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The Protector Novel

Chapter 4003
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Chapter 4003 Physical Cultivator Fight

The next thing they knew, the beam of fire had engulfed the wheels of fire as it continued

heading toward the chief elder of Inkflame Court. “Oh no!”

The look on the chief elder’s face changed as he instinctively tried to dodge the incoming

attack. Nonetheless, Thunder Qilin’s beam of fire was so fast that it still hit him on his right


“Argh!” The chief elder screamed at the top of his lungs as an intense pain surged through

his body.

The heat from the beam of fire was so intense that his right arm instantly turned to ash,

and the blood flowing out of the wound evaporated on the spot.

Thunder Qilin let out a roar and glanced at Levi as though it was proud of its performance.

It then shifted its gaze back toward the chief elder, who happened to be staring at it.

As their gazes met, the chief elder could clearly see a look of disdain in Thunder Qilin’s

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eyes. “You b*stard!” he yelled angrily.

I’m the highly-respected chief elder of Inkflame Court, and yet, I’m being humiliated by a

spirit beast? “I’ll kill you, you piece of—”

The chief elder was halfway through his sentence when his vision went dark, and he

collapsed to the ground with a loud thud. Levi then finished him off with a slash from

Dragon’s Grave.

“Be careful, everyone! That’s a King class spirit beast! Do not fight it head-on!” said one of

the enemy fighters.

Thinking that Larissa and Cheriette were easier targets, the majority of the allied forces

decided to focus their attacks on those two instead.

Of course, that was another big mistake that they made. Thanks to the help from the

ultimate weapons, Larissa and Cheriette were ten times more powerful than usual.

Although the strongest fighters were somewhat capable of putting up a fight against the

two, they didn’t last very long.

“Hey, Titanium Warriors of Drakotigris Order! You guys practice pure physique training,

right?” Levi asked with a sly grin.

One of the Titanium Warriors replied solemnly, “That ultimate weapon of yours is far too

powerful. I’m afraid my training will not do me any good here.”

“You know, you could just say that you want me to fight you empty-handed. There’s no

need to waste time beating around the bush! Well, I suppose I could satisfy that request of

yours and engage in hand-to-hand combat!” Levi said with a sneer as he transferred

Dragon’s Grave over to his left hand.

He then channeled his technique and threw a powerful punch at that Titanium Warrior.

The Titanium Warrior was surprised by Levi’s decision to give up the advantage of his

ultimate weapon.

“Ha! Not bad! Most people would choose to capitalize on their strengths and conceal their

weaknesses. You, on the other hand, choose to give up your greatest source of strength!

In that case, I shall give you a taste of my Titanium Body Technique!” he yelled as he

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hurled a punch at Levi in retaliation.


The shockwave from their punches hit each other first before their fists collided.


The loud sound of bones cracking rang out a few seconds after the impact.

The look on the Titanium Warrior’s face changed when he saw his right arm breaking apart

up to the shoulder.


Blood sprayed into the air like a crimson mist as his right arm shattered completely.


The Titanium Warrior let out a blood-curdling scream from the intense pain and stared

wide-eyed at Levi in disbelief.

What? Did he just break through my Titanium Body Technique with a single punch? Even a

strike from an ultimate weapon would only leave a tiny crack! How was this robber able to

wound me so badly with his bare hands?