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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 220
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 220

Book 3 Chapter 56


One second passes. Then another. And another. I see the moment my words finally hit Dante, striking


I wait to see his reaction. It was slow at first but I was finally seeing the effect of my words.

I can see the shock on his face as he tries to come to terms with my confession.

My lips part when he stops the jeep in the middle of the road without a care in the world. Luckily, there

was no one behind us.

He slowly turns to look at me, and I can see the disbelief in his eyes. “What did you just say?”

He doesn’t want to believe he’d heard me correctly. It makes me scared to repeat my words.

“You asked me if I liked Ares. I said that I do like him.” I repeat, even though it was one of the hardest

things I’ve ever had to force myself to say. It was also one of the biggest lies I’ve ever told.

Dante always claims that everything he does for me is to fulfill his promises to my sister. This time, it

can’t possibly have any links to her. He couldn’t get upset just because I liked someone else. She didn’t

ask him to prevent me from liking someone other than him. She asked him to marry me and protect

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me. That was all. If he was angry with me because of what I’d said, it would have nothing to do with


The only reason Dante could ever get upset over this is if he had some feelings for me. This was my

only way of confirming this. So far, I was almost completely positive that he did, in fact, have feelings

for me.

I watch as his forehead creases and his eyes narrow a little. His hands are clenched to his side; he’s

no longer holding the steering wheel.

“You like him?” he asks in disbelief. I can barely recognize his voice. I’ve never heard him speak so

softly in the past. I almost didn’t hear him.

I nodded even though my heart was begging me to stop. I couldn’t. I had to know the truth. I had to

know that Dante at least liked me.

“Does it hurt?” I whisper.

He frowns at me, “What?”

“Does it hurt when I say that I like him?” I ask.

I can’t hide the desperation in my voice.

“I don’t understand,” he whispers. “What does that have to do with any of this?”

“Can’t you just answer me?” I demand. “I want to know if it hurts when I say I like him. Do I need to say

it some more?”xo.com fast update

He doesn’t give me an answer.

“Fine.” I snap. “I’ll keep repeating it until you give me an answer. I like Ares; I like Ares, I like—”

I don’t get to finish my sentence when Dante grabs me by my waist and pulls me on top of him.

He grabs my cheeks and buries his face in my neck. I couldn’t move. I can’t breathe. If he kept this up,

I would die from no air in my lungs.

“Yes, it f*****g hurts Willow.” He finally admits. “It f*****g hurts so much. Is that what you want me to

say? Why do you want me to admit that it hurts? Does that somehow make you happy?”

I was happy with his response, but I was not happy that I was hurting him.

I can’t find my voice. I want to tell him it was all a lie, but I can’t seem to form any words in my mouth.

“I don’t know why it hurts.” He whispers. I can hear the distress in his voice. “It shouldn’t hurt this much,

but it does, and I don’t f*****g know why, Willow. I’ve never felt pain like this before. You told me that

there was a chance that you loved me. When did that all change? How can you love me but like him? It

doesn’t make any sense. Are you just like Anya? Are you trying to play with my f*****g heart as well?”

I stop moving at his question. It was true that I was playing with his heart but for entirely different

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reasons. Anya wanted to gain his trust and use him. All I wanted was his love. We were not the same.

We wanted completely different things. She never saw him the way that I see him now. How can we be

the same? I knew I couldn’t keep this up anymore, not when he reminded me of everything my sister

did to him.

I didn’t want to be like her. I didn’t want to be the reason that Dante was in pain.

“I don’t like Ares.” I blurt out. “I said I did, but I was lying, just like you lied earlier.”

His body freezes against mine.

“I can’t possibly love you and like him at the same time Dante. Just like you said.” I explain to him. “I

lied. I promise that it was all a lie. I’m not my sister. I will never do the things she did to you. I will never

take advantage of your kindness.”

My hands are now in his hair as I try to comfort him. He may not know why it hurts, but I did. His family

was right; he did have feelings for me. Because of his love for my sister, he didn’t want to accept it. I

understand that now.

“Why did you lie to me, Willow?” He asks suddenly, his question crashes into my thoughts, and I

swallow hard.

What should I say to that? Should I tell him the truth?