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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 110
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Part 2 Chapter 30

Ben’s POV

I got myself a second chance mate, well actually I am her first mate but it still feels like I have been

granted a second chance mate. But this time she is a hybrid. A hybrid between witch, wolf and


For the grand meeting, I took some time off and the king understood my reasons so I went with

Samantha to her home. She lives in a small house on the borders to the human town, the house arent

very big on the outside but it’s way bigger on the inside. Must be magic.

She lives an ordinary life, no hobbies but I did notice that she likes to take photos of things. She said

she likes it because time stands still in the photo even after 100 years. I have never thought about it

like that. But I suppose she is right. A photo is a frozen moment, always still never going forward.

Beautiful. Ugly. Sad. Happy. Ever after.

I followed her to her work and even though we didn’t talk much I like being near her. Today she has a

long drive and I can’t come so I am wandering around the mall where Ares and Anna were with me


I walk into a clothing store, looking at baby clothes for baby Hannes but I am completely lost in this

jungle of clothes. I look around and see a young girl working in the store so I go up to her.

“Hello, miss, I need your help” I say and smile and she turns to

look at me. She smiles as well and I see a glimpse of the mark on her neck.

“Hello, of course I can help you. What are you looking for?” She answers happily and I nod.

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“Well I am looking for baby clothes for a baby boy, he is a month old but grows quickly” I say and she

smiles a knowing smile.

“Oh, is he a four or a two?” she asks and answer that he is two. She nods and seems to think but then

she guides me through the store.

It is known that lycans grow faster than werewolves so I bet she knows what I need. She takes up a

basket and wonders how much clothes he already has but I shrug. So she picks out bodys in a blue

color, like five of different sizes and then one piece, socks, pants, pajamas, scarfs and some other tiny

but cute stuff.

“Great, do you have any bags for things like diapers and other stuff?” I ask and she giggles and nods

her head.

“Yes, we have different sizes as well and colors, come here I will show you” she says and guides me to

the shelf with all the bags and I look probably lost because she takes down two- bags.

One is really small and the other is big.

“The small one is really good if you keep it on the stroller or just need it at home and the big one you

will need if you are going to let someone else have the baby and you need to pack a lot of stuff in it.”

she says and I feel so lost. I am not ready for a baby yet.

I look up towards the bags and smile when I see one that is really cute. It’s a light blue moon with stars

on it.

“Oh that one is really cute but not everyone likes that pattern so we actually have that one on sale right

now. And if you are interested it comes in a set” She smiles and I feel that I am getting played but what

the heck, why not?

When I left the store like an hour later I had five bags with me full of stuff for baby Hannes. To think it

would be so hard to shop for a baby and the king even sent me to shop for a baby stroller.

Now I need to find a store where I can find one of those

things. I look around to find a map over this place or someone to guide me there. It’s a myth you know

that guys won’t stop and ask for directions.. It happens like one time in a hundred years or so..

“So you have a kid then?” Samantha says and I turn around to see her standing there leaning onto the

wall and I smile as I see her.

“Nope, not mine, but I was sent to buy stuff so .. Here I am..” I say and she seems a bit happier by my


“What do you need more then?” She asks and I sigh as I look at all the bags.

“A baby stroller but that can’t be so hard to find right?” I say and she laughs.

“Are you crazy?” That is another jungle, believe me” She says and laughs as she takes the lead and

helps me to go into the right store.

Samantha was right. There are over a hundred different strollers here and I don’t understand


1 walk over to a guy that works in the store.

“Hello. I want to buy a stroller but I am so new at this so I don’t know what to get.” I say and he smiles

and I notice that he is a werewolf and he smells like the girl in the clothing store.

“Hi.” Let me guess you are the one that bought a lot of baby clothes and my girlfriend held you captive

in the store for more than two hours?” he says and I stare at him.

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“Oh I thought it was only one hour or perhaps that was what I wished” I say and laughs and he laughs

with me.

“Okay, you need a stroller for a baby boy that is “lycan” isn’t that right? He asks while whispering the

word “lycan”


“Yes, exactly.” We need a stroller that can handle anything, like a castle, stairs, grovel and forest

without a problem ” I say and he seems amused.

“Of course the boy are going to grow faster than what we are used to, so you need a stroller where you

can shift the seats after age.” he said while thinking.

He begins to walk and wave a woman over and he explains what we are looking for and she nods but

when she looks at me.. ugh..

She looks at me like she wants to eat me up.

After 20 minutes we found the perfect stroller, but I could have taken the first we saw but that one

wasn’t any good apparently. Whatever I am so tired after this shopping trip.

Samantha is still having fun after that woman in the stroller shop, she tried so hard to show me that she

wanted me that she even tried to loose some of her button in the blouse she was wearing.

But she got caught with her nails in one of them and when she ripped her nail and all the other buttons

so her breasts just popped out of her blouse.

And the guy that had helped me sighed and told her that no one wanted to look at those tiny grapes

that she was so proud of.

We were having a good time when Helios rang my phone and I answered but his voice was in total

panic when I answered.

“Ben, come home right now, Nora she is.. dead”