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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea

Chapter 716
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Chap 716


Chapter 716

Andrius unexpectedly still cared about the Crestfalls.

Dax looked at Andrius and sighed. “You’re quite sentimental.”

Andrius smiled and said, “Old Hagstorm saved me and raised me, showing me great kindness. Furthermore,

Grandpa Belarus saved his life. I would be an unworthy disciple if I forgot this debt of gratitude.”

Dax did not say anything more and just gave Andrius a thumbs–up.

Nothing had to be said.

These days they spent together were enough for him to understand what kind of person Andrius was.

“Well, I’ll take care of the Southern Warzone.” Dax patted Andrius‘ shoulder, leaped off the balcony, and left behind

his voice in the wind. “Do whatever you want boldly. I won’t hold you back.”

Andrius’s thoughts drifted away as he watched Dax’s departing figure.

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From the current situation, it seemed that Registus must have played a significant role in the Klein massacre 20

years ago.

However, the exact details were still unclear according to the details they had now.

Andrius pondered over it but was still clueless.

At night, the wind started to pick up, whistling and howling. It was accompanied by the bitter cold and ruthless



Thunder rumbled, resounding one after another. It was almost identical to the scenes at the western border from

those days.

In an instant, rain permeated every corner of Sumeria. The surging force poured from the heavens down to the


At the same time, bad news continued to come from the western border.

It was like explosions on the horizon, making people panic and feel uneasy.

At 10 p.m. outside Griffin Pass, the Western Nations dispatched a million troops and launched a barrage of artillery


Over a thousand fighter jets took off, along with tens of thousands of tanks and nearly a hundred thousand artillery


The formidable firepower reduced Griffin Pass, the entrance to the western part of Florence, to ruins. The

Lycantroops stationed there were all killed without exception.

Griffin Pass fell in just half an hour!

At 11 p.m., the Western Nations pushed forward with an unstoppable momentum. They swept through each

stronghold and destroyed every defensive position. Wherever they went, their firepower was released, leaving no

trace of any fortifications or soldiers.

At 3 a.m., the army broke through checkpoint after checkpoint as if conquering uninhabited territory.

In just a few hours, they occupied almost a fifth of the western territory in Florence. They were now less than 300

kilometers away from Yatburg, the capital of the Western Warzone!



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Their accomplishments and the situation astonished the world.

Florence trembled!

They came too quickly and too suddenly.

In just one night, Florence was already in turmoil.

“H–how could the Western Nations suddenly unite and send five million troops to attack us?”

“Five million troops, along with the combined elite and technology of dozens of countries. Even though the

Lycantroops are known to be invincible, they might not be able to withstand it!”

“Could God be giving Florence a trial?”

“It’s a shame that the Wolf King has already passed away. Otherwise, those foreign barbarians would never have

dared to flaunt their power! We would’ve crushed them on the spot!”

Since the war broke out at ten, most Florencians had not gone to sleep yet.

Furthermore, they were all paying attention to the changing international situation.

The people of Florence immediately panicked when they heard the news.

At that moment, a headline appeared on various major news outlets, coming from officials in Kiyoto. “The Wolf King

is not dead. His loyal spirit prevails! He will restore peace and stability to the nation!”

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