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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 126
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Chapter 126 ***Transformation

Pamela returned to the room. She opened the drawer and took out a jade pendant. The jade pendant

was given to Olive by Elvis six or seven years ago, but she took the opportunity to steal it.

The scene of that day replayed in Pamela’s mind. Olive had rescued Elvis from the ice and snow and

took him to a cave to snuggle up for the night. Not only Derrick and Gabriella were present, but she was

also there

She had watched Derrick leave angrily, and Gabriella had chased after him. Later, Olive walked out of

the cave to look for reinforcements. She was outside the cave at that time.

After Olive left. Elvis’s men followed. They were well-trained and extremely respectful. They had taken

Elvis to the convoy of luxurious cars. Pamela looked at the license plate and it was a car from the


Pamela’s heart had pounded fast. She had already guessed that Olive had unintentionally saved a

wealthy man. Before Elvis left, he had given Olive his jade pendant. He promised to come find her soon.

Olive placed the jade pendant in a drawer and locked it. Pamela had stolen the jade pendant and

claimed it as her own.

She had gone back to the where Olive had rescued Elvis and was waiting for Elvis to show up. One day,

a luxurious car arrived the place and she had introduced herself to Elvis as the girl who had rescued him.

In order to express his gratitude to her, Elvis had told her to request three things from him, and of which

he’ll grant all.

Olive was totally unaware of this. Until now, Olive didn’t know that the man she saved was Elvis, nor did

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Elvis know that the girl who saved him and whom he had been obsessed with a these years was Olive.

However, fate playedaround in circles, as though everything was destined. Who would have thought that

a carefully planned substitute marriage would take Olive back to the country to be married to Elvis.

Pamela pulled the jade pendant into her palm. She knew that she had not lost. She was still Elvis’s


Back then, she had agreed with Elvis that he should not tell anyone about her saving him. She did not

want anyone

to know about it.

Therefore, Pamela was certain that Elvis would not tell Olive about his rescue that happened years back.

Since Elvis and Olive could not recognize each other.Then her secret was save with her forever.

Pamela knew that Elvis had not forgotten about that night over the years. While doting on Olive, he also

reserved a softness for that girl in his heart.

Olive had actually made him fall in love with her twice.

Pamela knew that she had a strong grip on Elvis. As long as she still had his jade pendant, Elvis would

really not neglect her. She still had a chance!

The Ivory Council.

Greg’s expression was not very delightful. He was now aware that Olive was Mr. Augustine’s bride.

Everyone in Los Angeles now knew about it. It had spread like wildfire.

Several of his colleagues were discussing about it.

“Some time ago, on the institute’s group, it was posted that Olive had cheated with President Augustine.

I didn’t expect that they were legally married.

“Just now, Olive has become a celebrity, you needed to see the millions of people that were pleading

with her to go live.”

“I saw it as well. The ***ais now on Pamela. The entire internet is ridiculing her. She acted as though she

was most loved by Elvis, all that was her mere fantasy.”

With Pamela’s name being mentioned, Greg immediately looked at his colleagues unhappily. The

colleagues quickly stopped talking.

Everyone knew that Greg had a thing for Pamela. The entire hall became engulfed with silence, as the

students let out a low mocking laughter.

An energetic and pretty girl suddenly came into view, attracting all the attention.

“Wow, she’s beautiful.

“Look at those pretty legs!”

Admirations were heard.

Greg looked up and was quickly attracted by the figure before him. The girl was wearing a light blue shirt

and a black shirt, the outfit was similar to their uniform.

Greg liked beautiful women, his eyes fell on the girl’s slender legs.

Pamela was usually elegant and dignified, but the girl before him looked pretty and energetic, and it was

difficult for Greg to look away.

In no time, the girl was surrounded by people.

“Divine, you’ve really changed. You have become so beautiful. I couldn’t even recognize you!”

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The girl turned and she was Divine!

Divine looked at everyone and laughed.

“Please you all shouldn’t exaggerate. I’m just a little thinner. Let me make it clear in advance, I didn’t go

under the knife, this was achieved through the right diet and exercise.”

Divine didn’t lose a little weight. She had lost a lot of weight and had become pretty and exquisite.

Although her face was previously very beautiful, with her weight loss, her face became oval and elegant.

Greg’s gaze fell on Divine’s body, his entire body froze in shock.

How did she lose so much weight and become so beautiful?

“That’s Divine?”

“It’s been a while since she came to the institute. She has lost so much weight!”

In no time, Divine was surrounded by her colleagues, who all expressed their admirations for her.

“Divine, have you seen team leader, Greg?” One of the students said.

Divine turned look at Greg and he was also looking at her. He suddenly pondered on why she didn’t

loose weight earlier. Maybe he wouldn’t have been attracted to Pamela.

“Did she lose weight for me?”

“What if she confesses to still loving me, how will I chose between her and Pamela?” Greg pondered

within himself.

Divine licked her lips and muttered,

“Who’s team leader? The last I checked, he was relieved of that position by director Hudson.”

Greg felt as though a basin of cold water was poured on his body, sending a cold chill down his spin.

Divine walked over and said,

“Oops, I don’t wanna spend any more second with a dog.” She glanced at her wrist watch and walked

past Greg.