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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3949
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Chapter 3949 Major Discovery Of Heptino

In the forest at the outermost area of Dragon’s Grave Valley, a couple of figures were

whizzing across the air at lightning speed.

They turned out to be Gloria and Heptino. In the end, both of them came to a halt before

the hills.

“Gloria, this place is where the latest dragon ley line is discovered. I’ll keep an eye out for

trouble outside so that you can devour the energy of the dragon ley line without any

worries,” said Heptino, seemingly fishing for compliments.

After listening to his words, Gloria put on a sympathetic visage. “Thanks for all that you do

to help bring my cultivation to a higher level, Heptino.”

“Why would you say that, Gloria? I’ll always do your bidding without any hesitation, even if

it means going through hell and high water.” What Heptino had said was from the depths

of his heart.

The next second, Gloria gave him a light smack on the forehead. “You silly boy! You know I

couldn’t bear to see you putting yourself in harm’s way.”

The latter blushed at her words. It was a moment of unprecedented kindness and love for

him, which only served to encourage him to do just about anything for Gloria.


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Out of the blue, Gloria sensed an overwhelming surge of aura coming from the southeast.

Heptino, too, felt the same sensation. They both shifted their lines of sight toward the

source, only to find that the core area of Dragon’s Grave Valley was once again gleaming

with a multitude of colors.

Looking from afar, one might conclude that the horizon was like a painting of nirvana. With

Heavenly Thunder rumbling and electric arcs dancing all over the area, it was as if

mythical creatures were soaring through the sky.


Lightning flashed as a deafening clap of thunder reverberated through the air. It was like

the sky was going to tear apart.

In an instant, brilliant rainbow rays appeared and cast over the land.

“Is this… a miraculous phenomenon? I knew it. My hunch was right all along,” murmured

Heptino to himself.

Gloria was equally shocked by the miraculous phenomenon before her eyes.

Simultaneously, she also caught on to the hidden meaning in Heptino’s words.

She couldn’t help but ask, “What do you mean, Heptino? What sort of hunch?”

Heptino hadn’t the slightest intention to hide it from her. “Actually, Gloria, the last time I

was here, I somehow sensed that there was a unique spiritual ley line somewhere in

Dragon’s Grave Valley,” he truthfully revealed.

“A unique spiritual ley line, you say?”

Puzzlement filled Gloria on that note. As far as she knew, dragon ley lines had always

been the ultimate spiritual ley line. She couldn’t comprehend how special that particular

spiritual ley line could be.

Heptino then elucidated, “I can’t really explain it, but this spiritual ley line is much more

potent than any dragon ley line, and I think it’s probably in the ground underneath the

core area. Even so, the energy discharged by Heavenly Thunder at the core area of

Dragon’s Grave Valley is way too lethal. Even robbers who were equipped with great

cultivation had lost their lives there. There’s no way I can ever get close to it.”

“Are you sure that it’s stronger than dragon ley lines?” Gloria was thoroughly amazed.

Given that she could already benefit a lot from devouring the energy of a dragon ley line,

she couldn’t imagine how far she would progress once she got her hands on the spiritual

ley line that was far above dragon ley lines.

Heptino nodded. “I wasn’t certain before, but seeing the miraculous phenomenon a

minute ago, that sensation of mine has become vivid. I suppose this underground spiritual

ley line must have a terrifying power that’s several folds of that of any large dragon ley

line, especially when it emanates a scorching aura like that. It’s got to be the purest of all.

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It’s just that I couldn’t go near it because of how weak I am!”

Heptino was brimming with disappointment as he spoke. He even felt sorry for being

unable to fetch Gloria that spiritual ley line.

A sigh escaped from Gloria’s lips upon hearing his remarks. “There’s nothing we can do

about it. Not even those robbers could’ve fended off Heavenly Thunder, let alone the two

of us. Don’t dwell on it, Heptino. Since Heavenly Thunder is so deadly, it’ll serve as

protection for the spiritual ley line, don’t you think?”

Gloria paused momentarily before adding, “For now, I’m going to focus on getting the spot

of the new Empyrean of Eclipse. When that happens, I’ll then have access to an

abundance of resources to improve my cultivation. And once my cultivation level reaches

new heights, I’ll head to the core area of Dragon’s Grave Valley to find that super-spiritual

ley line.”

At that point in time, the only thing that mattered to her was winning the Empyrean

selection trial. Never would she want to mess anything up.

“I suppose you do have a point there, Gloria. All right, then. I’ll be on the lookout around

the periphery,” stated Heptino in a deep voice.

Gloria bobbed her head in acknowledgment. “Okay.”

After the exchange, she poured all her attention on devouring the dragon ley line.