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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 168
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 168



Another doctor. Same answer. Each doctor did not know what was wrong with me. They kept saying

that it wasn’t anything serious and that I shouldn’t worry.

Why shouldn’t I worry when it felt like I could freeze to death any day now? Why couldn’t they see how

terrified I was of dying?

I felt like these doctors couldn’t help me. They were useless in my case. We had to find someone else

who knew what was happening to me. But who could that be?

I was surprised earlier to see Dante holding me. It’s not something that I expected to wake up to. He’s

always kept plenty of distance between the two of us. Just the thought of it made me feel butterflies in

my stomach. Even the slightest bit of attention from Dante made me all giddy inside. I don’t think he

even knows what he does to me.

‘I won’t stop until I get some f*****g answers.’

Those were his words, and even though I knew he was only protective because of Anya, it still made

my stomach flutter. It made me happy to know that he was that determined to help me.

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I didn’t understand how my sister didn’t fall in love with a man like Dante. He was everything a girl like

me could ever dream of marrying. His green eyes sparkled under bright lights, and his dark brown hair

begged to be touched. His muscular arms were built for protection. You could tell that Dante was a

protector, someone who protected those he loved fiercely. He was also loyal; even after my sister’s

death, he never looked at another woman. She’s all that he could see. There were so many qualities

about him that stood out to me. He was like a dream come true. If only Anya had seen in him what I

saw in him now.

But if she’d done so, wouldn’t things have been much different now? I wouldn’t have been married to

Dante and she would have been in my place. I’m not sure how I felt about that. The thought of anyone

with Dante other than me bothered me to the point that I felt uncomfortable.

I’ve never really gotten the chance to learn about men. However, the men at the academy were a huge

letdown compared to Dante. He was different from them. He wasn’t wild and a jerk like some of the

others. He was gentle but fierce. He was soft to the people he loved but could kill his enemy in the blink

of an eye.

I grabbed my diary and touched the pen to the clean page.

My dearest husband,

Today you held me in your arms while I was unconscious. You were the first person I saw after waking

up. Your eyes were filled with concern I’ve never seen before. My heart flutters whenever I’m reminded

of how worried you were about me. I wish that one day I could tell you how I truly feel. I wish that one

day I would feel your lips on mine…

I gasped and threw the book onto the floor. What was I thinking? It was one thing to have a crush on

him but to dream of him kissing me.

It was wrong.

But was it? I was his wife, after all.

I close my eyes and drop myself onto the bed. Yes. I was his wife, but he didn’t treat me that way. He

was also still in love with my sister. Dreaming of kissing him would only end in heartbreak. I shouldn’t

do that to myself.

A knock on my door forces me out of my thoughts. I quickly ran to open it, after putting my diary away.

“We have a party to attend.” Clarissa reminds me with a big smile.

“And we are here to help you get dressed,” Autumn says, forcing herself into my room.

“She’s good at these things,” Clarissa assured me. “You will look stunning when she’s done with you,

not that you aren’t already beautiful.”

“We’ve noticed that your wardrobe isn’t vast,” Autumn tells me. “That’s why Clarissa and I went

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

shopping for you. We have a selection of outfits that you can start wearing tonight. We even chose

some stuff for the academy.”

“You did that?” I ask in surprise. “For me?”

I’ve always loved seeing my sister dressed in fancy clothes. I’ve often wished for a chance to have that,

but my mother always clarified that she could not afford to get me more than I already had. I never

complained, but looking at the outfits packed in the boxes in front of me, filled me with excitement.

“I love that look on your face,” Clarissa says enthusiastically. “This is good. It means we made the right

choice. We feared you’d be upset with us for being so pushy.”

“Why would I be upset?” I ask, confused. “You did something nice for me.”

Autumn smiles and hugs me, “I knew you were awesome since we first met you.”

“Time to unpack and switch up your style.” Autumn winks at me. I watch as both girls empty the boxes

of clothes onto my bed. Even though it was plenty of outfits, it didn’t take them long to sort everything


“This is what we want you to wear tonight for the party,” Autumn informs me.

I gape at the outfit in front of me. “Where is the rest of it?”

“It’s a mini skirt and crop top.” Clarissa points out the obvious. “It’s meant to look like that, don’t worry.”

Autumn and Clarissa always tried to get me to wear outfits like this. I remembered that one time they

made me wear a bikini; it was the first time I’d ever seen Dante look at me. I was happy for days

because of that one look of desire. At least, I’d hoped it was desire.

“Okay. I’ll wear it.” I tell them. Hopefully, this would also help me to get a reaction out of Dante.