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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 269
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 269

Book 4 Chapter 4

“I don’t think you’re hearing yourself right now. Carter is YOUR ex-boyfriend. Why would I try to make

him fall in love with me?” I ask her. “That’s too insane. I don’t like the guy; spending any time at all with

him would be t*****e. I don’t want to be around him. I much rather lay in my bed, reading a romance


“Please,” Clara begs me. “You’re the only one I trust to do this for me. He will never expect someone

like you to do something like this.”

“Someone like me?” I ask.

“Yes, you don’t care for him at all. So the mere fact that you’ll suddenly be showing him any attention at

all would throw him off guard. If you surprise him, he will not be prepared at all.”

“I don’t think you’re listening to yourself here, Clara,” I hiss. “This is your ex-boyfriend. Carter Prince.

The guy you were once in love with and probably still are. You’re asking me to pretend to have feelings

for him and also to make him have feelings for me. Are you not hearing how insane this sounds? First,

he would never fall for it; I’m nothing like the girls he goes for. Carter likes a certain type; you belong to

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the category of girls he dates. The popular, drop-dead gorgeous kind. I’m neither of those two, and the

only time he noticed me was when I punched him in the face, which is something that would get

anyone to notice me.”

“I have to agree with Scarlett,” Jenna finally cuts in. “Getting her to flirt with Carter is not a good idea.

She’s your sister; I don’t think even Carter would fall for that. As bad as he is, I doubt he would want to

try dating the girl that punched him. Plus, I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but Scarlett doesn’t know

how to flirt at all.”

I roll my eyes at her, “and you have all the experience in the world?”

“Hey,” she pouts, “I was only trying to help you escape this. No need to point out the obvious.”

“She doesn’t need to know how to flirt or even be the most popular girl in school,” Clara tells us. “If you

haven’t noticed already, I’m the most popular girl in school, and that still wasn’t enough to let him fall in

love with me. Carter will fall for a woman that’s hard to get. None of the women around him poses a

challenge. They all threw themselves at him, including me; I gave in very easily. He needs a girl like

you, someone who’s hard to get, someone who puts up a fight and doesn’t let him get his way easily. It

will be easy for you to do this because you don’t like him. You won’t fall for his charms, and he will be

the only one falling. Believe me, Scarlett, I can get him to fall in love with you. And if you’re worried

about your image, I can fix that. You are beautiful; you hide behind big sweaters. I’ll get your hair and

makeup done, give you some of my outfits, or maybe we can go shopping. Whatever it is, I can make

him fall head over heels for you. I know the things he likes. If you show the same interest, he will

definitely want to get closer to you. Make him think that you are friends at first. Do everything slowly; if

it moves too fast, he will get over you as quickly as he got over me and all the other girls he screwed


“I find it hard to believe that you just came up with this plan,” I say. “It seems you’ve had much time to

think about it.”

“It was on my mind since last night,” she confesses. “I just wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do, but

after seeing Carter with that other girl today. I know that I want to see him suffer. It’s unfair that he gets

to be happy after destroying my life.”

I groan and drop my head on Jenna’s shoulder. She gently pats me on the head as my sister waits for

me to answer.

“Please, Scarlett,” she begs one more time. “Like I said, you’re the only one I trust to do this. Any other

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girl would fall for Carter before he can fall for them. You’re the only woman I know who thinks he’s

stupid or isn’t worth the hype. I never ask you to help me with anything. It’s the only time I ask you to do

something for me. Will you help me?”

She was right. She never asked me for my help before. At least not for anything like this.

I raise my head off Jenna’s shoulder and turn towards my sister, “I’m only doing this because you’re my

sister, and I also want to see Carter suffer for his foolish ways. But don’t blame me if this plan fails. I

don’t think I can ever make someone like him fall in love with someone like me. I still think it will not

work. But if this is what you want me to do, I will do it for you. I will help you, sister, but only because I

care for you.”

Clara screamed with excitement the moment that I agreed to help her. My eyes widen as someone

walks in and hears her crying.

“Ha, ha,” I say awkwardly, faking my laugh. “We’re just practicing screaming for class. You know,

normal girl stuff.”

The girls look at us like we’re crazy until they spot my sister.

“Hi Clara,” she says nervously. “We heard what happened with Carter. He’s a jerk.”

Clara smiles and thanks them before we walk out of the bathroom.

I couldn’t believe what I just did.

Did I truly agree to get Carter Prince to fall in love with me?