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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 148
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 148


“You son of a b***h!” Atticus roars as he launches for my throat.

I moved away before he could grab me. He eventually grips my shirt and pulls me towards him. “How

dare you touch her?” He demands. “She’s our sister!”

I winced at his tone. She may be a sister to him, but she never was one to me. I had so much love for

Clarissa and it was not the same kind that my family had for her.

“I’m not going to apologize for loving her,” I shout. “I love her. I realized it too f*****g late, and I won’t

keep denying it anymore. It was too painful for Clarissa and also for me. I’m not letting go of her. I don’t

care if you want to beat me the f**k up. Go right ahead. I’ll gladly let you.”

“This can’t be happening.” My mother gasps as she leans against my father for support. I didn’t want to

do this to them. I knew the effect it would have on all of us. But Clarissa was worth it.

“You should know better than touching her. She’s innocent. She doesn’t know what she f*****g wants!”

Atticus roars. “How can you even see her as someone other than a sister? You’ve taken care of her

more than any of us here. Was that your ill intention all along? Did you always want her? Since the


I clench my jaw but don’t move his hands from my shirt. My attention falls on Dante. He had a soulless

gaze on his face. It was cold and distant. I knew I’d managed to make things worse for him.

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f**k. He was the one I was most worried about.

“I don’t care what you say; you must end things with Clarissa.” My father growls. “Have you ever

thought about your family and the impact something like this would have on us? People are waiting

every damn second for a story like this to bring us to the ground. Don’t you think our family has been

through enough already?”

My grandfather was silent throughout the entire thing, but I could see the displeasure on his face. Even

he was disappointed and disgusted by my actions.

“Say it now; promise us you will leave Clarissa alone after today.” Atticus growls, glaring at me.

I look him dead in the eye as I say, “Never.”

I don’t have time to prepare before he punches me hard in the face. I fly backward a few feet, and I

touch my lips to feel blood. I clench my jaw and wipe it away. If he thinks one punch will make me

change my mind, he can think again.

“Atticus!” Autumn shouts as she grabs his arm to prevent him from coming for me again.

“Stop it!” She cries. “He’s your brother. If you hurt him, it will also hurt you.”

His attention turns towards her, narrowing his eyes at her, “You knew all along. You knew about his

relationship with her, and you let it happen. You didn’t just let it happen; you kept the truth from me. I’ve

been nothing but honest with you recently, but somehow you’re constantly lying to me. I thought what

we had was much stronger than this, Autumn. I’m disappointed in you.”

I can see the pain in her eyes from hearing him say that. I knew he was just angry; he didn’t mean it

and would most likely apologize to her later.

She swallows, “I know you’re upset. I know that Clarissa is like a baby sister to you. But you must

understand that she knows what she wants, and it’s always been, Damon. She’s been in love with him

for a long time Atticus. She knew long before Damon knew. Doesn’t this remind you of us and what we

had to go through in the past? If we were in their position, wouldn’t you still fight to be with me?”

“This is not the same thing!” He growls. “Damon was supposed to treat Clarissa like a sister. He was

never supposed to touch her inappropriately or f*****g l**t after her. I saw how he looked at her at the

beach house; it makes me sick every time I think about it.”

I closed my eyes; this was going much worse than I expected it to go. Dante still hasn’t said a word to

me. Neither has Willow or Griffin.

“So that kiss,” Griffin finally says. “When Anya was still alive, we were all playing that game. That

wasn’t even your first kiss with her?”

“It was our first kiss,” I answer him. “Things have only recently changed between us. As I said, I’ve

been running from my feelings for a very long time.”

“What kiss?” My mother asks, confused.

The kiss that changed everything. I don’t say that out loud.

“My sister,” Willow whispers. “She wanted to marry you. But you loved Clarissa all along?”

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“Willow,” Autumn whispers. “Please remember that Anya used a spell on Damon to keep him. It’s not

his fault; please don’t think that way.”

“I don’t f*****g care if she had a spell on him!” Dante roars. “He didn’t know he was under a spell. He

didn’t know what she was up to, but he still went behind her back and had these insane feelings for



“I don’t want to hear a single word out of your mouth.” He growls. “You promised me that you would

make Anya happy. You listened to me pour my heart out to you; you knew how much I loved her; you

knew that I would f*****g die for her. Still, you stood there, and you made promises to me that you knew

you could never keep. If you knew that you had feelings for Clarissa, if you knew that you could never

give her your full heart or make her happy, why didn’t you tell me? All you had to do was say

something, and I would have fought for her. I would have never given up and allowed her to get closer

to you. I stepped back for both of you. I thought that would make you f*****g happy, Damon. I thought I

was making you both happy! Now I know how f*****g wrong I’ve been about you this entire time. My

own brother, I trusted you and you broke my trust!”

I don’t know how to respond. I was doing like he asked, staying silent. But it was still hard to listen to

his words and say nothing in return.

“I can never forgive you for this.” He finally shouts before storming out of the room.

Damn it!