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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 216
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 216

Book 3 Chapter 52


“Can you excuse me for a second?” I ask Ares.

He nods, and I walk over to where Autumn and everyone else stands, looking at us.

“I don’t think I can do this anymore,” I confess.

It was hard to pretend I was having a good time.

We were in a more private area of the house just so that rumors about me and Ares wouldn’t spread all


Autumn and Clarissa had thought about everything to protect me. But I knew they wouldn’t be able to

protect me from Dante if my actions tonight angered him.

“Why can’t you?” Clarissa demands.

“It doesn’t even look like Dante is coming,” I say. It’s been over two hours, and there was no sign of


“He called a few minutes ago,” Damon tells me. “I acted like I was drunk and like none of us were

keeping an eye on you. Trust me; my brother will be here.”

Even Damon seemed convinced that he would be here.

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“Just keep talking to Ares for a few more minutes.” Autumn tries to persuade me. “If Dante still doesn’t

show up, then we can stop all of this and go home. I promise.”

I sigh. I’d made it this far already; I could wait a few more minutes for Dante.

I was inwardly praying for him to show up. This was the only sign I needed from him to keep fighting for

our marriage.

I f****d myself to walk back to Ares, who was waiting for me, with a smile. He wasn’t that bad of a

person. He didn’t try anything weird or make me feel uncomfortable.

I wasn’t sure why he was helping me.

“He will show up.” He promises me as I take my seat next to him once more.

“Even you’re convinced that he will?” I ask.

He nods. “You’re his wife. If he cares for you at all, he will be here. My brothers and I have sort of a

reputation. It isn’t always true what people say about us, but it will be enough to bring Dante Fawn here

to take his wife away.”

I narrow my eyes, “I don’t believe you. Dante will not come. Also, I’ve heard the rumors about your

family. I’ve seen the way Carter acts. He is a player. I believe at least some of the rumors are true.”

He sighs and leans closer to me, “Don’t believe everything you hear. My brother isn’t that bad. If you

get to know him, you’ll agree with me. Also, I’m pretty sure your boyfriend is already here.”

“My boyfriend?” I ask, confused.

“Dante Fawn.”

“He’s my husband.” I remind him.

He winks at me, “I prefer to call him your boyfriend.”

I ignore him, “why do you think he’s already here?”

I didn’t see a single sign of Dante anywhere. Was he saying this to mess with me?

He leans back against the sofa with both hands behind his head. “I’ve been timing him. He called

Damon a few minutes ago. If he’s angry after seeing you with me, he is most likely driving at full speed.

That means that he should be here by now. He’s probably parking recklessly, with no care in the world,

barging through the crowds looking for the both of us. It will take him longer than usual since we’re in

this private area, but I’m sure he will find you soon enough.”

I gape at him. “You have quite an imagination.”

He grins, “Or maybe I just checked my phone and saw your boyfriend barging into the house through

the cameras like he wants to murder someone. Most likely me.”

My mouth parts. “You’re lying.”

“Three.” He whispers. “Two. . . One.”xo.com fast update

The door flew open suddenly, and my head snapped in its direction. Just like Ares and everyone else

promised me, standing in front of me with a murderous expression on his face was none other than


“Ares,” Dante says his name like he wants to rip his neck from his body.

Ares doesn’t look afraid. Maybe it’s because his brothers are all over the house. If anything happens to

him, they will be here in a split second.

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Ares stands up to greet him, and I begin to panic. This wasn’t the right person for Dante to start a fight

with. It wouldn’t end well for anyone here.

I immediately jump in front of Ares. Dante looks shocked by my actions. He might think that I was trying

to protect Ares from him, but I was doing the exact opposite. I was trying to protect him.

“Look who’s finally joined us!” Damon says as he hits Dante on his back. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

Dante growls at his brother. “Stay the f**k out of my way Damon.”

“Having some problems with your brother?” Ares asks. “I can help you both out.”

“Why don’t I help you break your nose first?” Dante threatens him.

“I’m sensing a lot of tension in here,” Ares says as he sniffs the air.

“Let’s all calm down,” Clarissa says as she tries to ease the tension.

Dante takes another step toward Ares, and I quickly place both hands on his chest to stop him from

moving forward.

His eyes look hurt as he gazes at me, “Move your hands, Willow.”

I shook my head. “Please, let’s just go.”

“Move. Your. Hands.”

I was beginning to panic. If I didn’t stop Dante from picking a fight with Ares, there’s no telling what

would happen here tonight.

Since I never thought that Dante would come, I didn’t have the chance to prepare for any of this.

What am I supposed to do now?