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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 228
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 228

Book 3 Chapter 64


Dante’s teeth on my neck before he asked me to leave made everything much harder. It made me want

to be with him even more than before. It made me want things that I knew I shouldn’t. Why didn’t he

want to give me what I wanted when it was clear that he wanted it also? I could feel his arousal; he

wasn’t trying to hide it from me. I don’t think it’s something he could hide, either. He looked ready to be

inside of me. I bit my lip hard at the thought of feeling him there.

“Willow.” He growls my name.

He wasn’t going to do it. Not tonight. I could tell by the determination in his voice to get me out of the


I spun around in his arms, and instead of running as he asked, I placed both hands on his chest and

pushed him backward until he hit the wall. My breasts are pressed against his chest as I peered up at

him, “You will f**k me, Dante Fawn. Maybe not tonight or tomorrow. But you will.”

I could see the whirlpool of emotions in his eyes as my words settled.

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They are dark with desire as he watches me leave. I make sure to move my waist seductively. I knew I

was taking things a bit too far, but every single second of each day I spent with Dante was turning me

into a woman that was starved of him. I was becoming desperate to have a part of him that I craved.

My heart is racing when I finally exit the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Where did I get the

confidence to do something like that?

I place one hand on my neck and felt a shiver down my spine. Why did I enjoy his teeth on my skin that

much? I wanted to walk back into the bathroom and ask him to bite me a second time and then maybe

a third. I felt like begging him to bite other parts of my body, not just my neck.xo.com fast update

I was getting through to him. I knew I was. I couldn’t stop fighting, not now. Soon enough, he will accept

his feelings for me.

I grabbed a towel and dried my skin, changing into a new lingerie. I wasn’t going to make it easy for

him. He was determined to keep his hands off me; I would do everything I could to help him change his


I would do everything in my power to make him accept his feelings for me, and this seemed like the

easiest way.

Dante finally exits the shower what seems like a whole hour later. It felt like he was hiding in there from

me. Or maybe, he was doing that thing I’d caught him doing under the shower.

I’d never seen something so erotic in my life before, and I wanted to stare some more, but Dante didn’t

give me a chance to do it. Everything that he did, it had the power to make me stop and stare. I felt like

I was under an incredibly powerful spell, and maybe I was paying for the horrible things my sister did to

his family in the past. Maybe this wasn’t something I could avoid.

I watched him walk toward the bed; I could tell he avoided looking into my eyes. He was shirtless, and

there was still a bulge in his pants.

Did that mean he was still aroused?

My body was under the sheets, and he couldn’t see my lingerie. I was waiting for the right time to show

it to him.

He quietly gets into the bed with me and doesn’t bother pulling the sheets over his body. He has one

hand behind his neck and is looking at the ceiling. I can tell that he has plenty on his mind.

I knew he was trying to distract himself from me. And that wasn’t something that I was okay with. I

wanted to have his undivided attention, especially tonight.

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I slowly pulled the sheets off my body and, without any warning, climbed on top of him. I make sure to

position myself right above the bulge in his pants.

His eyes are full of panic as he feels my body on top of his, “what are you doing, Willow?” he growls.

“I wanted to show you my outfit for the night.” I feign innocence.

“And you couldn’t have done that in your side of the bed?” he demands. I knew he was fully aware of

my intentions, but I wasn’t going to back down. If this was the only way to get past Dante’s thick walls, I

was willing to do it.

I take his hand in mine and guide them to my waist, “can you feel how soft the material is?” I whisper.

His eyes are dangerously dark.

“Not as soft as your skin.” He says, and I’m surprised to hear him admit that.

I move his hands to my exposed chest, “are you sure?” I ask. “It feels much softer than my skin.”

“Willow.” he inhales sharply. “What are you trying to do? I already told you that nothing is going to

happen between us. Not when I have no f*****g control over myself. I’ve told you a million times that

you deserve more than what I’m willing to offer you. Stop trying for something that I can never give to
