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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3926
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Chapter 3926 The Name Of The Ultimate Weapon

Whoosh! A flash of light appeared, and the sound of thunder echoed in the air. In the next

second, a fissure opened up on the solid Arctic Lake surface.

Swoosh! A beat later, water seeped out of the fissure but was soon frozen by the iciness of

the sword attack.

“As expected of a premium ultimate weapon! It’s truly terrifying! This surface has

withstood countless strikes of Heavenly Thunder over the years, and even a normal

ultimate weapon would have trouble leaving a mark on it! Moreover, Master hasn’t used

any techniques. In other words, this fissure is an indicator of the sword’s power.”

Hearing that, Cheriette felt her jaw drop. She hadn’t noticed that earlier. Even someone

who was not a cultivator would be able to deal a devastating blow with the sword.

If a sword cultivator were to use the sword, they would be able to use the sword even

better. “Not bad.” Levi was rather satisfied with the sword. In comparison with the new

sword, God Crusher now felt like a piece of trash.

“Lord Garrison, why don’t you give this ultimate weapon a name?” Cheriette suggested.

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Levi inclined his head. After a moment of silence, he said, “I’ll call it Dragon’s Grave.”

“What a good name!” Cheriette and Larissa quickly agreed to it. It was clear that Levi

named it to commemorate the journey to Dragon’s Grave Valley, and it was also a name

that would strike terror into people’s hearts.

“Stay here. I’m going to keep forging ultimate weapons.”

A pause after, Levi added, “I won’t be mistreating you after you’ve come all the way here

with me. I’ll make an ultimate weapon for each of you as a reward.”

“Thank you, Master!”

“Thank you, Lord Garrison!”

Both Cheriette and Larissa kneeled before him in gratitude.

Levi said nothing about it and continued forging the ultimate weapons.

The resources he had collected were more than enough for his own use, and if he were to

use some to benefit the people around him, he would win over their hearts and loyalty.

Indeed, Larissa was thankful, and the last bit of resentment she had for him dissipated.

She was going to get such a good quality premium ultimate weapon just by staying by

side. On the other hand, she still would not be able to receive a similar treatment to this

even if Eclipse were to return to their glorious old days.

Furthermore, Levi had shown her how powerful he was on their way here. Becoming his

follower was something she was not going to suffer from.

How magnificent will it be once we leave Dragon’s Grave Valley with a premium ultimate


Larissa was starting to fantasize about how others were going to look at her with

admiration in their eyes.

After all, even the top sects in Kenfort would fight against each other to get their hands on

the premium ultimate weapon that Levi had forged.

Cheriette was dazed, too, wondering if she was in a dream. She did not have a

background as powerful as Larissa’s, so she placed even more hope on Levi.

Astre Lune Sect was only an ordinary mid-level sect. If she did not cross paths with Levi,

she might not even get the chance to ever see a premium ultimate weapon.

Therefore, the excitement Cheriette felt at the prospect of getting a priceless reward like

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that just by being follower was indescribable.

Meanwhile, the news of Eclipse re-electing an Empyrean spread like wildfire.

Furthermore, as Levi had slaughtered many of Eclipse and Eclipse Academy’s Paladins,

Eclipse urgently needed new blood.

Therefore, they greatly lowered their standards during the election for Empyrean. In the

past, the ones qualified for the role would have to be one of the top members of a

medium-sized sect.

However, the size of the candidates’ sects was not restricted in the Empyrean election this

time. As long as one was talented enough, one could participate in the election.

That thrilled the small sects, for they had never had the opportunity to curry favor with

Eclipse in the past.

Now, as long as one of theirs became a candidate in the election, they would be able to

make their sects grow. Thus, many small sects sent their best fighters over.

Void Sect, naturally, received the news as well. Having wanted to join Eclipse since a long

time ago, Gloria quickly headed to the election.

However, before she did that, she completely devoured the dragon ley line that Heptino

had provided for her to upgrade herself.