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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3975
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Chapter 3975 Her Scheme

Gloria found out that Void Sect’s sect leader came from a massive organization. It was a

force that sects like Eclipse could not compare to.

If she were to drag Void Sect’s sect leader into the fight, perhaps they would be able to

resolve their current crisis. Once she made up her mind, Gloria began executing her plan.

First of all, she had Wade and Xylas get their own men out of Void Sect by sending them

out on missions. Then, Gloria disguised herself according to the robber in her memory

before heading toward Void Sect’s headquarters.

The night was dark as the clouds had hidden away the moon. With a sword in her hand,

Gloria sneaked into Void Sect.

She was far too familiar with where the guards were in Void Sect. Furthermore, before

Wade and the others left, they had deliberately made loopholes for Gloria to exploit.

Thus, there was no way anyone was going to notice Gloria. Usually, Gloria would not be

able to sneak into Void Sect’s core area unnoticed, for Geraint and Primo would certainly

sense her.

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Furthermore, Void Sect had arranged for more guards to be on duty. If Gloria were to barge

in forcibly, she would end up in conflict with the guards of the sect.

Even if Gloria could easily kill them all, the resulting commotion would draw attention to


That would show the others that she was not as powerful as the robber, and people would

start doubting that she was the real robber.

It’s better for me to sneak into the core area to assassinate the council members of Void

Sect without raising any alarms.

Gloria was as quick as lightning. In seconds, she was already outside the meeting hall.

Even though it was late in the night, the meeting hall was still brightly illuminated.

After a bout of discreet checking, Gloria realized that the council members were discussing

how they should counter the robber’s vengeance.

What’s the point in discussing this? Let me kindly help you out instead.

After sneering inwardly, Gloria uttered in a man’s voice, “Quit planning. I’m here now, so

scram out here and die!”

Gloria had been studying as much as she could about the robber. To make sure that her

plan was flawless, she even imitated the robber’s speech pattern.

Her words struck the council members like a bolt from the blue.

After a short period of silence, the entire hall erupted into an uproar.

At the same time, Geraint and the others pale drastically.

They all knew how terrifying the robber was. Even the strong fighters in Eclipse were

afraid of him, let alone the members of Void Sect.

“That’s the robber! That’s the way he speaks!”

“What do we do? We’re no match for him!”

“Let’s run!”

The people were as pale as a sheet, and their voices were trembling.

However, Geraint uttered steadily, “Why are you all panicking? We’re at Void Sect’s base.

Hurry up and activate Sect Protection Formation. The rest of you, follow me out to fight the


Hearing that, everyone shared a look with each other. They had noticed Geraint’s legs

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shaking when he spoke.

“Cowards, if you’re not going to come out here now, I’ll go in to look for you instead!”

came the icy voice.

At that, Geraint whipped out his sword, steeled himself, and dashed out.

Primo and the others hurried after him with their own swords in hand. However, grim

expressions were on their faces.

They knew it was unlikely that they would return alive.

Even though they were in Void Sect’s base, the robber had been able to sneak all the way

unnoticed to the meeting hall. It was a clear sign of how he was far more skillful than any

one of them.

After all, the security outside was exceptionally tight. Not even a bird would be able to fly


Yet, the guards did not even know that the robber was in, and the robber did not even

trigger the defensive formation.

“Who are you? How dare you trespass Void Sect tonight?” Geraint gritted out, doing his

best to keep his nervousness hidden.