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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 132
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 132


Willow sits beside me, and I can tell how uncomfortable she is. The gossip hasn’t stopped since our

professor made his announcement.

The whispers continued even after he asked them to be quiet. They never listened, and unfortunately,

this professor was never good at getting them to do anything asked.

“Weren’t you supposed to be in a lower class?” I ask her gently. I didn’t want to make it sound like I

didn’t want her here with me. I was more than happy to have someone I knew in this classroom with

me. And Willow was now a member of our family, which meant I had to treat her like I would Autumn.

“Your parents were concerned that I would be alone.” She tells me. “They asked for me to be moved up

to this class with you.”

And, of course, our school would abide by their request. I’m sure that money was even part of this


“I’m happy you’re here with me,” I inform her. “I always wished for company during these boring


Why didn’t they do this for me as well? Move me up to a class with the others. I’ve always felt alone

before this. At least I had Willow by my side from now on. I’m sure Damon would also feel at ease if he

knew I had company from today.

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“Anya never told me anything about her friends or enemies. She never even told me she was marrying

your brother.” She whispers a few minutes later.

I freeze.

My brother.

Just like always, I felt sick to my stomach when someone referred to Damon as my brother.

Willow didn’t know anything about us; she didn’t realize how much her words would upset me. I

couldn’t blame her. It was normal for her to think that Damon was my brother. It wasn’t her fault that I

was crazy in love with him.

“I’m sure you don’t know by now, but I’m adopted,” I tell her.

Her eyes widened, “adopted?”

I nod. “I’m not their biological daughter.”

“They’re all so close to you.” She confesses. “I would never think that you were adopted. You’re lucky

to have a family that loves you so much.”

I swallowed; I knew I was lucky to have them. But it wasn’t the easiest thing in the world to be in love

with someone I was not supposed to love. It’s not like I can ever tell this to Willow. If she ever finds out

how much I loved Damon, she may get distraught knowing that her sister was supposed to marry him. I

was afraid that she would be angry with me.

We never spoke about one other thing, and that’s the fact that Damon was also the one to kill Anya. I

wasn’t even sure if Dante or Willow blamed Damon for any of it. I haven’t seen the two of them have a

normal conversation ever since that day. Dante has never been normal ever since her death.

He keeps disappearing for hours and sometimes returning with bruises. No one knew what he’s been

up to, but we were all worried about him.

He and Willow did not behave like a married couple either. He barely spoke to her, and they didn’t even

sleep in the same room together. Dante requested that she stay in a separate room despite being

married to her.

They were in a loveless marriage. I would have never wished for something like that for either one of

them. I don’t know why Anya insisted that he marry her. Maybe she feared that Dante would one day

stop caring for her if he found his true mate. Perhaps she wanted to make sure that no matter what, he

would be f****d to protect Willow.

I’m not sure what was her real reason, but this was the reality now. Eventually, Dante has no choice but

to accept Willow as his wife.

The rest of the day passed quickly, and I was happy to be home and away from all of the gossipers.

There were too many eyes on us at the academy. It felt like everyone was constantly staring at us.

If they were like this after Anya’s death, what would they be like if they ever found out I was in love with


I knew that’s what Damon had always wanted to protect me from since the beginning.

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I sigh. He had his reasons, and I kept pushing him. I still didn’t think that I was wrong. I was fighting for


“We have a family announcement.” Grandfather says after gathering all of us in the family room.

When he’d called for all of us, I had no idea what this announcement would be about, and I was still

very clueless.

“As each of you knows, around this time, we always have a family vacation.” He reminds us. “I’ve

discussed this with your parents, and I know it’s been a very rough time for our family. We weren’t sure

if we should continue the tradition, but after much thought, we think this is for the best. You kids will be

returning to our Flora beach house this weekend. Two days just to relax and remind yourselves why it’s

good to be still alive.”

Atticus quirks a brow, “aren’t you guys going to be there?”

“No.” He answers him. “Unfortunately, we have some business to take care of. That doesn’t mean you

should spoil your fun for us. You are an adult now; you can take care of yourself. You don’t need us


“Is this really such a good idea?” Dante asks, looking unhappy as usual.

“Yes, Dante.” He tells him. “This is a good idea, especially for you. I know you’ve taken the hardest hit

between your brothers. As such, you need this trip more than anyone else.”

He doesn’t look pleased, but he doesn’t go against grandfather’s words either.

“I guess that settles it,” Autumn says with a bright smile. “We’re going to have some fun this weekend!”

Of course. . .fun. I couldn’t wait.