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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38

Irene came to her senses then, and quickly composed herself with a smile. “Nothing.”

Whitney just happened to arrive since it was work hours, and Irene reached for the door when she saw


However, Isaac caught her hand and said, “If you want to put up an act, you need to be thorough.”

Irene stared blankly at him, blinking her clear, crystalline gaze as Isaac leaned toward her.

She withdrew by instinct, but Isaac put a hand around her waist and pulled her to him, smiling

gorgeously as he said, “We’re married, so we should act like that.”

Irene gulped, her cheeks turning warm as she met his playful gaze. She was left staring at his thick

brows, and suddenly found her eyes as bright as the stars in the night sky. “Kiss me.”

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Both Irene and Stan were speechless, and the air in the car seemed to turn still just then!

“Whitney is right there,” Isaac prompted Irene then. “Don’t you want to make her jealous?”

Irene pursed her lips, but steeled herself and reached out to wrap her hands around his neck and put

her lips on his. The instant she kissed him, however, Isaac felt a jolting sense of deja vu. The woman

that night held him in the same way… Still, before he could savor the taste, Irene quickly pulled away

after her lips touched his.

“I’m going now.” She reached for the door again, and found Whitney standing just in front of the car,

clearly having seen what just happened.

Her face seemed to become a mix of different colors and utterly grotesque. The sight of her misery,

jealousy, and anger makes it all worth it for Irene! Irene kept her head high and walked proudly to the

hospital lobby. That was when Isaac wound down the window and flashed a gentle smile. “I’ll pick you

up after work.”

Stan turned to stare at him at that instant, while the nurses and doctors who were coming to work all

threw Irene looks of envy.

After all, Isaac was the most eligible bachelor, having both money and looks!

Such gentle, affectionate treatment was undoubtedly the fantasy of every lady!

At the same time, Whitney was clenching her knuckles, her veins bulging.

However, she had to grit her teeth and bear with it as she strode into the hospital.

She could not demand to know anything from Isaac now, because she had no right.

Meanwhile, Stan sensed that Isaac seemed to care more about Irene now, and asked, “. Do you like

Ms. Spencer?”

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He certainly did not expect-Isaac to go that far… Nonetheless, Isaac slowly looked up. “What, are you

interested?” “No… Weren’t you saying that she’s unclean?” Stan quickly explained, since the Isaac he

knew would never accept such women.

Even so, Isaac countered, “I’ve had women before too, haven’t I?”

Was he saying that they were even? Stan decided to say nothing to that, and drove off.

Once Irene was inside the hospital, Whitney shoved her against the wall and snapped,” What is this?

Are you trying to assert your dominance?!”

Irene did not fear her however, and retorted, “Just giving an eye for an eye. I had no issues with you,

Whitney, but you tried to hurt me anyway!”

She was staunch, reinforced by the strength of a mother! Whitney did not deny her crime either. “I was

just checking if your child belongs to Isaac.”

Irene’s eyes seemed to turn red then, and slapped her across the face!

The resulting smack was at once crisp and resounding! “Did you just hit me?!”

Whitney was left stupefied-she never expected Irene to do that!