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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 252
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Chapter 252

Book 3 Chapter 87


Caroline and Winter rush to our side.

“Please help me get him out of here while everyone is still distracted,” I beg. “He’s badly injured.”

They both nod, and we successfully carry him through the back without anyone stopping us.

“I need to tend to his wounds,” I tell my sisters.

“We don’t have time for that Willow.” Winter hisses at me. “We must get back before our mother finds

out we are missing. You used your power in front of hundreds of people. Cassius must know exactly

where we are by now. We need to get moving.”

“No!” I shout. “I’m not leaving Dante. Not when he is like this.”

“He’s not going to die.” She points out. “He will live. Your life is more in danger than his at this moment.

So please, let’s go.”

“Willow,” Dante croaks. His eyes are still closed as he shifts uncomfortably on the ground.

He was waking up again.

“Willow.” He tries again. He’s waiting for me to respond.

I grab his hand and squeeze it gently, “I’m here.”

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I felt his body relax slightly at my words, “Don’t leave me again. Please don’t leave me, Willow.”

“We have to go!” Winter shouts.

“I’m not leaving without Dante!” I repeat myself. “I’m not. You’ll have to force me, but I’m not willingly

leaving him when he’s like this.”

She sighs and holds her head in frustration. “I can’t believe this is happening right now. Are you risking

your life and everyone else’s for his right now?”

I don’t bother answering her.

“Just let her do what she has to.” Caroline intervenes. “Our sister loves this man. If she wants to tend to

his wounds, let her. We will leave soon. Do not worry.”

Winter walks away from the both of us angrily. She was pissed, and I was sure we would both get a

lecture about this when it was time to return home.

“You told me once that my power can help heal someone as long as it isn’t one of Azai’s offspring,” I

say to her. “Please teach me how to do it.”

Her eyes widen, “if you use your power to heal him, you’ll be extremely weak for two days. Are you

sure that’s such a good idea?”

I nod, “I want to heal him as much as possible before leaving. I’m not going to see him again after this. I

want to ensure he’s safe from danger and back to his normal self.”

She sighs, “place your right hand over his heart.”

I do as she says.

She grabs my left hand and pulls her blade out. My eyes widen when she cuts the middle of my hand.

“Let your blood touch his lips.” She orders me.

I don’t waste another second and I do as she says. I can feel myself grow weaker as Dante’s body

slowly begins to heal in front of me.

“It won’t be enough to heal him completely, but he should regain consciousness any minute now.” She

informs me.

“We can’t have him following us,” Winter says as she returns.

“He won’t,” Caroline assures her. “While Willow’s blood will heal him, it will also make him incredibly

dizzy at least for an hour. He won’t be able to follow us. You know this sister. I don’t need to remind you

of it.”

I move my hand from his heart and gently move his hair from his face. He stirs slowly, and I don’t make

a sound as he opens his eyes.

He slowly takes in his surroundings before finally looking at me. It takes a few seconds for everything to

hit him.

When he realizes I’m in front of him, his eyes widen in shock.

“Willow?” He calls my name in a whispered surprise. “Are you really in front of me?”

I nod and can see the pain in his eyes so clearly that it hurts.

“I knew you would come.” He whispers. “I knew that you would come.”

“You said earlier that you did this for me.” I remind him. “Why would you do something like this for me,

Dante? Why would you hurt yourself over and over again for me? Do you not know me at all? Why

would seeing you in pain ever make me happy?”

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He tries to sit against the wall, and I rush to help him. He was still frail. I could see the stain of my blood

on his lips. I was surprised that he hadn’t asked me about it yet.

“I should have been honest; I didn’t do it for you. I did it for my selfish reasons.” He confesses.

My lips part, “for your selfish reasons?”

He nods, “I wanted to see you again, Willow. I wanted to bring you back into my life. I knew that it

wouldn’t be possible to have you in my life again when I searched every f*****g place I knew that you

could be and didn’t find you. I knew you were hiding from me or being held against your will.”

Caroline and Winter were nowhere around now that he’d opened his eyes. They were either giving us

some privacy or making sure that he didn’t see them.

“I was scared I would never see you again, but then I remembered you loved me. I remembered you

loved me so much that it would hurt you if you saw me in physical pain.” He continues. “I didn’t want to

hurt you, but I had no choice. Like I said, I’m f*****g selfish when it comes to you. I wanted you back in

my life one way or the other. I planned these matches for you, Willow. I lost each of them, hoping you’ll

see and return to me. Each night, I waited till the end, watching as every person came into that arena

and kept hoping that it would be you.”

I’m left dumbstruck by his confession.

All of this, him hurting himself in front of hundreds of people, was only to get me back into his life?


Why would he go through all of this pain for me to return?