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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3673
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Chapter 3673 Gloria Pretended To Be Defeated

“Huh? A test? Will it be too difficult?” Gloria pretended to be in fear and trepidation. Her

looks had Grant all hyped up, and he had this strong urge to protect the angel before him.

“Lord Gloria, I will control my power. I promise I won’t hurt you.” “Thank you, Mr. Grant.”

“Please drop the formalities. Just call me by my name.”

“Okay.” The smile on Grant’s face widened as he said, “Gloria, we’re going to be in the

same sect, so just Grant will do.”

“Okay. I suppose I’ll be in your care in the future, Grant.” Gloria returned him with an

alluring smile.

On the side, Wade was in awe at seeing how Gloria quickly charmed Grant by building a

bridge with Grant and closing the distance between them.

Putting her strength aside, Gloria’s ability to charm these men by just talking alone proved

her worthy enough to be an assistant to him in the future.

Besides, his son, Xylas, was Gloria’s apprentice.

“Gloria, come at me. I will be defending.”

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With that, Grant put up a defensive stance.

Although Gloria had demonstrated her ability, Grant figured he could still gain an

overwhelming upper hand against her.

Gloria smiled sheepishly. “Well, then. Forgive me, Grant.”

Before she finished, she slammed her palm on Grant’s chest.


The force of her attack was so strong that the displaced air could be felt before her palm

itself hit its target.

The wind howled.

She’s strong!

Grant’s expression dimmed, for the strength Gloria displayed right now was far stronger

than before.

He did not dare to take it lightly. Performing his technique, he took the hit from Gloria

head-on instead of evading the attack.


The violent auras clashed for a split second before the two backed off. But very quickly,

they met each other head-on again.

As the battle continued, Grant was surprised by each blow exchanged. He realized that he

could not gain the upper hand against Gloria despite using more than half his full strength.

At the same time, Gloria managed to work out Grant’s strength.

So this is the power of the Paladins of the Void Sect?

Gloria sneered inwardly but showed no sign of it on her face.

At this point, she reckoned that if she unleashed her full strength, she would be able to

defeat Grant completely.

However, now was not the time for her to reveal her full strength.

Hence, she started adjusting her energy output and the tides turned slowly.

Despite that, it was already enough to stun Wade and the other three Paladins from the

Void Sect.

They could tell that Grant only managed to suppress Gloria after using eighty percent of

his full strength.

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She’s strong! If she entered Kenfort, she would only become even stronger under the

nurture of the dense spiritual energy.

After they exchanged a couple more blows, Gloria pretended to be defeated and was sent

flying away.

“I lost. Grant, you’re strong!” Gloria panted. “You’re capable of overwhelming me without

using your full strength. No wonder you’re considered a powerful paladin in the Void Sect!”

Grant was on cloud nine after being praised by Gloria.

“Gloria, you’re absurdly talented to be able to reach this level in the mundane world. You’ll

only become even stronger than before after entering Kenfort. Perhaps I would even have

to count on you in the future!”

Grant’s words were not entirely sincere, but he was genuinely shocked by Gloria’s


She was considered outstanding for fighting against him, who had used seventy percent of

his strength.

“With Mr. Kenwood’s recommendation, you’re bound to join the Void Sect, Lord Gloria.”

Wade flattered Gloria before turning to her with a serious expression.q