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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 225
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 225

Book 3 Chapter 61


I woke up needy and missing Dante’s touch. I’m not sure why I feel this way. I should be worried about

my own life. Someone may or may not be out to get me. And if that person wasn’t coming for me, he

was after Dante, which terrified me even more.

Still, I couldn’t stop thinking about the way he kissed me. Dante always kisses me so passionately that

it’s hard to think of anything but his kisses.

Did he also kiss Anya as he kissed me? Did he kiss her like she was the last woman on earth?

I didn’t want to think about him kissing my sister, but I couldn’t help but wonder.

I wanted Dante to love me more than he ever loved her. I knew I was being selfish. I knew that I

couldn’t force someone to love me. I never wanted to force him to do anything for me. I wanted him to

like me on his own.

I look around the room for him, but there is no sign of him. It was so crazy that I actually missed him so

much at this moment.

The door flew open suddenly, and I held my breath when I saw him walking in.

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His eyes are drawn to me on the bed almost immediately. I could feel all the blood rush to my cheeks at

the reminder of what happened in the rain against his jeep.

Dante asked me to repeatedly tell him that I loved him. And then he thanked me for being nothing like

my sister.

His actions confirmed that he had feelings for me, but he was yet to admit them to me. I think he hasn’t

even accepted those feelings and may possibly be rejecting them because of my sister. As long as he

thinks he’s betraying her, he will continue to push me away. But that only meant that I had to fight for


If I wanted Dante to open up to me, I had to show him more of my love and hope that it would be

enough to make him accept his feelings for me.

“You’re awake.” He says as he moves towards me.

I try to find my breath. His sleeves were rolled up halfway, and his shirt was unbuttoned at the top.

Every little detail about Dante had my heart beating faster and my body begging for a taste of him.

“I am,” I whisper. “Where have you been? I woke up, and you were gone.”

His jaw clenches, “I had to have a word with my family.”

I quirk a brow, “a word?” I ask. “About what?”

He looks angry as he says, “They should have never kept you in a room with Ares. You may be new to

all of this, but they aren’t. Their actions were reckless, and I can’t have something like that happening


“Why are you so angry with them?” I demand. “They care about you, Dante.”

He leans back against the chair and crosses his arms over his chest. “Let’s talk about something else.”

I didn’t understand how Dante could be so upset with his family but still love Anya. How could she not

see how much he loved her? The more time I spent with Dante, the more I hated what my sister did to

him. She messed with his heart and his life. And now I was left with all of the broken pieces.

“What do you want to talk about?” I ask. “Is there something else that you want to ask me?”

His eyes are dark as he asks, “What did you and Ares talk about?”

My eyes widen at his question. How did I tell him that we spoke about him the entire time?xo.com

fast update

I quickly turned my face in the other direction. I couldn’t look him in the eyes.


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I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep.

I gasp when I feel his hands on my legs. He drags my body to the edge of the bed and pulls me up to a

seated position. He places both hands on either side of the bed and leans into me.

“I asked you a question.”

I swallow, “we spoke about his reputation and his family’s reputation. Apparently, they don’t have a

good one when it comes to women. He said that most of the rumors were lies and that his family were

actually good people.”

Dante’s eyes narrow, “and you believed him?”

I shook my head.

His jaw clenches, “what else?”

I could feel the heat in my cheeks as he waited for me to tell him more. I thought our conversation

about Ares was over when I admitted that I didn’t like him. Why was he asking me so many questions?

“Willow,” he growls. “What else did he say to you?”

“Why do you want to know?” I whispered as I searched his eyes.

“I need to know if I have to kill him.” He answers me like killing him was the easiest thing in the world

for him.


“Answer me, damn it.”