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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 199
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 199

Book 3 Chapter 35


“It’s time to board the yacht,” Autumn tells me.

I couldn’t stop staring at the boat in front of me.

It was beautiful.

“Will Dante be here?” I ask her. He didn’t come home last night, and no one had seen him the entire

day. I knew his parents were about to lose their minds, but I felt worse.

If Dante didn’t attend this ceremony, I would look like a fool in front of everyone. I couldn’t imagine what

else the bullies would find to say about me.

A part of me knew that Dante wasn’t the type of man to let that happen to me. However, another part of

me knew this was difficult for him; I don’t think Dante would ever find the strength to forget about my


“I’m sure he will be here in time.” Autumn tries to comfort me.

“There’s something I forgot to mention. Damon told me that Dante looked a little flustered when we

found his jeep parked at the side of the road after the party.” She adds.

I frown, “his jeep was parked on the side of the road?”

She nods, “We returned from the party early and expected to meet you guys home. However, we saw

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

you parked on the side of the road. You were knocked out in the front seat, and Dante was covering

your body with his shirt.”

I don’t remember knocking out in his vehicle. I kept getting my memories back gradually, but everything

after we left the party, was still blank.

“I can’t remember anything,” I confess.

“We did give you a little too much to drink.” Autumn apologizes.

“Atticus and Damon heard plenty from Dante. He was pissed that we let you drink so much. He asked

them to control their wives.” She chuckles. “Like Atticus could ever control me. And Clarissa, he knows

damn well Damon can’t control anything that she does.”

“I don’t blame you at all for anything.” I reassure her. “But I do want to remember what happened. I feel

like there is plenty I’m missing.”

“Trust me; it will all return to you very soon.” She assured me. “Let’s get on before we’re left behind and

miss all the fun they have planned for you.”

All of the fun? What kind of fun?

“I was told that Dante would be the one to carry me onto the yacht.” I pointed out. “Shouldn’t I wait for

him to come?”

Autumn sighs, “That’s usually what’s supposed to happen, but since today isn’t the wedding day and

Dante is nowhere to be found, his parents suggested that it would be better for you to board the yacht

while we wait for his arrival.”

I try not to look disappointed. I wanted him here. I wanted him to carry me onto the yacht according to

the traditions.

“Don’t worry, Willow; he will make up for it in the spring.”

That’s if he even showed up.

As we walked onto the yacht, I was reminded of the questions I wanted to ask Autumn. I never got the

chance because everyone was so busy planning for today.

“What is the ceremony about?” I ask her. “I was told about a spring and you also mentioned it a few

minutes ago. Why does Dante seem to be so bothered about it? In fact, he was very against it.”

Autumn turns pink with my question. “It’s a very intimate ceremony.” She confesses. “Both you and

Dante will have to enter the spring at exactly midnight. You’ll be rubbed in oil as preparation. You’ll also

have to repeat some words to each other, and that’s it.”

“Oh,” I whisper. “That doesn’t sound so bad. Why will that be so hard for Dante to do? Marrying me was

more difficult than that.”

She bites her lip before continuing, “There’s one tiny little detail I didn’t include.”

I look at her, waiting for her to finish.

“You’ll both have to be n***d for the ceremony.” She finally blurts out.

I almost choke on absolutely nothing. How can we see each other n***d? I wasn’t prepared for

something like that.

I’m aware that Dante saw a lot of me in my bikini, but to see every part of me, I didn’t know how to

react to knowing this part of the ceremony existed.

“I promise you that it isn’t as bad as you may think it is.” She tries to comfort me. “If I’m being honest, I

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was also very nervous. I was in love with Atticus while he still thought he was in love with Anya. I

wasn’t sure what it would be like seeing each other without any clothes. However, two friends, Scarlett

and Clara, gave me a few drinks. It helped with the tension. It also made me confident or crazy enough

to do things I’m proud of today. It was a very nice ritual with Atticus, and I’m happy I did that with him. I

think it will be the same way for you and Dante.”

I’m about to respond when the whispers begin around me.

“Ignore them,” Clarissa says as she joins us. “I don’t know why our parents invited these losers.”

“It had to be done,” Autumn says. “They wanted them here to spread the news. I don’t think they

expected Dante not to show up.”

“I know Dante. He will be here.” Clarissa says as she looks around. “But he better be here soon to shut

these people up. I’ve already seen posts where people said that Dante stood Willow up and doesn’t

want to do the ritual with her.”

Just like I expected, it’s happening a lot sooner. They’re already spreading rumors about us. Or, in this

case, it wasn’t rumored at all. Dante wasn’t here, and it does look like he won’t show.

“I’m going to kill him,” Atticus growled as he looked around.

I was about to give up.

But then I hear gasps all around us. Everyone is pointing at something.

I follow their gazes, and I’m shocked to see Dante walking toward me covered in what had to be blood.

“That asshole still went to the b****y fight!” Atticus growls.

I gasp. Tonight was his fight.

He still went.

How could he?