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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 152
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 152

Book 2 Chapter 75


“What are you saying?” My mother demands. “You can’t leave. This is your home. This is both of your

homes. You belong here.”

“You’re thinking irrationally.” My father insists. “We love both of you and are only trying to do what’s

best for you. Damon, think about what you’re doing. If you love Clarissa like you say you do, why would

you want to put her through the pain that you know will follow when others learn of your relationship

with her?”

My jaw clenches at his question. That one question has always bothered me because it’s something

that I’ve asked myself multiple times in the past.

My fear of what would happen when everyone learned of my love for her almost made me lose her. I’ve

learned from my mistakes. I was not going to let these fears run my life. When that time came, I would

deal with it. For now, I only wanted a place where Clarissa and I could feel at home. It wasn’t here

anymore; I felt judged by the people I loved the most, and I knew Clarissa felt the same way.

“Will you accept our love for each other?” I ask my parents. “Will you allow us to be together in your


They looked at each other, and I knew the answer before they said it.

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“We know what’s best for you, Damon.” My mother tells me. “We’ve always done everything for our

children so that they could live a comfortable life. I know that there are certain things from the past that

you and your siblings disagreed on. However, I’m sure that you later realized that we were right. In the

case of Atticus and Autumn, for instance. Atticus wasn’t happy with our decision for him to marry her,

and his trust and obedience were why he listened to our words. Now, he cannot live without her. I know

it may seem like we’re in the wrong again, but in the future, you would thank us for not allowing this

relationship to proceed.”

Clarissa grabs my hand, I look over at her, and I can see the fear in her eyes. She’s scared that my

parents are getting through to me. She’s terrified that I would leave her and listen to their words. I felt

like punching myself in the face for ever making her feel like there was a chance that I wouldn’t fight for


I squeezed her hand to assure her that I wasn’t going anywhere.

“I know that you only want the best for the both of us, but I also know that you’re wrong about this,” I tell

them. “I won’t let you or anyone else stop me from being with Clarissa. The rumors, the glares, the

judgments, I could handle all of it. However, I cannot handle losing Clarissa. My decision is final. Since

you can’t accept us, we are leaving.”

Autumn blocks our way.

“You can’t leave.” She tells Clarissa. “Please, you can’t leave.”

I watch as they both hug each other. It was insane how much they acted like sisters. None of my

brothers were begging me to leave. They were all pissed at me, all except Griffin. However, he wasn’t

stopping me either. I think he understands that there wasn’t anything that he could say to make me


Atticus was still throwing daggers my way, and Dante looked like he wanted to kill me.

I was okay with him hitting me; I knew I deserved it for what I’d done in the past. I was not okay with

him almost hurting Clarissa because of his anger.

If she’d gotten a single bruise earlier, there would be a different outcome.

Willow was still silent. I think she was in shock. She didn’t know the whole story. She didn’t know much

about Anya at all. All she knows is what was said while she was around, but I wasn’t even sure she

believed us. As far as I knew, Willow could be feigning innocence as Anya had. Maybe this was a plan

made by Anya; perhaps she was hoping that Willow would finish what she had started.

I shook that thought out of my head. She didn’t seem to be anything like Anya. I was reading too much

into it.

After Autumn and Clarissa stopped hugging, we walked over to our rooms separately. So far, no one

has tried to stop us.

A few minutes later, our clothes were packed, and my parents were waiting for us at the front door.

“Do not do this, son.” My mother begs. “This isn’t right. You’ll live a very difficult life if you leave home.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Clarissa,” my father tries to speak to her. “You may be adopted, but we love you like our blood. You

are connected to us. I know you’ve never fully given your heart to us, but we have given ours to you.

Please reconsider this, is this thing between you and Damon more important than our family?”

Did he truly have to ask that question? Wasn’t it obvious by now that Clarissa was the most important

person in my life?

“I’m sorry.” Clarissa apologizes to them even though she doesn’t need to. They’re the ones pushing us


“Goodbye, Mom,” I tell her. “Goodbye, Dad.”

I don’t bother saying bye to the others. I was still pissed at Dante for causing Clarissa to fall back onto

the ground.

I knew it was not intentional, but it still sent my blood boiling at the reminder.

I take Clarissa’s hand in mine and pull her towards my jeep. I wasn’t sure where we were going. But

maybe returning to the beach house wasn’t such a bad idea. I knew my parents owned it, but I would

only stay there until I found us a place to stay. It wouldn’t be long. Maybe just for one day.

It was too late to go searching for a place now.

“Where are we going?” Clarissa asks me when I pull out of the driveway.

“Back to the beach house,” I inform her. “Just for tonight. Tomorrow I’ll find somewhere for us to stay.

Don’t worry; I’ll make this work for the both of us.”

I wasn’t going to let my family stop us from being together. Not today. Not ever.