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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 234
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Chapter 234

Book 3 Chapter 69


She was so f*****g beautiful.

Keeping my hands off her would be so damn hard for the rest of the night.

How would I survive if I didn’t at least get on taste? But I knew one taste would only lead to something


Willow hasn’t tried seducing me since the wallet incident. I was happy that she was willing to still fight

for our marriage even though I didn’t deserve her or her patience with me.

I’ve done nothing but give pain to Willow. None of the pain was intentional, but that didn’t make it any


When I thought back to the things I’d said and done, I knew that I was a lucky man to have her as my


I often questioned Anya’s decision to force me to marry her sister, but for once, I was happy that she’d

done so. I knew she did it for selfish reasons; I knew she was only thinking about herself and her family

when she asked me to marry Willow. But that didn’t matter because she unknowingly gave me

someone that made me want to keep living.

She’d done something for me without even realizing it. In the past, Anya has always done things to

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

make my life more difficult. This was the first time she’d done something good. It just so happened that

she did it for totally different reasons.

She gave me the one person that she cared about more than anyone else in this world.

I was foolish for ever seeing Willow as a burden. I was stupid for thinking that my marriage was some

punishment. My eyes were finally opening, and I wish I’d seen these things much sooner. That way, I

wouldn’t have hurt Willow on multiple occasions. Seeing the hurt in her eyes when she saw that picture

of her sister still in my wallet was my undoing.

That look in her eyes still haunted me, as well as the hurt in her voice. I couldn’t get it out of my head. I

wanted to find a way to make it up to her but I still had no clue what the hell I was doing.

Inviting her to this party and properly introducing her as my wife was my first step. I wanted everyone to

know how important she was to me.

I didn’t like her silence, and she’s been silent the entire road. I was the reason for this. I’d hurt her with

that picture of Anya in my wallet. And then I begged her for more time.

She was giving me that time, but part of me wanted her to return to the woman trying to get closer to


“Are you okay?” I ask her when the silence became too much for me.

Something was wrong. I could tell. She wasn’t talking, and she kept clutching her stomach. Why didn’t I

notice this sooner?

“I don’t know.” She whispers.

“Is your body becoming cold?” I ask her gently. I had to know if we needed to get her in front of a fire pit

or anything to help return her temperature back to normal.

I didn’t notice her body turning pale or any of the signs I usually saw.

“I feel weird.” She gasps. “Something is wrong with me, Dante. I don’t know what it is, but I’m scared.”

I pulled to the side of the road and jumped out of the truck. I walked over to the passenger’s side and

opened the door.

“Tell me where it’s hurting,” I tell her as I look around for help. There were no vehicles around; my

brothers were already at the party. We were the last two to leave the house.

“I don’t know.” She gasps.

“Your forehead is sweating,” I whisper as I press my cold hand against it. Usually, it was freezing cold,

not hot.

Was the opposite happening to her?

I stay completely still when she grabs my face and buries her lips in my neck.


I’m in shock. I don’t know what she’s doing. I don’t move, not even an inch. My body is filled with

immediate heat at her touch.

“I don’t know what’s happening!” She cries out as she lifts her mouth from my neck.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

She grabs my face for the second time and, this time, shoves it hard against her chest.

“I need you, Dante.” She cries. “I need you to do something. Anything. Please.”

I’m nestled between her breasts and still completely lost as to what was happening.

I stay completely still when a strong scent hits my nose. It took my brain a few seconds to figure out

what was happening. When I do, the blood in my veins runs cold.

She’s rubbing her legs together and gasping my name, continuously begging me to help her.

I freeze.

This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be what I thought it was.

But it was. I couldn’t deny it. Her scent was getting stronger. It was becoming difficult for me to see

anything else but her.


Oh f**k no.

This can’t be true. It f*****g can’t.

I’m his by another strong wave and I have to grab the truck for support.

She’s going into heat.

Willow was going into f*****g heat.

I’m going to lose my mind. I’m going to f*****g lose my mind.

What the hell am I supposed to do?