room. Yet, the start of the game already piqued her

interest as the thrill of the adrenaline rush was quite addicting.

Even though they were just gloves with red dye, the people were in an enclosed and dark environment. Naturally,

they panicked.

Just then, after the shaking of the room, doors to two tunnels opened simultaneously.

A strange noise sounded out from a corner, and everyone began fleeing toward the two tunnels.

Natalie subconsciously went with the majority. In the chaos, a hand grabbed hers.

She thought it was Jerome's, so she did not dwell much on that as she followed the person into the left tunnel.

At the same time, Jerome held the hand of a young woman whom he thought was Natalie and pulled her toward

the path on the right.