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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3965
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Chapter 3965 The Transportation Team

Not refusing Sylvan’s kind gesture, Levi kept Prime Association’s highest-level badge


“Go back first, Mr. Webber. Otherwise, news about this might spread, causing Cordierite

Association to seek trouble with you,” prompted Levi in a deep voice.

A serious expression immediately crossed Sylvan’s face. He understood what Levi meant.

Since so many fighters from Cordierite Association had been killed, they would not let it go

so easily.

Prime Association would inevitably be dragged into this matter if Cordierite Association

discovered its relationship with Levi. By then, it would be impossible for them to deny it.

“Thanks for your reminder, Mr. Garrison. We’ll leave first.”

After a short pause, Sylvan quickly added, “If you need anything, feel free to contact me

with the badge. Even if it’s Cordierite Association, Prime Association will still go up against

them whenever logical. After all, it’s our turf.”


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Sylvan’s words clearly stated his stance. When the time came, they would be willing to

turn against Cordierite Association for Levi’s sake.

“I’ll remember this favor, Mr. Webber. Don’t worry. Prime Association will have a share in

the forging technique,” assured Levi with a smile.

Since Sylvan had indicated his goodwill, Levi decided to do the same too.

Sylvan bowed delightfully and left with the elites from Prime Association.

Although the cloudship was carrying a lot of magical herbs, Sylvan did not dare to probe

further about Levi’s obvious intention to trade them.

After the people from Prime Association left, Levi turned his gaze to a faraway spot.

“Stop hiding so suspiciously. Show yourself if you don’t want to die.” Levi’s voice boomed

loudly, resonating deafeningly across the entire place.

As if amplified by a megaphone, his thunderous voice caused the many bounty hunters

hiding in the forest to feel dizzy.

Some weaker ones even fainted directly.

They were none other than the bounty hunters who had been roaming the peripheries of

Dragon’s Grave Valley.

Soon, those bounty hunters rushed out anxiously. When they spotted Levi, they were all


“It’s… It’s that crazy man from before?”

“Was the terrifying Heavenly Thunder unable to make a mark on him?”

“This cloudship looks quite familiar! It seems to be from Cordierite Association.”

“Are the fighters from Cordierite Association the ones who killed our buddies?”

“It looks like even those fighters weren’t able to escape a horrible fate.”

The bounty hunters were in disbelief. They were even more flabbergasted upon

remembering what Levi had said when he entered Dragon’s Grave Valley.

He was the epitome of an ultimate fighter!

In fact, he was not even bothered about so-called restricted areas.

“Do you have any instructions, sir?” asked the leader of the bounty hunters carefully.

When he remembered how he had mocked Levi for being a lying madman, fear engulfed

him. He was afraid that Levi wanted to settle old scores with him.

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The others were equally scared. Since Levi was able to remain unscathed even when

confronted with the terrifying Heavenly Thunder and Cordierite Association fighters, it was

evident how powerful he truly was.

Levi asked in amusement, “If I ask you to transport some things for me like what I said

earlier, you won’t refuse, right?”

“No way! By instructing us, you’re also indicating that our organization is worthy enough.

There’s no way we’ll be so ungrateful,” replied the leader of the bounty hunters in the

humblest manner possible.

When up against a godlike presence like Levi, the leader did not dare to offend him in the

slightest beat.

If even the fighters of Cordierite Association got killed, all the bounty hunters would

probably be eliminated if they provoked Levi.

Nodding in satisfaction, Levi said, “Good. Don’t worry. I won’t mistreat you as long as you

complete your task.”

“Where are we going next, Master?” asked Larissa respectfully at that moment.