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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 154
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 154

Book 2 Chapter 77


“What the hell is wrong with you?” I demand from Atticus. “How could you hit your brother?”

He runs a hand down his face, “how can you be okay with all of this?” He demands. “Clarissa is my

sister, and until a few days ago, I thought Damon also considered her his sister.”

“They’re in love,” I shout. “In love, Atticus. Like the both of us. I love you, and if I were in Clarissa’s

situation, I would have done the same thing. Their love for each other is not wrong. You shouldn’t treat

them the way that you did earlier.”

He sits on the edge of the bed and drops his face in his hands. “You don’t understand, Autumn. It’s

hard to accept my sister and brother being in love. I know she’s my adopted sister, but she’s my sister.

He’s my brother. Every time I think about it, I feel sick to my stomach. I don’t know how to accept it. I

don’t know how to be happy for them. I wish it were easier; I wish it were different.”

I sit beside him and gently place a hand on his tensed shoulder. “I know it’s going to be hard. It isn’t a

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situation that your family would easily accept, I understand that, but you shouldn’t have done what you

did. Damon may not have supported our marriage initially, but he did accept it eventually, I’m sure he

will appreciate it if you could do the same thing for him.”

I can see how much this is hurting Atticus, but he needs to accept them one way or the other. If he and

the rest of the family don’t accept them soon, we will lose them both. And that’s the last thing that I

wanted. Clarissa was like a sister to me. I would not lose her over something like this.

“You need to talk to your family.” I urge him. “They will listen to you.”

“Did you even see the look on Dante’s face?” He demands. “He recently lost the woman he was in love

with, and now he finds out that Clarissa and Damon are in love with each other. I don’t think there is

anything that I could say to make him change his mind.”

I sigh. I knew Dante would probably be the last one to accept any of this, but the main problem was the

family’s elders. They had to accept it first, and I knew Atticus would be able to convince them. He was

always good at convincing his family; my job was to get Atticus first to understand what I was trying to

say to him.

“You care about both Clarissa and Damon.” I remind him. “And their happiness is being with each

other. I know you’re still upset with me for keeping this from you, but I had to be there for Clarissa. I

don’t know how to explain it, but I wanted to make her happy. I have this bond with her, my heart tells

me that she’s my sister, and maybe it’s because of the support she’s always given to me. I wanted to

return the favor. She was there for me during the hard times, and I wanted to take care of her as well. I

hope you can forgive me for it, Atticus. But please, right now, I need you to try your best to accept

them. They will need all of us when outsiders learn about their relationship. It won’t be easy for them,

and you know it. We can’t abandon them when they need us the most.”

He surprised me when he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my chest. “I didn’t

mean to go all crazy on them or you.” He whispers. “I’m sorry, Autumn. Just the thought of them being

together made me angry. I didn’t want to believe that Damon was taking advantage of Clarissa. I didn’t

want to believe that he would ever overstep his boundaries like I thought he did. Now that I know how

much they love each other, I think I’m willing to try and be more understanding.”

I bury my hands in his hair and press my lips to his forehead. “Thank you, Atticus. I know this isn’t easy

for you. But thank you. With your help, we could convince your family to bring them back home.”

“Do you know where we can find them?” He asks me.

“The last message from Clarissa informed me that they were returning to the beach house. They will

stay there until tomorrow. Damon is hoping to find somewhere else to stay.” I answer him. “If we can

get your parents down there by tomorrow or even tonight, we can convince them to return home.”

Atticus nods, “Okay. Let’s talk to my parents.”

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We barge into their room a few minutes later. His mother’s eyes were swollen and she’s definitely been


“Mom.” Atticus greets her first. “Dad.”

“We are having a private discussion Atticus, why don’t you come back later?” His father asks him.

“This is important.” Atticus informs him. “It’s about Clarissa and Damon. I think that you should support

their relationship.”

His parents looks both surprised and unhappy with his suggestion.

“Atticus, what are you saying?” His mother demands. “Just a while ago you were saying something

completely different. How can we allow this relationship to continue?”

“You love them both.” Atticus answers her. “One of them is your biological son, and the other, is your

daughter no matter what others say. I know this isn’t something any of us can easily accept, it’s

something that none of us expected. However, we all love them. We want them to be happy and if it’s

being with each other, we should not get in the way. This is similar to when you learned the truth about

Autumn. It was hard at first to accept everything but eventually you did the right thing. You accepted

her. Please consider doing the same for Damon and Clarissa. If you don’t, we will lose them both.”

I couldn’t have said it any better. Now all we had to do was hope that it works.