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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1072
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Irene only shoved at him briefly before responding in kind.

They were soon stuck together like glue and pulling away briefly only seemed to send their passion blaring! It was yet another beautiful, stormy night, and Irene was eventually left nestling in his arms, her eyes half-closed like a languid kitten.

She felt soft and limp, just as she asked, "How did you send Zachary back to Zidonia?" Isaac caressed her cheek just then, brushing her hair behind her ear. "Work. He's been here for a while anyway, so it's the returned." Still, Isaac had a feeling that Zachary knew about Lulu but never told him directly.

He was only too happy to go back to Zidonia when Isaac told him to- he would have asked something if he did not know or leave so quickly. Irene closed her eyes drowsily then. "I'm going to sleep now." Isaac gently patted her back.

Irene brought several books for Lulu when she visited the next day, since she was afraid Lulu might get bored. The location of Lulu's lodging was nice and quiet-perfect for recovery. "You knowwell, don't you?" Lulu smiled happily when she saw the books Irene brought.

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"I just think they'd be useful for what you're about to do," Irene told her -those were books on childcare. Irene helped Lulu check the nanny training center to choose a program so Lulu could attend it when she recovered.

Lulu did not thank Irene-a simple thanks was no longer enough to convey her gratitude.

Her fresh start was all thanks to Irene's care and guidance.

After another two weeks and Lulu was mostly recovered, she attended classes on childcare training. Soon, she returned to Zidonia to get interviewed as a nanny.

With her face mostly changed, Zachary would not recognize her even if he saw her.

Erin might be pregnant, but James was busy with work, and she was keen to learn childcare early.

During a break, Erin sat beside Lulu and asked, "Are you pregnant?" Lulu shook her head-she just needed a license as a childcare worker, and that was the only way for her to be legally hired.

Still, Lulu was not keen to talk, whereas Erin was lively as ever. "I was bored being alone at home. I'm just a month pregnant." Lulu glanced at her belly, and then at her-the sweet smile on her face made it obvious that she was very happy. "I would like a daughter,” Erin said then. "My cousin already had two sons.” "You will," Lulu told her.

"I hope so." Erin grinned blissfully.

Class ended at 3 PM.

There was a chauffeur waiting for Erin, but when she saw Lulu by m herself, she offered Xulu a ride.

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"Where are you going? I can take you there." "It's fine. I can just get a cab," Lulu told Erin-she never liked troubling others.

However, Erin proved too insistent for her, and Lulu eventually got into Erin's car.

"Thanks," she told Erin as she alighted when they reached herm hame. Erinmodded and glanced at her lodging just then. She had been there-James had arranged for Lulu to stay there.

As she stared at Lulu from behind, she thought to herself that she might be Irene's best friend or she would not have been arranged to stay there. Raising the window, she then told the chauffeur, "Let's go." However, when she cto the class the next day, Lulu did not show up.