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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 253
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Chapter 253

Book 3 Chapter 88


“Why?” I whisper. “Why do you want me back into your life when it’s clear that Anya is the only woman

you’ll ever love?”

His eyes are dark as he growls, “Anya is my past. She’s in the past, Willow. I promise you that she’s in

the past. I will never let her come between us again. I swear on my life.”

Even though it felt good to hear him say this, I knew that it was a lie. I knew that she wasn’t in the past.

I knew he was still crazy about my sister.

I close my eyes to hide the pain. “I don’t believe you. I waited for you to get over her, Dante. I waited for

weeks, hoping that you would be able to move on from her. I waited like a fool, dreaming that you

would love me as you love her. I don’t want to be your second choice. I don’t want to be someone you

fall back on because you cannot be with the woman you love.”

His forehead creases, and he tries to move towards me. He winces when the dizziness hits him.

“Don’t try to move; you’re not fully healed.” I remind him.

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He exhaled sharply, “You’re not that woman.”

“What?” I ask, confused.

“You can never be my second choice, Willow.” He explains. “I didn’t know you when I fell in love with

Anya. I didn’t know you even existed back then. It was never a choice between you and her.”

“Are you telling me you would have chosen me if Anya was still alive?” I ask, even though I already

knew the answer to my question.

His eyes are sad as he looks at me, “if I had met you first. I would have been completely and

wholeheartedly yours. I can promise you that.”

“That’s not what I’m asking Dante,” I whisper. “I’m asking if Anya was still alive. Would you have

chosen me?”

He winces again, and I don’t think it’s from the pain.

I pick myself up from the ground, “you don’t have to answer that question. I think it’s time that I leave.

I’ll call someone to alert your family about your condition. You’ll be dizzy for an hour and unable to

move from that spot. I’ll make sure someone finds you and drops you home safely.”

“No!” He exclaims. “Don’t leave me, Willow. Please don’t.”

I can hear the desperation in his voice.

“I can’t stay by your side any longer, Dante,” I tell him as I walk away.

“I’m sorry!” He shouts. “I’m sorry for everything. I don’t deserve you, but please give me one last

chance. Please, Willow!”

The tears are running down my cheeks at his pleads for me to stay with him. I wanted to stay, but he

didn’t say the one thing I wanted him to. He didn’t tell me that he loved me, and he didn’t say that he

would choose me over Anya. If he couldn’t say those two things to me, I wouldn’t accept him back into

my life. I couldn’t do that to the both of us all over again. The pain was too much.

Even if he said those words to me, I didn’t live a free life anymore. My birth mother was determined to

keep me with her. If everything she’s said to me is true, I have no choice but to stay with them until

Cassius is defeated. I couldn’t be selfish. I had others to think about, including my unborn baby. Our


If I opened my mouth and told Dante I was pregnant, he would never stop looking for me. I couldn’t let

that happen.

“Hello. . .Willow.”

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A shiver runs down my spine at the deep but creepy voice. I’ve never heard it before, but somehow I

already knew who it was. No one else here should know my name.

My sisters had left to give me some privacy with Dante. I knew they were close, but were they close

enough to sense that I was in danger?

I slowly turned around to see the enemy face to face.

Sharp silver eyes are the first thing I see, followed by shoulder-length dark blonde hair. A sharp jawline.

He was tall. Very tall. I couldn’t stop the shivers down my spine; they were spiraling out of control at his

nearness and not in a good way.

I expected him to look scarier, but he was surprisingly strikingly handsome. I shouldn’t have expected

anything else. Clarissa and Autumn were extremely beautiful; obviously, their brother would also look

similar to them.

I don’t get time to scream when pain pulses through my veins. I try to open my mouth, but nothing

comes out.

Cassius grabs me by my hair, and I try to hold onto his neck, but my hands can’t move.

The last thing I hear is Dante shouting my name before everything goes completely dark before me.