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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 274
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 274

Book 4 Chapter 9


It was official; my sister had utterly lost her mind. That’s the only explanation for the tiny piece of cloth

she chose for me to wear at the party tonight.

She must really hate me. Carter wasn’t the one she was taking revenge on at this point; it was me!

“You look stunning!” She compliments me while I look at her like she is my greatest enemy.

“I’m barely covering anything!” I exclaim as I stare at myself in the mirror. It’s a navy blue two-piece that

showed too much skin. I was completely uncomfortable wearing this in front of hundreds of people I

didn’t even like.

“I want a wrap to go with this,” I complain.

Clara sighs, “You’re not going to catch Carter’s attention with a wrap around your body.”

I didn’t care about that; I cared about hiding my body from all the creeps that would be staring at me for

all of the wrong reasons!

“I don’t understand how you’re so okay with your ex-boyfriend eyeing your sister. This still feels so

wrong to me. Are you sure we’re doing the right thing?” I ask her. “How can you be okay with Carter

staring at me like I was his next victim? I am sure as hell not okay with it. How can you be?”

I thought by now she would change her mind about the entire thing, but I was being proven wrong. My

sister seemed more determined than ever to get back at Carter by making him fall in love with me.

She would do every damn thing possible to make him pay for what he did to her, and while I was so

happy to be a part of it, I didn’t want to do it this way.

Her eyes turn watery, and I bite my lip. I didn’t want to make her sad.

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“Ever since I met Carter, since the first time I laid my eyes on him, he was everything to me. I would do

everything to be near him; I would put my life on hold to make him better. I fell head over heels in love

with him, and all this time, I thought that he felt the same about me. Do you understand what it means

to find out that the man you thought loved you was sleeping around with multiple girls all along? He

destroyed all of the dreams I had for the both of us. I thought we would start a family together and even

grow old together. Everything was destroyed in a few minutes. He didn’t try to fight for me, and not

once did he apologize to me. I know that I’m asking plenty of you, but I can’t think of anyone else that I

trust enough to do this for me. Anyone else would fall the moment Carter turned on his charm. With

you, I know that no matter what he does, you will keep a clear head. I know that you would end things

the moment that he falls for you. I trust you, Scarlett; it’s the only reason I’m asking you to do this for

me. You’re the only person I trust this much. I hate to put you through this, but you’re the only one I

have.” She cries, and my heart breaks.

I knew my sister was hurt over this, but I didn’t think she was this in love with Carter. I always knew she

was crazy over him, but I never expected her to be so completely broken over their breakup. I thought

she would have eventually found a way to pick herself up like she usually did. He was so wrong for

breaking her and not even having the decency to apologize for what he’d done.

She was right. Who else could she trust to do this without them falling in love with him? All the girls at

the academy were in love with him, while I disliked him so much. There was no way that I would let his

charms get to me. I was immune to his flirtatious ways.

“I’m so going to rock this bathing suit,” I tell her as I pose in front of the mirror. “Do you think he would

like me like this? Or should I pose a different way?”

She laughs, “it doesn’t matter how you pose. You look hot either way. The moment you enter the party,

his eyes will be on you. As far as I know, Carter has had almost every popular girl in school. You will be

the first that he hasn’t gotten his claws on. It would drive him crazy. And that’s exactly what we want:

Carter Prince going all crazy for innocent Scarlett Mae.”

I don’t know how Clara is this strong to let another woman try and catch the attention of her ex-

boyfriend, knowing it’s her sister. I don’t know where she finds the strength. But maybe it’s okay

because she knows that I’m probably one of the only girls that didn’t see Carter in that way. No matter

how good-looking he was. He was too good-looking for his rotten personality. It was a waste of such

handsome features.

I only saw a spoiled rich boy who had to have every woman that crossed his path. A man that had eyes

for one woman alone was more attractive in my eyes. Carter was just a little boy that enjoyed sleeping


I take a second to look at my sister.

“You look beautiful,” I compliment her. “You always do. Carter is so dumb for letting you go. Hopefully,

he realizes that tonight instead of noticing me.”

I was praying for this to happen. I wanted his eyes on her, not me.

“I know you hate being in the spotlight, but I think it’s safe to say you’ll have everyone’s attention

tonight.” She tells me.

I hope that she was wrong. I didn’t want to be the center of attention for any event, including this one.

She grabs the key from her desk, and I follow her out the door. Our parents were asleep, and we didn’t

bother waking them. They knew we would be out partying tonight. Or maybe they knew that Clara

would be out; they wouldn’t expect me to be a part of a pool party.

It takes us an hour to reach the house. I can’t remember the person’s name hosting the party, but I

don’t think that’s important. Once Clara knew how to get me in without any problems.

Jenna joins us at the front entrance, and we get into the party without any problems, to my surprise. I

guess no one really ever said no to my sister. Except Carter, of course, but he was an exception.

“I can’t believe we’re inside a party filled with all the popular kids. How crazy is this, Scarlett?” She asks

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“Yeah,” I say dryly. “Crazy indeed.”

“Do you see Carter anywhere?” Clara asks me as she searches the crowd for him. There were so

many people here that I doubted we could find him easily.

“Look for the man surrounded by the most girls.” I point out. I was sure that he wouldn’t be here with

just one girl. It was a pool party; after all, he had to show all his friends that he could get more than one

girl without any problems.


“I don’t think he’s inside here,” Jenna says, helping us search for him.

“Let’s go out to the pool area,” Clara suggests as we follow her from one room to the next before we

finally reach the door towards the pool.

When we’re finally outside, it’s not hard to spot Carter. He’s leaned against the wall with two girls on

either side of his arms. He’s sticking his tongue down one of the girl’s throats while the other girl is

rubbing her hands down his chest; if given the chance, she would go even lower. It made me sick just

looking at it. I didn’t want to imagine how Clara felt having to see this.

Carter didn’t care about anyone but himself.

“Are you okay?” I ask her.

I could see the tears in her eyes; she was fighting hard to stop them from streaming down her cheeks.

She looks away for a second and tries to compose herself.

“I will be,” she tells me. “He may be happy right now, but with your help, I will have him on his knees.

Once he’s on his knees begging for my forgiveness, I know I’ll be happy again. I want to see the same

broken look on his face. I want him to suffer for hurting me like this.”

Jenna looks at me and we both try to comfort her. I felt like walking over to Carter and punching him for

a second time.

This revenge means plenty to my sister. This was the chance for her to make him pay. I had to do this

for her, no matter how much I hated it.