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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 265
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 265

Book 3 Chapter 100


I could feel Dante’s eyes on me with every move I made. His needy gaze hadn’t left me since we woke

up this morning. It was the last day. After midnight, he would be able to touch me again.

I asked this as a punishment for him, but I felt like I punished myself more than I did him. Sleeping next

to him every night, hearing him tell me the sweetest things and how much he loved me, and not being

able to touch him or let him feel me. It was t*****e.

I knew he wanted me, also. Every night, I could see the longing in his eyes. Today, it was much


My pregnancy hormones were also taking over, and for some reason, Dante seemed to love and want

me even more while pregnant.

Everyone was happy that there was a baby on the way.

“I can’t believe I will have my first grandchild!” His mother exclaims with joy.

“You have truly blessed us all, Willow.” His grandfather praises me.

“I can’t contain my excitement,” Clarissa admits. “I’m going to be an auntie, and I can’t freaking believe


Griffin nods, “And I’m going to be an uncle. I’m going to teach him so many things.”

“Why do you think it’s a boy?” I ask him.

He wiggles his eyebrows at me, “Why wouldn’t it be a boy? My uncle senses are tingling. It’s a boy.”

I stole a glance at Dante, and I was surprised to see a bright smile on his face as he watched me

interact with his family. This was the happiest I’d ever seen him, and I couldn’t believe how far we’d

come in just two weeks.

The only thing that could have made this better was having Caroline back with us. We’d searched

everywhere for her, my mother tried contacting Cassius again, but he’d completely disappeared. I

guessed that he was hiding. Even though he was powerful and winning the battle, he did get seriously

hurt during the fight.

We all knew he wouldn’t dare kill her. But we didn’t know the condition she was in either. She sacrificed

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

herself for me, and I would never forget it. I couldn’t wait for the chance to return the favor; I lost her

when I was a child, and just when I found her back, I’d lost her again.

“What’s wrong?” Dante asks. “You look distracted.”

Everyone turns to look at me.

“I’m worried about Caroline,” I confess. “I feel terrible that she gave everything up for me.”

“We will find her, Willow,” Autumn promises me. “I know how difficult this must be for you. First, you lost

Anya, and now Caroline has been kidnapped by our brother. I still can’t believe he’s turned so evil. I

wish there were a chance for us to meet him in the past and prevent him from losing himself.”

Clarissa nods, “I keep getting back memories from my past every single day. He wasn’t always this evil.

He was a normal boy who enjoyed playing and doing fun things. I can’t believe we’ve lost him before

getting to know him better.”

We were all in pain for different reasons, but I was still grateful that we had each other to comfort us

during these difficult times.

“This is a happy occasion. We have a baby on the way, and we’re all still alive despite the many, many

challenges. As long as we are together, we can face anything!” Atticus says as we all raise our glasses.

Later that day, exactly five minutes to midnight, Dante entered our room with a look of longing in his

eyes. I could see every raw emotion on his face as he watched me like I was his next meal.

“It’s not midnight yet.” I tease him.

“You don’t need to remind me.” He growls as he takes a step towards me.

I take one back, and he doesn’t stop until I’m jammed against the wall, but still, he wasn’t touching me.

“Three minutes left.” He whispers. “I’m counting down the seconds.”

He didn’t do anything but stare into my eyes, and I could feel myself grow wet between my legs without

him even touching a single hair on my body.

He leaned in closer so that his lips were inches away from mine. Both of his hands were on the wall to

the sides of me.

“Three,” he whispers. “Two.”

I could hardly breathe. I needed this.

“One—” he doesn’t even finish when his mouth crashes down on mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tightly as he lifted me off the ground. I moaned loudly

into his mouth. His grip was firm, and he held me like I was the most precious thing in the world to him.

I felt safe and desired in his arms.

“I love you, Willow.” He growls against my lips. “Keeping my hands and lips off you these two weeks

has been the hardest f*****g thing I’ve ever had to do. I need you every second of every day. I don’t

want to spend a day without having you in my arms again.”

I bit down hard on his lip, and he growled even louder.

“I’ll f*****g die if I don’t get inside of you now.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” I gasp. “It’s been hard for me also. These pregnancy hormones are

driving me insane. I’ve been needing you since the first night.”

He pulls my hair back and glares, “You’ve needed me all this time, and you didn’t think to tell me?” He

demands. “I’m okay with suffering myself, but I cannot live with myself if I don’t spend the rest of my life

giving you exactly what you want and need.”

“Relax,” I whisper. “I have you now.”

He rips my dress from my body, and he looks pleased when he finds me wearing nothing underneath.

“I knew you would come for me,” I whisper as I run my hands down his bare chest. “I didn’t want

anything between us. I wanted to be ready for this.”

I’ve been ready for it a long time now.

He grabbed both of my breasts in his hands and squeezed it tightly. “I’ve missed them so much. They

fit perfectly in my hands, just like they always do.”

I gasped when he took my n****e into his mouth before moving to the next one.

I desperately unbutton his pants, and he helps me. We were both desperate for one thing.

I cried out when I felt him down there. It’s bigger than I remembered it. I can feel the hunger pulsing as

it waits to get inside me.

“Look at me.” He growls, and I do.

Without warning, he slams into me, and I scream his name.

“You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted, Willow.” He whispers as he leaves kisses on my neck.

“Thank you for coming into my life and being my reason to live.”

I smile and pull his lips against mine. I kissed him with all the love I felt for him. I gasped when he

began to move inside of me. Dante pounds in and out of me like it’s our last time together. It’s better

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

than any time we’ve been this close together. Nothing is keeping us apart anymore. Nothing and no

one will ever separate us again.

He roars when he climaxes, and I hold him close against me as he releases.

“I love you Dante.” I cry. “I love you so much.”


. . .


Hi, my beautiful readers; thank you for staying for another of my stories. Your support always means

the world to me. I would like to thank my loyal readers for continuing to support my book through it all. I

hope that you’ve enjoyed this story and will continue to enjoy my future stories as well.

The following story will focus on Scarlett and Carter. The book’s title is ‘Dirty Desires’ and will continue

here as book four. The first few chapters have already been posted.


What do you do when your older sister asks you to make her ex-boyfriend fall in love with you and

break his heart like he broke hers? You say yes, of course. Family comes first. Now, what do you do

when you begin to fall for the player who broke your sister’s heart? You fight your feelings, of course. . .

Or kiss him under the moonlight and pray you can tell her the truth one day.

Nineteen-year-old Scarlett Mae has her peaceful life turned upside down when her sister asks her for a

crazy favor- to make her ex-boyfriend fall for her. Scarlett stupidly accepts her sister’s requests but

soon realizes she underestimated Carter Prince’s ability to woo a woman. Now she’s fighting back her

feelings and hiding the truth from her sister, but all secrets eventually must come to light; is anyone

ready to face it?

Here is a sneak peek:


No one knew the real reason I ended things with Clara. I was supposed to stay away from any woman

that was too good for me. Then Clara’s pretty sister started looking my way. Scarlett was everything I

knew to stay away from. She was too gentle, too innocent for me. My ways would rip her apart if she

ever let me near her heart. But still, I can’t seem to stop going after her. I know it’s f*****g wrong. I know

I should stay away, but every time I see her pretty face, I want to pull her panties down and suck on her

p***y. s*x was my weakness. Not being able to have a mate was another one. And Scarlett has just

been added to my list. I knew all I needed was one taste, and she would be in danger. That’s why, no

matter what she offers me, I have to keep her far away. I can never sleep with Scarlett Mae. She was

off-limits. Off-fucking-limits.