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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 259
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 259

Book 3 Chapter 94


“For an evil sorcerer, you don’t look that powerful,” I claim after watching him for hours. I was lying. I

wanted to get under his skin. So far, he’d dismissed everything I’d said to him.

It probably wasn’t the best idea to provoke him, but I wanted to distract him as much as I could.

He quirks a brow. “Do you want me to hurt you and show you exactly the kind of power that I have?”

“Hurt me?” I grin. “You wouldn’t. Not when you need your sisters to save your plans.”

I was afraid, I truly was, but for some reason I couldn’t keep my stupid mouth shut. The words kept

coming out of my mouth.

I didn’t like Cassius one bit. It was hard for me to believe that the man in front of me was the brother of

Autumn and Clarissa. They were nothing like him.

He chuckles, “The plan was to bring you back alive. No one said anything about not hurting you in the

process. I can take away that pain you’ve been feeling.”

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“Pain?” I ask.

He nods, “emotional pain—unrequited love. You’ve loved him since the first day you met him. He was

always the man for you. Unfortunately, he was already in love with the girl you thought was your sister.

It’s such a shame that she never loved him, yet he would give his life for her.”

“Don’t you dare say anything else!” I snap.

He was doing to me the same thing I was trying to do to him; the only difference was that he was


He quirks a brow, “but I’m only getting started, Willow. You fell in love with your sister’s rejection. She

rejected him. She never wanted him; all she wanted was revenge. Your husband is a foolish man; I can

never love someone as foolish as he is. How can he not love the woman who would do anything for

him but be willing to give up his life for a woman who wanted to take everything he ever loved away

from him?”

“You don’t know anything about him!” I hiss. “He isn’t a fool for loving her. He thought that she loved

him at first. She had him under a spell. There’s plenty of information that you’re missing. Leave my

husband’s name out of your filthy mouth!”

He chuckles, “I wonder if you’ll still be speaking that way if your precious husband chose to save your

dead sister over you. If given a chance, Dante would leave you in the dust and save Anya. She’s not

here presently to prove my point, but there’s a way that I can make it happen.”

For a few seconds, I couldn’t move an inch. His words had left me completely speechless. How could

Dante ever have a choice between Anya and me when she wasn’t even here anymore? She was gone,

and she wasn’t coming back.

“What the hell do you mean by that?” I demand.

I didn’t trust Cassius, and he was very good at freaking me out.

I knew he could do many filthy spells, but I hoped nothing would involve Anya or Dante. I wanted my

husband far away from this monster.

“I possess the power to bring back Anya into this world.” He answers me. “I can bring her back long

enough to haunt your husband. He will be running after her the second that I do. If you want, I can

prove to you that I am right. Dante will choose her over you in a split second. She’s the one he loves.”

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I narrow my eyes, “you don’t have the power to resurrect anyone. If you did, you would have

resurrected your father a long time ago!”

His father was his role model. He wanted to be just like him. If he truly had the power to do something

that insane, he would have done it a long time ago.

“Why would I want to resurrect someone that wants to achieve the same thing as I do?” He asks me.

“There can only be one. And that’s me.”

“You’re lying.” I snap. “You can’t bring Anya back.”

“I can’t bring her back completely.” He admits. “But I can at least convince him that I can. Maybe then

you’ll realize that you mean absolutely nothing to that man. You might as well kill yourself to protect

your heart from the pain.”

I narrow my eyes, “we will just see about that.”

I was afraid of his plans. He definitely wanted to mess with our minds and emotions. I wasn’t sure what

Cassius was capable of doing. He was too powerful. Even without Autumn and Clarissa, he had a

powerful aura surrounding him.

He had years to prepare, and he was ready to achieve his goals.

But would Dante truly leave me to die if there was a chance that he could get Anya back from the
