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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 262
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 262

Book 3 Chapter 97


I was trying, but nothing was happening. I didn’t have enough practice for this.

I was up against the strongest sorcerer alive and I was unprepared. When Dante’s wolf howls louder,

and I see blood, everything goes black. The next thing I see is a force of ice covering the trees and

moving with incredible speed towards Cassius.

There was a strong wind, working hand in hand with my power, and I knew it had to belong to Caroline.

I could feel myself grow stronger as I fought to protect the people that I loved.

We both scream as we attack him as hard as we could. He fell back a little, but not by a lot. He was still

standing strong. This wasn’t working.

We couldn’t do this without Winter. We needed her.

How was Cassius still so strong without Autumn and Clarissa’s help?

“Where is Winter?” I ask as I look behind us, hoping to see her somewhere.

In order to kill him, we needed her. The three of us had to work together to get rid of him.

“She’s with the others!” Caroline answers me.

By others, did she mean Autumn and Clarissa?

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“Tell me where my sisters are, and no one gets hurt!” He roars as darkness shoots out of him and

attacks Dante and his brothers. His focus was mostly on them. He knew that they were my weakness.

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He was trying to kill them to hurt me.

“WINTER!” Caroline screams. “We need you!”

Within seconds, tree vines grabbed Cassius by his waist and pulled him down with a hard force.

“Attack him!” Winter shouts behind us. “Use everything that you have!”

He manages to free himself from Winter’s spell but now he looks pissed.

He narrows his eyes at me, “You’re the weakest. I need to get rid of you first.”

My eyes widen when the darkness shoots out towards me. He doesn’t get to me; Dante throws himself

in front of me without any warning and takes the hit for me.

I see red when blood comes out of his mouth. For a few seconds, I couldn’t breathe or move.

Everything went completely still as I watched his body drop to the ground.

“No!” I gasp.

“Willow!” Winter shouts. “You can’t get distracted!”

I ignore her as I drop to the ground beside him.

“Dante!” I scream.

He wasn’t moving. His eyes were open, but I could see him slowly slipping away.

“Your blood, Willow!” Caroline shouts. “Give him your blood!”

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I grab the knife from his pants and cut the palm of my hand. I let my blood touch his lips and prayed for

a miracle.

“Please, Dante.” I cry. “Please don’t leave me. Please, I’m begging you.”


It was Autumn. She was here with Clarissa. What were they doing? They shouldn’t be here!

“Stop hurting them, Cassius!” Clarissa shouts. “Please!”

Cassius looks surprised to see them in front of him. He seemed convinced that they wouldn’t show up.

I see a flash of emotion in his eyes before he covers it.

He quirks a brow at them, “sisters. It’s so good to see you again. Is this the way to greet your brother,

who you haven’t seen in years?”

“Please stop this.” Autumn pleads with him. “We do not want to fight you.”

He chuckles, “You can’t fight me. Don’t you know that by now? Your power doesn’t work against me. It

works on everyone else but me.”

I held onto Dante tightly, ignoring their conversation. Were they trying to distract him or reason with

him? I didn’t know their plan.

“I love you.” I against his neck. “I love you so much, Dante. Our baby loves you. Please, don’t go


My heart skipped a beat when I felt his hand move.

I began to breathe again as I felt his heartbeat, it was returning to normal. I gently placed him on the

ground. I knew he would need some time to get back to normal. My blood would keep him dizzy. That’s

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a good thing, I didn’t want him jumping into danger for me again.

I focus on Cassius. He tried to kill my husband and his family. I could never forgive him for that.

“I’m going to kill you!” I scream as ice shoots out from every single direction. Everyone ducks as the ice

strikes him like daggers falling from the sky.

Austin’s family jumps out from all different directions at the exact same time. Where had they been

hiding? They seemed to be waiting for the right time to attack.

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I could see their wolves coming in great waves to attack him from all directions. He fought back but he

couldn’t stop all of them from reaching him in time. Hunter and Isabella’s wolves grab onto his leg and

arm. He shouts in pain, and my eyes widen when he shoves them hard against each other with his

dark force.

“ENOUGH!” He roars as black flames form around him. There’s fire everywhere followed by the horrific

cries of wolves.

How was he this powerful? There were so many of us, but he was still somehow on top.

“Willow and my sisters return with me!” He roars. “If you don’t, I’ll kill every single person here tonight.”

“No one is coming with you!” Atticus shouts.

Autumn jumps in front of Atticus when a fireball is suddenly flying in his direction. The flame doesn’t

harm her, just like Cassius said earlier. Their power could be used on anyone else but themselves.

When he tries to attack Damon, Clarissa does the same thing as her sister.

We couldn’t jump in front of everyone he tried to strike. We were in serious trouble.

“Stop it,” Caroline whispers. “I’ll come with you. Just stop hurting everyone else.”

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His eyes zero in on her.

“No!” I scream along with Winter.

“We can still kill him!” Winter shouts. “We can’t give up. This is our only chance!”

Caroline ignores all of us and throws herself into his waiting arms. We don’t have a second to react

when they both disappear in front of our eyes.

“CAROLINEEE—,” I scream.

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